Suggest correction - #5554 - 2008-10-30

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    $800 7
Chapter 1 of this novel is "I am born"; but (uh-oh!) by chapter 4, "I fall into disgrace"

Show #5554 - Thursday, October 30, 2008

Carl Brandt game 3.


Phil Fernandez, an engineer from San Diego, California

Jen Weaver, an office assistant from North East, Maryland

Carl Brandt, an investor originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $28,800)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
Albert Fall was the 1st man guilty of this type of crime done as a Cabinet secy.--we don't know about misdemeanors
    $200 4
"Smells Like ____ Spirit"
    $200 26
Before fat-free or 2% horned in, all milk sold was what we now call this type
    $200 1
An acoustics prize went to a study of why people hate the sound of fingernails interacting with this
    $200 11
Prime aged beef is the specialty of Mitchell's Steakhouse, just steps from the Capitol in this Ohio city
    $200 17
On Oct. 31, 2007 liberal Spaniards got a treat as a law banned public commemorations of this Fascist's rule
    $400 13
(I'm U.S. Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne.) From 1901 to 1907 Ethan Hitchcock helped this president institute his forest-preserving policies
    $400 7
Wild Cherry:
"Play That ____ Music"
    $400 27
A company called Bumkins makes this baby product, a retronym created by the disposable kind
    $400 2
A physics prize went to Robert Matthews for demonstrating why buttered toast usually does this when you drop it
    $400 22
You'll really "dig" the Seattle seafood house called Ivar's Acres of these shellfish
    $400 18
(I'm astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson.) It was a treat for us all on Halloween 2006 when NASA decided to go ahead & repair this & give it new instruments to probe the depths of the universe
    $600 14
At age 65 this New Deal Interior Secretary had a son, also Harold, who became a Clinton advisor
    $600 8
The Verve:
"____ ____ Symphony"
    $600 28
As of June 2008 the International Air Transport Association has eliminated these, maybe saving a tree or 2
    $600 3
"Viva" this "love" drug! An aviation prize was awarded for discovering it aided in jetlag recovery in hamsters
    $600 23
If you can't get enough cocoa, head for North Damen Ave. in Chicago, to the restaurant called "Hot" this
    $600 19
On Oct. 31, 1776 M.P.s might have felt tricked as this monarch told them it was not going too well over in America
    $800 15
(U.S. Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne delivers the clue.) The Interior Department is the steward for about 1/5 of the USA, including 262 million acres under the supervision of this bureau
    $800 9
Sheryl Crow:
"My ____ Mistake"
    $800 29
This retronym for a type of computer also means a screen with icons on it
    $800 5
An Aussie woman's study of this 3-letter word & the alphabetical order problems it creates won a literature award
    $800 24
The Caucus Room on 9th St. NW in this city is truly bipartisan; it's owned by Democrats & Republicans
    $800 20
The great sleuth gets tricked in the first story in these "of Sherlock Holmes", published on Halloween 1892
    DD: $2,000 16
Gale Norton ran the department using the 4 C's: communication, consultation & cooperation, to further this 4th C
    $1000 10
Depeche Mode:
"____ Jesus"
    $1000 30
The emergence of neoconservatives led to this longer retronym for real traditionalists like Pat Buchanan
    $1000 6
A medical award went to a "penetrating... report" on this alliterative sideshow act "& its side effects"
    $1000 25
(Jon of the Clue Crew reports from a restaurant courtyard lit for nighttime dining in Central Park, New York.) Originally built to house sheep, it's come a long way & is now a lavish cafe overlooking Central Park
    $1000 21
On Oct. 31, 1938 this Wall Street institution treated investors to a 15-point protection plan

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Carl Jen Phil
$2,000 $1,600 $5,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Carl Jen Phil
$4,200 $4,400 $6,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

1930s CINEMA
    $400 21
In 2007 Philippines justice secretary Raul Gonzalez had a transplant of this paired organ
    $400 11
She almost got the role of Scarlett's sister Carreen in "GWTW" --fate intervened & she went to Oz instead
    $400 6
Pip Pip hooray for this novel in which Pip learns that honest work is more rewarding than shallow dreams
    $400 16
Upon Stonewall Jackson's injury by friendly fire in 1863, this man remarked "I have lost my right arm"
    $400 1
Menes (not Elvis) made it his capital
    $400 26
...collect money for this U.N. agency whose national day coincides with Halloween
    $800 22
As one of these pieces of furniture, a "secretary" may have pigeonholes inside
    $800 12
(Film critic Leonard Maltin delivers the clue.) "Three Little Pigs", a Disney Silly Symphony of 1933, introduced this song that became an anti-Depression anthem
    $800 7
Chapter 1 of this novel is "I am born"; but (uh-oh!) by chapter 4, "I fall into disgrace"
    $800 17
In place settings, the fork named for these shellfish is the only one ever placed to the right of the plate
    $800 2
Congress put it in a "Compromise"-ing position
    $800 28 your regional pride by saluting the 144th anniversary of this "Silver State" joining the Union
    $1200 23
The scientific name Sagittarius serpentarius tells you that inside the secretary bird you may find this, its main food
    $1200 13
Elsa Lanchester played 2 roles in this 1935 sequel: the title mate, &, in an amusing prologue, Mary Shelley
    $1200 8
It's a "Mystery" who killed this title character, but Charles Dickens Jr. said his father told him it was Jasper
    $1200 18
9-letter word for the right side of a clipper or a brigantine
    $1200 3
Phoebe Fillmore's bouncing baby boy
    $1200 30
...head over to the frightful fun at Knott's Scary Farm, known as this for most of the year
    $1600 24
On Dec. 30, 1968 in Norway, a heart attack ended the life of this first U.N. secretary-general
    DD: $1,000 14
Brian Aherne was doomed to play this emperor in the 1939 film "Juarez"
    DD: $1,200 9
When Nell works for Jarley's Wax-Work in this novel, she sleeps in a creepy room with the wax-work figures
    $1600 19
It's a right-hand page of a book; the verso is a left-hand page
    $1600 4
Italian edict city, in 313 A.D.
    $1600 29
...check out & download scary movies like 1978's "Halloween" starring this woman as Laurie
    $2000 25
You'll warm the interior of your secretary with a gift during this, formerly National Secretaries Week
    $2000 15
Cecil Kellaway played the impresario in "Intermezzo" & Mr. Earnshaw (Cathy's father) in this 1939 classic
    $2000 10
Dickens called his younger brother "Moses"; nasally, that became "Boses", inspiring this Dickens pen name
    $2000 20
(Jon of the Clue Crew shows an animated anatomical diagram on the monitor.) The heart's right ventricle pumps directly into this artery that carries blood into the lungs
    $2000 5
"Mess"ed-up wife of Emperor Claudius
    $2000 27
...prepare yourself for this Catholic holy day, the day after Halloween

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Carl Jen Phil
$17,200 $11,200 $10,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

A key to Alexander Graham Bell's experiments was one of these, procured by a doctor friend, Clarence Blake

Final scores:

Carl Jen Phil
$11,999 $400 $4,300
3-day champion: $40,799 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Carl Jen Phil
$18,200 $11,200 $9,800
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
20 R,
4 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $39,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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