Suggest correction - #5550 - 2008-10-24

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    $400 6
(Richard Roth reads from the U.N. floor.) In February 2003 I reported on this Secretary of State's visit to the U.N. to present evidence of Iraq's failure to disarm

Show #5550 - Friday, October 24, 2008


Mandy Walters Whitaker, a stay-at-home mom and musician originally from Aberdeen, Idaho

Mathew Safer, a transportation planner from South Orange, New Jersey

Tom Stetina, a high school math teacher from Millsboro, Delaware (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $29,353)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Now, this is United Nations Day, and in this category, all of our clues will be given by the CNN U.N. correspondent Richard Roth.)
    $200 5
(Richard Roth reads from the U.N.) You'll fit right in here at the U.N. if you know either of these 2 languages, the predominant ones used for daily communication & signage
    $200 17
She beat out Justin Guarini to become the first "American Idol"
    $200 11
Prior to settling in America, the Pilgrims sought religious freedom in Leiden, in this country, in 1609
    $200 12
by Aldous Huxley
    $200 23
When referring to the shape of the nose, aquiline means hooked like this bird's beak
    $200 1
It's someone held prisoner until certain demands are met
    $400 6
(Richard Roth reads from the U.N. floor.) In February 2003 I reported on this Secretary of State's visit to the U.N. to present evidence of Iraq's failure to disarm
    $400 18
He was the me in 1942's "For Me and My Gal" with Judy Garland
    $400 22
This last surviving signer of the Mayflower Compact died in 1687; wife Priscilla is believed to have preceded him
    $400 13
by John Irving
    $400 24
The popular gem shape seen here is named for this fruit
    $400 2
(Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a brainy animation on the monitor.) When cerebral arteries become dilated, it can often lead to this vascular pain also known as cephalalgia
    $600 7
(Richard Roth reads from outside the U.N.) A gift to the U.N. from the USSR, the "Let Us Beat Swords into Plowshares" statue gets its title from this prophet
    $600 19
Oscar winner for 1954's "The Country Girl"
    $600 28
This Pawtuxet Indian who taught the Pilgrims how to plant crops is said to have lived in England from 1605 to 1614
    $600 14
by Toni Morrison
    $600 25
The appendix is often described by this adjective meaning "worm-shaped"
    $600 3
Hopefully this cozy Kansas state song from around 1873 is about a dwelling on open land, not on a stove
    DD: $1,000 8
(Richard Roth reads from outside the U.N.) In 2008 one of the U.N.'s urgent concerns was getting relief supplies to the Irrawaddy Delta in this country
    $800 20
He was a losing Super Bowl quarterback 4 times
    $800 29
The Mayflower Compact referred to the Pilgrims as "loyal subjects of" this "dread sovereign"
    $800 15
by D.H. Lawrence
    $800 26
This 9-letter word for "cross-shaped" comes from the Latin word for "cross"
    $800 4
This old-fashioned word means "until the present time"
    $1000 9
(Richard Roth reads from the U.N. floor.) Appointed by George W. Bush during a congressional recess, this U.S. ambassador to the U.N. stirred up for controversy when he served here in 2005 & 2006
    $1000 21
"Clown" is the 1954 autobiography of this creator of the mournful clown character Weary Willie
    $1000 30
A war with the Indians that broke out in 1675 was named for the Wampanoag leader called King this
    $1000 16
"W., O."
by Sherwood Anderson
    $1000 27
These smallest formed elements in the blood are named for their disklike shape
    $1000 10
Yes, Mr. Sulu, it's the person who steers the ship

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Tom Mathew Mandy
$1,600 $3,600 -$800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Mathew Mandy
$7,200 $3,600 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: If you're familiar with that series on cable, then you'll recognize these other categories.)
(Alex: In more ways than one...)
    $400 2
In the 1920s, her "poor girl" look of simple & comfortable clothes attracted wealthy women tired of corsets
    $400 19
Meryl Streep wonders, "Is there some reason my coffee isn't here? Has she died or something?" in this workplace film
    $400 9
Gori, occupied by Russian troops in 2008, was the birthplace of this Soviet dictator in 1879
    $400 27
This international organization concerned with helping victims of war was founded in Geneva in 1863
    $400 1
A boat made by hollowing out a log
    $400 7
On Aug. 25, 1900 God could have said this philosopher "is dead"
    $800 17
This designer, hailed as the man who brought pants to women, died in 2008
    $800 20
Charlie Sheen hears "Greed... is good" in this film, which came out just after the 1987 stock market crash
    $800 10
Tblisi, the capital, was linked by rail to the Black Sea in 1872 & to this sea in 1883
    DD: $3,000 28
This acronym of a humanitarian organization that fights poverty is a synonym for "concern"
    $800 3
Sushi's on me; it's the colorful name of the food fish Thunnus albacares
    $800 8
This physicist's temperature read extremely cold on any scale on Sept. 16, 1736
    $1200 18
This Italian duo, partners in life & business, use the initials D&G from their last names as the company logo
    $1200 21
Will Ferrell tells San Diego to stay classy (among other things) working in this title job
    $1200 11
In the summer of 2008, Georgia tried to discipline this breakaway region & Russia responded with great force
    $1200 29
"Oxfam" is short for the Oxford Committee for this Relief
    $1200 4
This term for a circus or carnival worker is also the title of an Elvis Presley film
    $1200 14
This German novelist's death was not in Venice but in Switzerland on Aug. 12, 1955
    $1600 24
His first women's collection was launched at Bergdorf's before he was a judge on "Project Runway"
    $1600 23
Lily, Jane & Dolly think they've killed their boss at Consolidated Companies in this film
    $1600 12
Georgia's main mountain system is this one, where Europe & Asia converge
    $1600 30
This group, BBBS, concerns itself with helping children reach their potential by matching them with mentors
    $1600 5
Recently legalized, this green aromatic liqueur can be around 70% alcohol
    DD: $3,000 15
The planets may have been in motion, but after Nov. 15, 1630, this German astronomer wasn't
    $2000 25
Her house model was Edie Sedgwick & she started her foray into retail with a store called Betsey Bunki Nini
    $2000 22
It seems the ratio of Stanley nickels to Schrute bucks is the same as unicorns to leprechauns on this sitcom
    $2000 13
Only 40 during the 2008 crisis, this Georgian president worked for a NYC law firm in the '90s
    $2000 26
Founded in 1912, this group concerned with Jewish unity is the Women's Zionist Organization of America
    $2000 6
A long home run, or pull with a politico
    $2000 16
After June 25, 1822 this writer had no more "Tales" to tell & no more E.T.A.s

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Mathew Mandy
$12,000 $14,800 $12,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

Though born 4,000 miles from Havana, he adorns the Cuban 3-peso note

Final scores:

Tom Mathew Mandy
$19,600 $25,201 $24,600
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $25,201 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tom Mathew Mandy
$12,000 $14,600 $9,000
20 R,
4 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
7 W

Combined Coryat: $35,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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