Suggest correction - #4236 - 2003-01-20

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    $800 25
Scientists classify ducks into 8 separate groups called these; Native Americans are classified in the same way

Show #4236 - Monday, January 20, 2003


Mark Epstein, an attorney from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Karen Wood, an access services and systems librarian from Home, Pennsylvania

Sarah Mauldin, a librarian from Austin, Texas (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $36,400)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to name the show that featured each pop or dad.)
    $200 1
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew at the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit) The car that carried JFK on this fateful date was later modified & used by other presidents
    $200 5
Al Bundy
    $200 21
Waterfowl may fly in this formation to reduce drag, or maybe they're playing follow the leader
    $200 23
With its green tomato ketchup such a success, Heinz followed it with a new one in 2001 in this color
    $200 16
Elvis Presley Enterprises is putting a colorized Elvis face on the front of this state's quarters
    $200 11
With names like Michelangelo & Black Widow, they're designed to vandalize your computer system
    $400 2
This gangster couple liked their Model A so much that they wrote a fan letter to Henry Ford
    $400 6
Martin Crane
    $400 22
4-letter term for soft, fluffy goose feathers used in pillows & insulating material for outdoor clothing
    $400 28
The first tomatoes Europeans saw were yellow, hence the nickname of golden these
    $400 17
Congress said no more live people could be depicted after bureau chief L.M. Clark put this man's portrait on the 5-cent note
    $400 12
"You've Come a Long Way, Baby" was the classic tagline of these cigarettes
    $600 3
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew at the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit) With a spin in a Stanley Steamer in Ohio in 1901, this man became the first U.S. president to ride in a car
    $600 7
Charles Ingalls
    $600 24
Most domestic ducks descend from this wild species in which the male has a glossy green head & white neck ring
    $600 18
Legislation in 1955 ordered this phrase on all coins & currency; it was made the national motto in 1956
    $600 13
It flows through Kazan & Saratov
    $800 4
A favorite of the rich & famous, this model from Stutz has been called "The Sportscar of the Jazz Age"
    $800 8
Ward Cleaver
    $800 25
Scientists classify ducks into 8 separate groups called these; Native Americans are classified in the same way
    $800 29
This type of tomato is large, deep red, has 9 letters & sounds like it comes from your butcher
    $800 19
Of the $539 billion of U.S. currency in circulation worldwide in July 2000, over $364 billion was in this denomination
    $800 14
God bless this author of "God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater"
    $1000 10
In Chicago in 1936, Oscar Mayer introduced the car with this highly descriptive name
    $1000 9
Red Forman
    $1000 26
In Europe. geese are force-fed to develop fatty livers used to prepare this delicacy
    $1000 27
Tomato plants have 12 pairs of these for a diploid number of 24
    DD: $1,000 20
Of the 6 current standard U.S. coin denominations, it's the one with 2 people on the front
    $1000 15
The third most populous city in Spain, it's known for its silks & its oranges

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sarah Karen Mark
$1,600 $0 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sarah Karen Mark
-$800 $4,200 $4,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: This is Martin Luther King Day.)
    $400 11
Aslan's How is a sight that's not to be missed in this land chronicled by C.S. Lewis
    $400 22
In 1998 Ray Liotta played this leader of the pack -- "The Rat Pack"
    $400 1
The 1957 Civil Rights Act set up a Civil Rights division in this cabinet department
    $400 21
This capsule could have sung, "If you're over in a jam here I am", John Glenn
    $400 16
This French river empties into the English Channel near Le Havre
    $400 4
A fibrous, absorbent skeleton of certain marine invertebrates used for cleaning
    $800 12
This name refers to both a lamasery & the valley in Tibet that it overlooks
    $800 23
His rowdy TV movie portrayal of Hank Williams Jr. was a far cry from his role as John-Boy Walton
    $800 2
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew singing at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta; Alex gives the clue) Based on a gospel song, it became an anthem of the civil rights movement
    $800 27
The name of this capsule Gus Grissom rode rings true (it sank when the hatch was cracked)
    $800 17
Sighted by Lewis & Clark in 1805, this 1,038-mile-long river was first called the Lewis Fork of the Columbia River
    $800 5
This dictator was born on December 21, 1879 in the city of Gori, Georgia
    $1200 13
In a Thomas More book, Raphael Nonsenso tells of this land
    $1200 24
(Hi, I'm Jane Seymour) I won an Emmy for playing this singer in the miniseries "Onassis: The Richest Man in the World"
    $1200 3
The court case Missouri ex rel. Gaines was part of the NAACP's long challenge to segregation in these institutions
    $1200 28
Sigma 7 was piloted by this astronaut named Wally
    DD: $2,000 18
The forest around it is called the "Lungs of the World" because it supplies so much of the Earth's oxygen
    $1200 6
This auto company whose logo is seen here began as one of Sweden's main builders of military aircraft
    DD: $3,000 14
Mildendo, a city on this island, is surrounded by walls that are 2 1/2 feet high & 11 inches wide
    $1600 25
Critics sang the praises of Diana Ross when she made her big-screen debut in this role
    $1600 9
On the 4th of July in 1965, 2 years after "I Have a Dream", Martin Luther King preached on this "dream"
    $1600 19
This river is navigable for 500 miles from Basel, Switzerland to its mouth at the North Sea
    $1600 7
Used in making aspirin, this acid comes from the bark of the willow tree
    $2000 15
Samuel Butler's creation of this title place was influenced by Darwin's "Origin of Species"
    $2000 26
In "Sugartime" Mary-Louise Parker played Phyllis of these singing sisters & romanced Sam Giancana
    $2000 10
When shot in 1963, Medgar Evers was carrying shirts with the slogan this character, a segregation symbol, "Must Go"
    $2000 20
This river forms most of the border between China & North Korea
    $2000 8
From the Arabic term for "man of wool", it's the term used for a Muslim mystic

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sarah Karen Mark
$8,600 $8,600 $12,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Say a prayer, make a wager!)
It's believed that this patron saint founded many monasteries, including one at Mynyw

Final scores:

Sarah Karen Mark
$1,600 $600 $12,200
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $12,200

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Sarah Karen Mark
$6,400 $8,600 $12,200
14 R
(including 2 DDs),
6 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
13 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $27,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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