Suggest correction - #4212 - 2002-12-17

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    $1200 16
Now officially made by Inglasco for the pros, these were originally made from frozen cow dung in Canada

Show #4212 - Tuesday, December 17, 2002


Tom Lundregan, a computer network manager from Springfield, Virginia

Catherine Pritchard, a newspaper columnist from Fayetteville, North Carolina

Elizabeth Baxter, a college student from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $7,100)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: What's the next one? I LOVE TO BOOGIE... no!)
    $200 16
The Bluebird Cafe in this Tenn. city was featured prominently in the River Phoenix film "The Thing Called Love"
    $200 26
Famed Argentine composer Alberto Ginastera drew from the dances & songs of these cowboys in his early works
    $200 6
This character is the narrator of the classic Charlotte Bronte novel "Jane Eyre"
    $200 11
Each of these is made up of 4 kinds of tissue: pulp, dentin, enamel & cementum
    $200 21
It's the classic No. 1 hit that says, "You saw me standing alone, without a dream in my heart"
    $200 1
When having a casual conversation, you do this to "the rag" or "the fat"
    $400 17
Beach music lives at the Rock 'N Roll Beach Club at this Florida theme park's Pleasure Island
    $400 27
More than 2/3 of Argentina's population lives in this fertile plain that has some of the world's best topsoil
    $400 7
Her 2000 debut album was titled "Who is Jill Scott?"
    $400 12
As their name suggests, these female reproductive organs produce the eggs
    $400 22
In a 2002 episode of "Sex and the City", Carrie & Mr. Big danced to this Andy Williams classic
    $400 2
Speak slowly with -- pauses; -- "He who" -- does it "is -- lost"
    $600 18
Rah-rah for Ra, a nightclub named for an Egyptian sun god at this Las Vegas hotel
    $600 28
Ushuaia, the world's southernmost city, lies on this island territory of Argentina
    $600 8
(Hi, I'm Jeff Probst.) Parts of this 2000 Leonardo DiCaprio movie were filmed nearby on the beach of Thailand's Phi Phi Island
    $600 13
This slender, closed tube that extends from the large intestine may become inflamed & even burst
    $600 23
This No. 2 hit by CCR warns, "Looks like we're in for nasty weather"
    $600 3
Change one letter in yabber, Australian for "to talk foolishly", & you get this, "to talk rapidly"
    $800 19
Don't make an ass of yourself at "The Donkey Show" -- an interactive disco version of this "seasonal" Shakespeare saga
    DD: $2,000 29
Both Argentina & the Rio de la Plata derive their names from the Latin word for this
    $800 9
The flag of this union of European countries has a circle of 12 gold stars on a field of blue
    $800 14
The uvula is that fleshy piece at the back of the throat & the uvea is the pigmented middle layer of this organ
    $800 24
A 1955 film made this standard, heard here, a classic
    $800 4
Add this letter to "utter" to get a word meaning "to utter in low, unclear tones"
    $1000 20
Dallas' Longhorn Ballroom, site of an infamous Sex Pistols concert, was once run by this man who shot Lee Harvey Oswald
    $1000 30
Argentina has 2 major political parties: the radical Civic Union & the Justicialist Party, also called this
    $1000 10
This stone is so named because it was first made in the city of Strasbourg, on the Rhine River
    $1000 15
A stroke may leave you unable to speak if it damages the brain "area" named for this French surgeon
    $1000 25
This 1993 song by R.E.M. was a tribute to Andy Kaufman
    $1000 5
It means "to speak pompously & dogmatically" or, a little better, "to speak like a pope"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Elizabeth Catherine Tom
$4,600 $200 $3,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Elizabeth Catherine Tom
$6,600 $1,400 $4,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will begin with the letter "A" & end with a letter; it might be "Z", it might be a letter just short of "Z".)
    $400 19
Originally, a knight was knighted with a blow of the hand; mercifully, that was replaced by a tap with this
    $400 14
One name for this sport derives from the Latin "pugnare", to fight with fists
    $400 6
Henry Fleming appears in this author's short story "Lynx-Hunting" as well as in "The Red Badge of Courage"
    $400 9
In 1963 JFK donated his Pulitzer Prize money from this book to the United Negro College Fund
    $400 26
Since 1867 all the P.M.s, except for 2 Unionists, have been from 1 of these 2 parties
    $400 1
It's a big bird house
    $800 20
When a future knight was about 7, he began serving as one of these (with the appropriate hairstyle)
    $800 15
This 2-word term meaning "large prize" in French refers to a Formula 1 championship auto race
    $800 7
His classic short stories include "The Undefeated" & "The Killers"
    $800 10
Collectively, the 11 members of this organization supply about 40% of the world's oil output
    $800 2
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew looks at a picture of Alex on the wall.) Hmmm, that picture is offending my aesthetic sensibilities; it's slightly this, but I'll fix it
    $1200 21
Attention, Theodore Cleaver: "Leave it to" this piece of armor that protected a knight's mouth & chin
    $1200 16
Now officially made by Inglasco for the pros, these were originally made from frozen cow dung in Canada
    $1200 8
Dorothy Parker wrote a story about Hazel Morse, the title "Big" one of these
    $1200 11
Since 1920 the organization known by these 4 letters has helped defend the rights & freedoms of our people
    $1200 3
Figure out how much gold's in your ore
    DD: $3,000 22
Knights know that jousting is the official state sport of this U.S. state founded by an English lord
    $1600 17
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is credited with perfecting this shot aka a high hook shot
    $1600 24
"A Good Man is Hard to Find" is a collection of short stories by this "Wise Blood" author
    DD: $2,000 12
This actress' daughter, Princess Yasmin Aga Khan, is president of Alzheimer's Disease International
    $1600 4
Well, this is a big letdown
    $2000 23
Knights are moved to tears at the mere thought of this Gilbert & Sullivan operetta set at the Tower of London
    $2000 18
Similar to 10-pin bowling is this "avian" variety using shorter & squatter pins
    $2000 25
His first book, "Cabbages and Kings", is a series of loosely-linked short stories about adventures in Central America
    $2000 13
If you're really smart, you might know that this organization's name means "table" in Latin
    $2000 27
The first Canadian to win the Nobel Peace Prize (he did it in 1957), he retired as P.M. in 1968
    $2000 5
A symbolic narrative; Piers Plowman starred in a famous one

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Elizabeth Catherine Tom
$17,200 $3,000 $5,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

It takes approximately 24,840 mph to achieve this

Final scores:

Elizabeth Catherine Tom
$11,200 $300 $5,199
2-day champion: $18,300 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Elizabeth Catherine Tom
$17,800 $3,000 $7,600
23 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
9 R,
2 W
13 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $28,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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