Suggest correction - #3920 - 2001-09-21

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    $400 9
This hard animal fat is used in candles & soap

Show #3920 - Friday, September 21, 2001

Alex shaves his mustache.

(Alex Trebek: Cherie, I'm going to have to work real fast today, because we're running late.)
(Cherie Whitaker-Rossi: No-no-no-no--no--be careful.)
(Alex: It's okay--it's okay.)
(Cherie: Be care--)


Iris Woon, an attorney from Montebello, California

Rohan Virginkar, a recent college graduate from Diamond Bar, California

Jeremy Davis, a laboratory supervisor from Costa Mesa, California

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Our last tribute to The New York Times' 150th birthday...)
    $100 16
A 1995 review said that her "prose has vastly improved since the Baroque excesses of 'Interview With The Vampire"'
    $100 11
Crockett & Tubbs were always cruising trendy beach hotspots on this influential '80s TV series
    $100 1
The oldest working theater in this U.K. country is in the town of Dumfries
    $100 17
State that produced the accent of the U.S. president seen here

"At my direction, after complete and thorough consultation and agreement with the government..."
    $100 26
On June 4, 1896 he completed assembly of his first auto, the quadricycle, in Detroit
    $100 6
In a children's game, it precedes "the-leader"
    $200 22
Margaret Atwood reviewed this woman's "Beloved" for the New York Times & called it "another triumph"
    $200 12
For awhile in "Beach Blanket Bingo" this actor romances Linda Evans, not Annette
    $200 2
Notre Dame is a town within the boundaries of this Indiana city
    $200 18
"Pahk the cah in Hahvahd Yahd" is the classic line identifying the accent of this city
    $200 27
In 1863 he, Maurice Clark & Samuel Andrews founded a Cleveland oil company: in 1870 it changed its named to Standard Oil
    $200 7
Nobody can deny, "He's a jolly, good" one
    DD: $1,000 23
In a 1999 review Stephen King called this title character a Count Dracula for the computer age
    $300 13
A guest house on the beachfront estate of wealthy Robin Masters is the home of this title TV detective
    $300 3
The first U.S. wireless station was set up in this New York town with a "talkative" biblical name
    $300 19
Dropping the "R" from soitain woids is associated with this borough that includes Flatbush
    $300 28
In 1895 he introduced the first camera that would fit into a pocket
    $300 8
It describes farmland that's left unseeded for a growing season or two
    $400 24
This author's "One L ", about the first year of law school, read "as if it were the most absorbing of thrillers"
    $400 14
This actor rolls on the sand & in the surf with Deborah Kerr in "From Here to Eternity"
    $400 4
This suburb of Chicago, once home to Al Capone, was named for a Roman orator
    $400 20
Though Fargo is in North Dakota, the 1996 film "Fargo" featured the accent of this state
    $400 29
In 1872 this 25-year-old Prussian bought a Denver bottling company & founded a brewery
    $400 9
This hard animal fat is used in candles & soap
    $500 25
Reviewing "Beowulf", the Times called this Irish poet "arguably the finest poet now writing in English"
    $500 15
Fred Astaire's first dramatic role was in this 1959 post-nuclear war Nevil Shute drama set partly in Australia
    $500 5
The town of Jasper is in Jasper National Park in this Canadian province
    $500 21
The person heard here grew up in this area of L.A. between the Santa Monica & San Gabriel mountains

"And I was like, 'Oh my God, whatever!' and Tiffany was like, 'For sure, you know, like...'"
    $500 30
This man's name is on the can, but it was John Dorrance who developed condensed soup for his company
    $500 10
Donovan only made it to No. 2 with this song, his second-biggest hit

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jeremy Rohan Iris
$2,300 $1,500 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jeremy Rohan Iris
$3,600 $1,800 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
In 1999 Maurice Ashley became the first black American international grandmaster in this
    $200 11
In 1977 they were one of the biggest bands in the world & Steve Miller told us to fly like one of them
    $200 6
In March 1966 the USSR's Venera 3 became the first space probe to physically touch another planet, this one
    $200 16
Syracuse is one of several New York cities noted for having haunted hayrides during this month
    $200 26
This Greek came bearing fables with morals like "The gods help those who help themselves"
    $200 1
This term for coffee is also a man's nickname
    $400 22
In 1888 William Hunton became the 1st black full-time sec. of this organization where "It's fun to stay"
    $400 12
This '60s "White Rabbit" band mutated into Starship in the 80s
    $400 7
In 1955 physicists Owen Chamberlain & Emilio Segre discovered the antiproton, which has this kind of charge
    $400 17
If you fly over Iowa, you'll see lots of this leading crop that accounts for about 18% of the USA's production
    $400 27
This doctor suggested an intrauterine device for women hoping to prevent pregnancy
    $400 2
They performed "Won't Get Fooled Again" when they reunited to play Live Aid in 1985
    $600 23
Meeting Edith Jones, the first black to attend the Univ. of Ark. Medical School, inspired this later surgeon-general
    $600 13
In 1965 this group flew straight to the top of the charts with the Bob Dylan tune "Mr. Tambourine Man"
    $600 8
The European type of this bovine, called a wisent, is taller but lighter than the American type
    $600 18
Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman said he wants this Washington. D.C. "Institution" to open a museum in Vegas
    $600 28
In 423 B.C. Cratinus took the festival prize with the play "The Bottle", beating this author of "The Clouds"
    $600 3
3-letter name for the style of paintbrush seen here
    $800 24
She appeared in over 300 films & was the first black actress to win an Oscar
    $800 14
The dreadlocked Adam Duritz fronts this band whose debut album was "August and Everything After"
    $800 9
This physics term refers to the study of extremely low temperatures
    $800 19
Once an immigration station & now known for its hiking trails, Angel Island, seen here, is in this California bay
    DD: $400 29
He didn't have a screw loose, he defined the principle of the lever, among other things
    $800 4
In Psalms, "Thy" this "and thy staff, they comfort me"
    $1000 25
She was not the first African-American in the Texas Senate, but she was the first African-American woman there
    $1000 15
This group was in the pink in 1959 with "I Only Have Eyes For You"
    $1000 10
Most spiders have 6 of these short, fingerlike organs with which to create silk
    $1000 20
Born in Mexico in 1907 to expatriate American Mormons, George Romney served as gov. of this U.S. state in the 1960s
    DD: $1,500 5
One female gamete

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jeremy Rohan Iris
$7,500 $4,000 $500

Final Jeopardy! Round

He was nominated for Best Director twice in the same year, the first so honored since Michael Curtiz for 1938

Final scores:

Jeremy Rohan Iris
$6,999 $8,000 $900
2nd place: a houseboat trip in Nevada New champion: $8,000 3rd place: a Samsung camera package

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jeremy Rohan Iris
$9,000 $5,000 $900
25 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
9 R,
7 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $14,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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