Suggest correction - #4361 - 2003-07-14

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    $400 20
This hot shot was born Carlos Estevez on Sept. 3, 1965

Show #4361 - Monday, July 14, 2003


Richard Finch, an attorney from Dearborn Heights, Michigan

Charlene Lyons, a waitress from Oceanside, California

Leonard Stoehr, a truck driver from Norcross, Georgia (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $7,599)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
In the cathedral at Chartres, most of this translucent artwork from the 13th century is still in place
    $200 19
She was born to her mommie dearest as Lucille Fay LeSueur on March 23, 1908
    $200 6
"Draw one in the dark" & pour me one of these breakfast beverages
    $200 11
Isostasy says rock formations that rise high, as the Tetons & others of these, must sink deeper into the Earth
    $200 13
In a 50 mph wind this part of the Statue of Liberty can sway 5 inches
    $200 14
In the 1600s a group of monks in the Alps developed this dog breed
    $400 2
Joseph Stella is known for a series of paintings of this amusement park at the southern end of Long Island
    $400 20
This hot shot was born Carlos Estevez on Sept. 3, 1965
    $400 7
The family in the corner wants 5 servings of "nervous pudding", this dessert
    $400 12
The "inner" this, the very center of the planet, rotates slightly faster than the layers above it
    $400 24
Relay runners, drum majors & conductors hold various types of these
    $400 15
It's said that a werewolf can be killed with one of these
    $600 3
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from Rembrandt's house in Amsterdam.) Rembrandt used metal plates & this oak press to make copies of this type of artwork
    $600 21
Elliott Goldstein, born Aug. 29, 1938, became this actor, Streisand's first hubby
    $600 8
Holy Cow, I'd like "a white cow": a vanilla one of these
    $600 28
These waves, which may be "body" or "surface" waves, provide much of our evidence about the Earth's interior
    $600 25
A katana is a samurai's
    $600 16
Montecito is a suburb of this city, called "The Queen of the California Missions"
    $800 4
19th century sculptor William Rush is famous for this pair of figures he did for a theater in Philadelphia
    $800 22
This star with a squeaky clean image was born Doris von Kappelhoff on April 3, 1924
    DD: $1,000 9
Get me a "Noah's boy on bread", one of these lunch favorites
    $800 29
As the name implies, this type of rock, like slate, has been transformed by heat & pressure deep in the Earth
    $800 26
The double-headed eagle on the emblem of the czars holds an orb & one of these
    $800 17
White wine produced from this grape is often said to have a grassy, herbaceous aroma & flavor
    $1000 5
Maurice Utrillo's White Period featured streets of this Paris area, also home to Amelie & Toulouse-Lautrec
    $1000 23
AKA Laszlo Loewenstein, he was born on June 26, 1904 in Hungary, not in Casablanca
    $1000 10
I need "a stack of Vermont", pronto: this breakfast favorite
    $1000 30
In 1952 Francis Birch showed that the center of the Earth is basically this metal in molten form
    $1000 27
Term for the member of a military unit who carries its flag or emblem
    $1000 18
(Hi, I'm Barbara Mandrell.) I had a reoccurring role as Alex Mitchum on this Aaron Spelling daytime drama

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Leonard Charlene Richard
$0 $1,400 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Leonard Charlene Richard
$1,600 $2,000 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We want you to identify the country of birth of the singers we will mention.)
    $400 1
He said that bisexuality "immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night"
    $400 16
Sinead O'Connor, famed for her shaved head
    $400 21
Fittingly, this country's lowest point is in Baja, or lower, California
    $400 26
It's the law: one of these for each person aboard
    $400 9
To look smug & self-satisfied is to "look like the cat that swallowed" this
    $400 4
Yeah, Hun, this king murdered his co-ruler (& brother) Bleda in 445 A.D.
    $800 2
Thoreau's "Pond in Winter" reminds us that this "is under our feet as well as over our heads"
    $800 17
Edith Piaf, the Little Sparrow
    $800 22
It's the only one of the Low Countries that actually dips below sea level
    $800 27
When returning to harbor from open water, keep red ones on the right & green ones on the left
    $800 10
To "make" this for an object means to move in a straight path like an Apis mellifera
    $800 5
This Shakespearean king was murdered by a son of Duncan I, a king he himself had murdered
    $1200 3
In a 1968 speech this Black Panther said, "You're either part of the solution, or you're part of the problem"
    $1200 18
INXS' Michael Hutchence
    $1200 23
The smallest Scandinavian country, it's also the only one that dips below sea level at Lammefjord
    $1200 28
Evinrude, which invented this type of motor seen here, was once a brand of the Marine Corporation of the same name
    $1200 11
Someone acting overly concerned is "as fussy as" one of these "with one chick"
    $1200 6
After 3 of his sons were slain in battle on Mount Gilboa, this first king of Israel killed himself
    $1600 14
"The Earth's about 5 million years old, at least. Who can afford to live in the past?" he wrote in the play "The Homecoming"
    $1600 19
Sex symbol Tom Jones
    DD: $1,000 24
The Dead Sea is the lowest point of these 2 countries
    $1600 29
Capri & Riviera were 1950s Chris-Craft models of this type of small pleasure motorboat
    $1600 12
After this canine expression, George Borrow wrote, "And mine has been a fine one"
    $1600 7
He's the king who died at the Battle of Hastings in 1066
    DD: $2,000 15
Her poem "Lady Lazarus" says, "Dying is an art, like everything else. I do it exceptionally well"
    $2000 20
Sade, who's a "Smooth Operator"
    $2000 25
Neusiedler Lake, this country's lowest point, has no natural outlet but is linked to a Danube tributary
    $2000 30
This waterway that allows boats to avoid the open sea stretches from Boston to Brownsville, Texas
    $2000 13
Phrase meaning sneaky or clever; it was the title of a Jack Warden TV show
    $2000 8
A Persian king of this name was killed by one of his own men after fleeing from Alexander the Great

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Leonard Charlene Richard
$10,200 $4,000 $3,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We all read 'em, don't we?)
For its 1st swimsuit edition in 2003, it covered 100 years of the swimsuit & included a 1917 photo of topless island women

Final scores:

Leonard Charlene Richard
$12,400 $7,199 $0
2-day champion: $19,999 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Leonard Charlene Richard
$11,200 $5,000 $3,200
22 R
(including 1 DD),
7 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $19,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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