Suggest correction - #5534 - 2008-10-02

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    $200 25
Andrew Gossett named a Texas town after this man, a family friend from back in Tennessee

Show #5534 - Thursday, October 2, 2008

Erik Nelson game 1.


Jenny Caplan, a Ph.D. student from Syracuse, New York

Erik Nelson, a graduate student from Boston, Massachusetts

Wes Pierce, a financial planner from Anaheim Hills, California (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $47,199)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Its premise: a broomstick rider tackles suburbia with her adman husband
    $200 20
The coldest area of the troposphere occurs over this line; makes sense, since the line's at 0 degrees
    $200 16
For a good time call
(800) 25-SHAMU to plan a visit to this California attraction
    $200 25
Andrew Gossett named a Texas town after this man, a family friend from back in Tennessee
    $200 11
It's the booze that's in both a Bloody Mary & a screwdriver
    $200 6
Until January 2009 it's W., Laura, Jenna & Barbara Bush
    $400 2
The Beverly Hillbillies preferred to call their swimming pool the "cement" this
    $400 21
When the Earth's atmosphere traps solar radiation, it's called this effect
    DD: $1,500 17
Appropriately, in Germany, this roughly 2-week celebration kicks off with a brewer's parade
    $400 26
Lucas Cranach was not yet Mayor of Wittenberg when this friend of his nailed the 95 Theses on the church door
    $400 12
This type of liquor precedes "sunrise" & "sunset" in the names of cocktails
    $400 7
Arboreal chart of your genealogy
    $600 3
An urban junk dealer & his offspring scheme & dream on this classic show
    $600 22
Of about 1/4, 2/3 or 3/4, Earth's orbital period is 365 & this fraction of a day
    $600 18
Hit the beach,
then take to the air
in this fun sport seen here
    $600 27
He & Sartre had been friends until his attack on Stalinist communism l'estranged them
    $600 13
Put the lime in the rum & Coke & drink it all up under this Spanish name
    $600 8
Sly's musical partners
    $800 4
It's the city where the Cunninghams live out the sunny 1950s on "Happy Days"
    $800 24
Earth's liquid iron core is instrumental in creating this field that protects the Earth from cosmic rays
    $800 19
Enjoy a murder mystery weekend aboard this train that travels between Istanbul & Paris
    $800 28
In 1970 she wrote an article for National Geographic called "Making Friends with Mountain Gorillas"
    $800 14
This cocktail named for a motorcycle attachment is triple sec, brandy & lemon juice
    $800 9
This magazine was founded in 1932 & given away in grocery stores until 1946
    $1000 5
(I'm Rob Reiner.) Thanks to "All in the Family" & Archie Bunker, I think I'll be forever associated with this beefy nickname
    $1000 30
An equatorial diameter greater than the polar diameter makes the Earth this type of spheroid
    $1000 23
Oh, boy! You get to eat with your hands & take in a jousting tournament at this chain of dinner theaters
    $1000 29
A book says these 2 men, one said to be a drunk & the other thought insane, had "the friendship that won the Civil War"
    $1000 15
Go retro with this cocktail, sugar, bitters & bourbon garnished with a cherry
    $1000 10
Dan Quayle implied "Murphy Brown" lacked them

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Wes Erik Jenny
$4,200 $3,400 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Wes Erik Jenny
$7,000 $7,300 $3,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We're dealing with actual comments from her column.)
    $400 20
A tumor is classified as benign when it's unlikely to spread & as this when it's cancerous
    $400 1
He probably had a "Rocky Mountain High" when Peter, Paul & Mary took his composition "Leaving On A Jet Plane" to No. 1
    $400 8
Palo Alto,
    $400 21
Eleanor said Ralph Bellamy was "remarkable" as this man who triumphed over polio in "Sunrise at Campobello"
    $400 11
(I'm Anderson Cooper.) CNN's election team can often project winners based on these surveys of people who've just voted, but we don't do it in close races, & never before the voting is done
    $400 3
In September 1974 Richard Nixon received a "full, free and absolute" one
    $800 23
(Sarah of the Clue Crew indicates a pair of bones on the monitor.) There are many types of bone fractures; here, the oblique fracture is closed with a diagonal break, while this type, an open fracture, breaks through the skin
    $800 2
This trio's 1963 hit "Reverend Mr. Black" was based on the traditional folk song "Lonesome Valley"
    $800 9
King and Queen,
    $800 26
Seeing this play at the Castle of Elsinore thrilled Eleanor; she also liked the Danish pastry served at intermission
    $800 14
(I'm Candy Crowley.) Obama won more states but Clinton won the bigger ones, so a long battle lay ahead after the results on February 5, 2008, known as this day
    $800 4
After Muslims captured Athens in the 1400s, this temple to Athena was used as a mosque
    $1200 24
An implantable one of these devices that delivers an electric shock may be used to correct a rapid heartbeat--clear!
    $1200 18
In 2000 the Library of Congress named this "Where Have All The Flowers Gone?" composer one of its living legends
    $1200 10
    $1200 28
Eleanor took Indira Gandhi to see this man's play "The Night Of The Iguana"; it left both ladies "a little baffled"
    $1200 15
(I'm Bill Schneider.) Add up the Republicans & the Democrats in the U.S. House for the 110th Congress & you get this total that's been standard for almost a century
    $1200 5
This verb form is sometimes left dangling
    $1600 25
(Kelly of the Clue Crew indicates the shoulder of a skeleton on the monitor.) A dislocated shoulder occurs when the top of this bone pops out of the socket of the scapula--not funny
    $1600 19
A 2008 Grammy for Best Historical Album went to a 1949 performance by this man who was "Bound For Glory"
    $1600 12
Lake of the Woods,
Red Lake,
    $1600 29
Eleanor had not expected this movie star's 1953 performance in "John Brown's Body" to satisfy her as it did
    $1600 16
(I'm Campbell Brown.) On March 4, 2008 John McCain clinched the GOP nomination with 4 primary wins including this vast state, where he made his victory remarks
    $1600 6
Vellum is a high-quality, fine-grained type of this
    $2000 27
Mononucleosis is usually caused by this virus, EBV for short
    $2000 22
In 1967 the D.A.R. refused to allow this daughter of a Mexican-American physicist to perform at Constitution Hall
    DD: $1,000 13
Lewis and Clark,
    $2000 30
Bewildered by this poet's play "The Cocktail Party", Eleanor cracked that "He must be doing something extremely clever"
    $2000 17
(I'm Wolf Blitzer.) Federal Election Commission rules for 2007-2008 put a limit of this much for an individual gift per candidate per election
    DD: $3,000 7
It's equal to 3.26 light years

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Wes Erik Jenny
$12,600 $15,300 $5,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Of the 3 African countries ruled by monarchs, it's the farthest north

Final scores:

Wes Erik Jenny
$10,600 $25,201 $1
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $25,201 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Wes Erik Jenny
$16,600 $14,200 $5,200
22 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
23 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
7 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $36,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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