Suggest correction - #2762 - 1996-09-10

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    $400 15
The Old Tom type of this liquor is perfect for making a Tom Collins

Show #2762 - Tuesday, September 10, 1996


Harry Barker, a computer graphics specialist originally from Bloomington, Indiana

Peggy Garvey-McMahon, a training administrator from Phoenix, Arizona

Tim McCoy, an executive chef from Cleveland Heights, Ohio (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $4,001)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
A bill signed in July 1996 allows taxpayers to sue this agency for up to $1,000,000 for reckless collections
    $100 23
In golf a standard one of these is 2 1/8" long & holds up to a 1.62-ounce ball
    $100 7
The "Black Or White" video from his "Dangerous" album was directed by John Landis
    $100 1
Grand Canyon University is located in this state capital
    $100 13
This feature is internal on a cuttlefish & external on a snail
    $100 17
Walk like a duck
    DD: $500 12
Summer 1996 event whose route is depicted here:
    $200 24
Running time in silent films was measured in these, each about 10 minutes long
    $200 8
This Big Band clarinetist's 1939 autobiography was titled "The Kingdom of Swing"
    $200 2
Mendenhall Glacier & Glacier Bay National Park lie near this capital city
    $200 14
On the largest jellyfish, these may be over 100 feet long
    $200 18
Siddhartha Gautama's title
    $300 28
Worcester in this state declared itself birthplace of the yellow smiley face; Harvey Ball drew it there in 1963
    $300 25
In the metric system, dkL stands for this unit
    $300 9
Telma Hopkins & Joyce Wilson provided backup vocals for him on "Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree"
    $300 3
In 1838 Pierre "Pig's Eye" Parrant became the first settler in what is now this Minnesota capital
    $300 15
When a planarian, one of these, is cut in half, both halves will regrow
    $300 19
In 1908 it was proclaimed a national Jewish language
    $400 29
The August 3, 1981 Time cover story was on their wedding; the July 22, 1996 cover story concerned their divorce
    $400 26
Size numbers for these run from 1 to the 20s & types include sharps, milliner's & chenilles
    $400 10
His No. 1 country song "A Boy Named Sue" was recorded live at San Quentin Prison
    $400 4
In 1614 Fort Nassau, a Dutch trading post, was established on the site of this capital
    $400 16
The skeleton of a starfish is made of this, CaCO3, just like chalk
    $400 20
It can mean the mean, or the waist
    $500 30
He & H. Ross Perot vied for the Reform Party's presidential nomination
    $500 27
Following "assay", this 3-letter word is a unit of mass; following "freight", it's a unit of capacity
    $500 11
This guitarist's "Blues Summit" was named Best Traditional Blues Album at 1994's Grammys
    $500 5
It's Wyoming's largest city & manufacturing center
    $500 22
Barnacles & beetles are classified as this kind of creature, meaning "joint-footed"
    $500 21
Pamper a person, or cook eggs gently in water without boiling

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Tim Peggy Harry
$100 $100 $1,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Peggy Harry
$2,400 $2,100 $1,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 3
This "Murder, She Wrote" star played Delilah's older sister in the 1949 De Mille epic "Samson and Delilah"
    $200 1
This form of oxygen, O3, is a major source of air pollution
    $200 22
This London museum's Department of Egyptian Antiquities houses the famous Rosetta Stone
    $200 21
John Poindexter's conviction for his role in this scandal was overturned in 1991
    $200 8
Mary Higgins Clark's recent book "Silent Night" takes place on the eve of this holiday
    $200 14
Poteen is the Irish version of this illegally-made U.S. whiskey with this "nocturnal" name
    $400 4
She was an extra in Charlie Chaplin's "City Lights" before she starred in "Platinum Blonde"
    $400 2
In 1865 this chemist saved the French silkworm industry by eradicating pebrine disease
    $400 23
A Milan museum named for this Renaissance man contains models of some of his machines & inventions
    $400 9
"Morning, Noon & Night" was a 1995 bestseller by this author of "The Other Side of Midnight"
    $400 15
The Old Tom type of this liquor is perfect for making a Tom Collins
    $600 5
This glamorous star born in Hungary played the owner of a strip joint in Orson Welles' "Touch of Evil"
    $600 13
In this "effect" first described in 1842, the pitch of a train whistle seems to change as it moves
    $600 24
It opened in Madrid as the Royal Museum of Painting in 1819
    $600 10
His 1981 novel "Midnight's Children" wasn't quite as controversial as "The Satanic Verses"
    $600 16
It's the term for pouring a wine from its bottle into a container such as a carafe
    $800 6
Rita Moreno is featured as silent screen siren Zelda Zanders in this Gene Kelly musical
    $800 19
His experiments with light, including those with prisms, were published in his 1704 book "Opticks"
    $800 25
This playwright's home in Taganrog, Russia is now preserved as a museum
    DD: $2,000 26
The 3 popes who reigned in 1978
    $800 11
"Heaven and Hell" was the last novel in his "North and South" trilogy
    $800 17
The Rothschild family bought Chateau Mouton in 1853 & this 700-year-old estate in 1868
    $1000 7
Jean Stapleton played a secretary in this 1971 crime drama that won Jane Fonda her first Oscar
    $1000 20
The Crookes tube, used to study these rays, led to the creation of the TV picture tube
    DD: $1,000 27
Centre Guillaume-le-Conquerant in Normandy, France contains this celebrated work stitched in the 11th century
    $1000 28
Traced to Argentina in 1960, this Nazi official was transported to Israel, tried & executed
    $1000 12
A writer named Nathan Zuckerman is featured in several books by this author
    $1000 18
The Demerara type of this spirit is highly flavored & therefore valued for blending

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Peggy Harry
$2,600 $6,100 $7,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

On Dec. 19, 1894 2 books were formally ordained as the impersonal pastor of this denomination

Final scores:

Tim Peggy Harry
$5,200 $2,400 $2,399
2-day champion: $9,201 2nd place: Whirlpool side-by-side refrigerator with through-the-door ice & water dispenser, electric range with self-cleaning oven & QuietWash built-in dishwasher with 3-level powerclean wash system + Ashley casual country-style Ashville dining collection (all-wood table, four chairs & hutch) in 2-tone finish + the Jeopardy! Challenger 3rd place: Ducane 2004SS gas grill with 2 burners for grilling & 1 for rotissing + the Jeopardy! Challenger

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tim Peggy Harry
$4,600 $6,100 $7,800
14 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
2 W
18 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $18,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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