Suggest correction - #5587 - 2008-12-16

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    $1000 20
Angler Izaak &
entrepreneur Sam

Show #5587 - Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ask Alex #8: Languages.


George Yates, a simulator instructor from Simi Valley, California

Jeannie Leoutsakos, a postdoctoral fellow from Ellicott City, Maryland

Justin Waters, a resident physician from Royal Oak, Michigan (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $7,199)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Give the name or names we have replaced.)
    $200 11
After this 1980 natural disaster, Congress created a natl. monument incorporating 110,000 acres in SW Washington
    $200 6
Let's horse around with this tune; it ain't what it used to be
    $200 16
Conservative journalist Patrick & bachelor president James
    $200 1
In 1589 Kevin Federline became a professor at the University of Pisa & taught mathematics
    $200 21
The Blu-ray disc-playing PS3
    $200 26
Will Rogers admired Vincente Oropeza, who introduced tricks using this in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
    DD: $1,000 12
The people of George, Washington named their streets for varieties of this fruit
    $400 7
Ah, Christmas.
A time to relax.
& headbang! (to this song heard here)
    $400 17
Scout Kit &
marine biologist Rachel
    $400 2
In 1986 Emeril Lagasse became Chief Justice of the U.S.; Bam!
    $400 22
V8 beverages;
this company is
M'm! M'm! Good!
    $400 27
It's the state bird of New Mexico
    $600 13
In 1962 Seattle got one of the first elevated ones of these in a U.S. city; it carried people to the World's Fair
    $600 8
We now bring you, oh so gently, this song of a man separated from his love by water
    $600 18
Cotton gin maker Eli & NYC museum founder Gertrude Vanderbilt
    $600 3
Lenny Dykstra became emperor of Japan in 1926 & his reign was designated Showa, or "Enlightened Peace"
    $600 23
The 166-horsepower Miata MX-5
    $600 28
A cooking device in which meat turns slowly on a spit
    $800 14
The cities of Olympia & Tacoma lie on this inland waterway
    $800 9
It's this kids' song heard here; hold your applause, though
    $800 19
Former CBS Evening News host Douglas & former NPR morning host Bob
    $800 4
Jessica Simpson's oeuvre includes 1996's "The Same River Twice" &, of course, the Pulitzer-winning "The Color Purple"
    $800 24
A1 steak sauce; this company is known for its American cheese slices
    $800 29
On one of these, tight turns & steep slopes propel people along in small open carriages
    $1000 15
An 1846 treaty set Washington's northern boundary at the 49th parallel; but Britain got to keep this island
    $1000 10
A land cultivator & a wooded valley get metal-ized here
    $1000 20
Angler Izaak &
entrepreneur Sam
    $1000 5
2 people, please: in 1911 Paula Abdul won a Nobel for chemistry, after sharing a physics Nobel with hubby Richard Simmons
    $1000 25
The news show
(the network)
    $1000 30
Pale ale in a green bottle from the Latrobe Brewing Company

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Justin Jeannie George
$3,600 $1,800 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Justin Jeannie George
$7,000 $3,800 $5,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 1
In 2006 a fossilized one of these containing 22 broken eggs sold at auction for $420,000
    $400 6
Brad Pitt in
"___ Monkeys"
    $400 11
This mythic Wild West hero invented the lasso, rode a cyclone & married a girl named Slue-Foot Sue
    $400 16
The name of this preserve often made from oranges comes from the Portuguese for "quince jam"
    $400 21
The first geodesic dome was built in 1922 in Germany, but it was this man who received a patent for it 32 years later
    $400 26
A businessman of exceptional wealth & power
    $800 2
In 2001 Chinese scientists said a group of these made by dinosaurs included one 1 1/2 yards long
    $800 7
Harrison Ford in
"Force ___ from Navarone"
    DD: $2,500 12
"Show me a hero", wrote Fitzgerald, "and I will write you" one of these dramas
    $800 17
The unripe skin of mangifera indica, this tropical fruit, can cause an allergic skin reaction
    $800 22
(Kelly of the Clue Crew delivers the clue)
He did some early work on buildings as a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the 1880s, assisting the construction supervisor of Science Hall
    $800 27
A type of duck or sailing vessel, as well as a 2-wheeled vehicle
    $1200 3
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue)
No one knows the purpose, but like modern birds, the stegosaurus has a small hole in its skull called a fenestra, from the Latin for this
    $1200 8
David Strathairn in
"The Return of the Secaucus ___"
    $1200 13
Dickens work where you'll find "whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life…these pages must show"
    $1200 18
The name of this dessert that's similar to custard means "burnt cream"
    $1200 23
The firm of Pei & Partners designed this Boston landmark tower completed in 1976
    $1200 28
Hall of Fame city of Otsego County, New York
    $1600 4
We grew up calling the alleged apatosaurus this; to us it'll always be this--so there!
    $1600 9
Jean-Pierre Leaud in
"The ___ Blows"
    $1600 14
Preparing for one more Antarctic journey, this heroic explorer died on the isl. of S. Georgia in 1922 & is buried there
    $1600 19
For lunch, let's have this Mexican dish whose name is from the Spanish for "spiced with chili"
    DD: $2,100 24
This Finnish American not only designed Dulles Intl. Airport, he also created furniture, especially chairs
    $1600 29
3-word anatomical idiom meaning to wait, perhaps impatiently
    $2000 5
Known for long necks & small heads, dinosaurs like diplodocus belonged to this "lizard foot" group
    $2000 10
Gerard Depardieu in
"___: Conquest of Paradise"
    $2000 15
Raised by animals, Enkidu was a companion of this Sumerian hero
    $2000 20
This type of onion is named for a place in Georgia
    $2000 25
In 1818 he was appointed supervising architect of the National Capitol
    $2000 30
The rabbit-eared type of this insectivorous critter is seen here

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Justin Jeannie George
$15,000 $7,000 $17,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

NOVELS said this novel, set in Iowa, was "the romantic classic of the 1990s"

Final scores:

Justin Jeannie George
$30,000 $5,000 $31,400
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $31,400

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Justin Jeannie George
$14,400 $7,000 $17,800
21 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
10 R,
1 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $39,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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