Suggest correction - #3173 - 1998-05-20

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    $100 11
This city's King's Road & Carnaby Street were hot scene of '60s fashion

Show #3173 - Wednesday, May 20, 1998


Margaret Shufeldt, a homemaker and Ph.D. candidate from Atlanta, Georgia

Louis Cohen, a language teacher from Waterford, Connecticut

Jesse Lewis, a copy editor from Fanwood, New Jersey (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $12,600)

Jeopardy! Round

THE '60s
    $100 1
To earn one of these, a Boy Scout must learn 15 bugle calls
    $100 18
In 1992 Chevy Chase was on the run in "Memoirs of an Invisible Man"; in 1993 Harrison Ford fled in this film
    $100 4
Perrault's version of this classic story was subtitled "Or the Little Glass Slipper"
    $100 11
This city's King's Road & Carnaby Street were hot scene of '60s fashion
    $100 16
The bigger they come, the harder they smell
    $100 17
One review of this 1967 film said Newman plays "a tough nut" who "refuses to crack under pressure"
    $200 2
The bugle call in the clip seen here, signals this group's imminent arrival:
    $200 23
For Ford, it was "Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round" in 1966; for Chevy, "The Groove Tube" in 1974
    $200 5
The frontispiece of this Robert Louis Stevenson book featured a detailed map
    $200 12
Movie rating given "The Killing of Sister George" in 1968 & "Midnight Cowboy" in 1969
    $200 19
A friend in greed is a friend in seed
    $200 24
Kraft warns not to use the microwave to thaw this dessert topper, first sold nationally in 1968
    $300 3
Its unofficial lyrics include:
"Day is done,
gone the sun,
from the lake,
from the hill,
from the sky"
    $300 26
The February 1997 re-release of "The Empire Strikes Back" went up against this Chevy sequel
    $300 8
"The great swans swam round him, stroking him welcomingly"
    $300 13
This couple, who appeared nude on their 1968 record cover, wed in 1969
    $300 20
A schtick in time shaves mine
    $300 25
While you twiddle your thumbs, it's these body parts you "cool"
    $400 6
Title soldier who riffed on Reveille in the 1941 hit heard here:
    DD: $500 27
On "SNL" Chevy was famous for playing Gerald Ford; Ford played the president in this film seen here:
    $400 9
He was "bawn and bred in a brier-patch"
    $400 14
It took 18 days to replace this late pope in 1963
    $400 21
He's got a mind like a steel sieve
    $500 7
At camp, it signals the afternoon roll call; in the field, it means "fall back"
    $500 10
This book begins with the mole "spring-cleaning his little home"
    $500 15
The case of Miranda v. this state went "rights" to the Supreme Court in 1966
    $500 22
Good strings come to those with weight
    $500 28
Born Artis Ivey Jr., this father of 6 picked up the 1995 Best Rap Solo Performance Grammy

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jesse Louis Margaret
$1,100 $1,200 -$500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jesse Louis Margaret
$2,000 $2,400 -$1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 3
This state's seal features 2 cornucopias, 1 containing a couple of spuds
    $200 8
Swimmers do it face up with their arms moving alternately over their heads
    $200 13
Ethel Skakel married this politician in 1950 & bore him 11 children, the last after his death
    $200 16
Lots of folks enrich their supply of this, the body's most abundant mineral, by drinking nonfat milk
    $200 21
Blacksmiths were the original opportunists who "struck while" this was hot
    $400 4
The reverse side of its seal contains the 6 flags of the nations that once ruled it
    $400 9
This game played on a board with 24 spear-shaped points may have evolved from parcheesi
    $400 2
In 1997, a 63-year-old California woman made headlines by setting this Guinness record
    $400 17
Surprisingly, chestnuts contain this vitamin that's most associated with citrus fruit
    $400 22
15 seconds at 160° F. kills this bacterium that in 1997 caused the USA's biggest beef recall
    $600 5
New Jersey's seal shows 3 plows on a shield held by liberty & this Roman goddess of agriculture
    $600 28
In 1965 Giants pitcher Juan Marichal, at the plate with a bat, attacked John Roseboro of this rival team
    $600 10
It's the animal heard here:
    $600 1
Miriam Weinstein & her husband Max provided this name for a film company founded by their sons in 1980
    $600 18
This vegetable found in Eggs a la Florentine is packed with iron
    $600 23
A second after this hypothesized explosion, the temperature was 10 billion degrees kelvin
    DD: $800 6
Its seal was created in 1905 for a proposed state of Sequoyah encompassing 5 Indian republics
    $800 27
This Canadian sprinter was stripped of Olympic gold in 1988 after testing positive for steroids
    $800 11
Using this technique, a person can possibly control his own blood pressure & body temperature
    $800 14
In 1997 Brenda Barnes left the upper echelons of this soda company to be with Generation NEXT, her kids
    $800 19
Found in liver & poultry, this trace mineral filed under "Z" is needed for normal growth
    $800 24
Plain old water is a common coolant for this part of a nuclear reactor you might call the "fission hole"
    $1000 7
A Seminole woman can be seen on its seal spreading flowers along the shore
    $1000 26
For her role in hobbling Nancy Kerrigan, she was banned from the U.S. Figure Skating Association
    $1000 12
Nickname for the University of Arkansas football team
    $1000 15
She's Gwyneth Paltrow's mom, & she played Jonathan Silverman's mom in "Brighton Beach Memoirs"
    DD: $1,000 20
(Hi, I'm Richard Simmons!) Raisins & dried apricots are good sources of this essential mineral whose chemical symbol is K
    $1000 25
Forecasts on this planet called for highs of 800° F. & black skies due to lack of significant atmosphere

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jesse Louis Margaret
$5,000 $8,600 $5,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

1 of the 2 women from the United States who have won the Nobel Prize for Literature

Final scores:

Jesse Louis Margaret
$10,000 $10,401 $9,200
2nd place: a week in Portugal's Costa do Estoril New champion: $10,401 3rd place: a Mead Model 396 telescope

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jesse Louis Margaret
$4,900 $8,600 $5,200
16 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W

Combined Coryat: $18,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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