Suggest correction - #4282 - 2003-03-25

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    $200 4
Don't call us with your research questions; call this U.S. first lady who has a master's degree in library science
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Show #4282 - Tuesday, March 25, 2003


Freya Wolke, a marketing research manager from Newton, Massachusetts

Luis Cordon, a psychology professor from Coventry, Connecticut

Shawn Wilson, a technical writer from Chatsworth, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $9,599)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
(Sofia of the Clue Crew in New York's Times Square) It's not too crowded today, but around, oh, 11:30 on this day of the year, Times Square holds about 500,000 people
    $200 4
Don't call us with your research questions; call this U.S. first lady who has a master's degree in library science
    $200 7
From a character in an 18th century play, to be genuine you're not Alvin-pure or Theodore-pure, but this
    $200 11
A person who has a selfish reason for doing something has this tool "to grind"
    $200 26
A line from the Aesop fable "The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" says, "Appearances often are" this
    $200 17
"Say Hey" -- he was the National League's most valuable baseball player in 1954 & 1965
    $400 2
(New York Yankees manager Joe Torre) You'll find collections of roses & tulips in the New York Botanical Garden in this borough where I work
    $400 5
In 2002 this former Clinton cabinet member ran for governor of Florida
    $400 22
From the Latin for "in good faith", it's used to indicate authenticity
    $400 12
Oh, deer! It's the first tone of the diatonic musical scale
    DD: $1,500 27
He told Ptolemy I, "There is no royal road to geometry"
    $400 18
He duetted with Waylon Jennings on the No. 1 country hit "Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys"
    $600 3
You get the item seen here on entering this palace of culture
    $600 6
He brought out his best when he introduced his pre-made mayo in jars around 1912
    $600 23
This phrase previously came from those referring to the true chief of a Scottish clan
    $600 13
In hyphenated terms, it comes before -go, -show & -brainer
    $600 28
It reads, "I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment"
    $600 19
In 1996 he was sworn in as San Francisco's first African-American mayor
    $800 9
This area precedes "Vanguard" in the name of a NYC jazz club that's been swinging since 1935
    $800 8
Registered nurses take a pledge named for this woman
    $800 24
Aussie slang for genuine, it's "fair" this, mate
    $800 15
It can mean awake, cheerful, or at bat
    $800 29
The 7 Sages said to "not speak ill of" this group
    $800 20
All clowning aside, originally Emmett Kelly created this mournful hobo as a cartoon character
    $1000 10
This neighborhood is bounded on the south by 110th St. & on the north by the small river of the same name
    $1000 14
Erich Maria Remarque was a pen name; he came up with it by spelling this, his real last name, backwards
    $1000 25
From the followers of Jesus comes this adjective for authoritative
    $1000 16
In an expression from Matthew 6:30, it's the word that immediately precedes "of little faith"
    $1000 30
This Chinese philosopher, not Confucius, wrote, "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step"
    $1000 21
This pocket billiards champ was an adviser for the movie "The Hustler"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Shawn Luis Freya
$2,000 $2,400 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Shawn Luis Freya
$3,400 $7,300 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to identify the motion picture.)
    $400 11
Air consists of about 78% nitrogen, 1% argon & 21% this gas
    $400 16
Authors held off on unfavorable comments on this man & his "Last Stand" until his wife died; she lasted until 1933
    $400 21
This poured material is strong in compression, but may have steel reinforcing it to increase the tensile strength
    $400 1
"Gonna Fly Now"
    $400 26
The plague of flies in his play "Les Mouches" may make you feel like there's "No Exit"
    $400 6
If someone gets seasick, tell him to take this brand of the anti-nausea drug dimenhydrinate
    DD: $1,000 12
(Sofia of the Clue Crew) With a lemon, a piece of copper wire, & a paper clip, we've made a simple one of these
    $800 17
He called his buffalo gun Lucrezia Borgia
    $800 22
The underlying base of a building, a base of sand & gravel soil is best for it
    $800 2
"Hopelessly Devoted to You"
    $800 27
This powerful cardinal formed a company of 5 authors, including Corneille, to write plays for him
    $800 7
Chicago FBI head Melvin Purvis helped engineer the killing of this man in 1934
    $1200 13
The wood louse is one of the very few non-aquatic members of this group of hard-shelled arthropods
    $1200 18
Born of a Scottish father & a Cherokee mother, he blazed a trail from Kansas to Texas
    $1200 23
Gypsum wallboard is commonly known as this
    $1200 3
"Moon River"
    $1200 28
This gory form of theatre that features thrills & chills traces its name to a Punch-like puppet called Guignol
    $1200 8
This 3-word phrase was coined during the Cold War as a schoolchild's defense against a nuclear attack
    $1600 14
In the '60s, pilots were awarded astronaut wings if they flew this experimental rocket plane over 50 miles high
    $1600 19
Jesse James had a vendetta out for this Chicago detective whose men had killed his 8-year-old half-brother
    $1600 24
These should be 34" to 38" above the tread nosing & have a 1 1/2" to 2" grip
    DD: $3,000 4
"Lady Marmalade"
    $1600 29
He collapsed onstage in 1673 while playing the title role in his own play "The Imaginary Invalid", & died soon after
    $1600 9
By talking with pebbles in his mouth, this ancient Greek was famous for getting over his speech impediment
    $2000 15
(Sofia of the Clue Crew) It's the process undergone by the moisture in your breath when it reaches cold air outside & becomes visible
    $2000 20
Frank Canton was elected sheriff of this Wyoming county in 1882; he later sided with the cattlemen in the "war" there
    $2000 25
A parking stall should be 9' X 19' & a stall for this should be at least 30" wide with a 24" clearance in front
    $2000 5
"Love on the Rocks"
    $2000 30
This "Phedre" playwright had a "racy" life: he was once accused of poisoning his mistress, actress Therese du Parc
    $2000 10
The "Motor Wagon Company" of these brothers produced 13 cars in 1896

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Shawn Luis Freya
$12,400 $15,500 -$2,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

He's the only U.S. president whose first, middle & last names each have the same number of letters

Final scores:

Shawn Luis Freya
$24,700 $24,801 -$2,000
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $24,801 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Shawn Luis Freya
$12,200 $13,000 -$2,000
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
11 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $23,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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