Suggest correction - #4324 - 2003-05-22

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    $800 9
Lobster Lake

Show #4324 - Thursday, May 22, 2003


Armando Batastini, an attorney from Harmony, Rhode Island

Mikki Deschaine, an executive assistant from Stratham, New Hampshire

Andy Hejl, a graduate student from Pasadena, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $5,600)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to identify the state.)
    $200 1
Buckeye Lake
    $200 2
In 1978 she starred on the big screen as Sandy in "Grease"
    $200 22
A good student knows that GPA stands for this
    $200 21
In 1949 Pol Pot went to study radio electronics in this city where he ended up joining the French Communist Party
    $200 11
...some of the Iams brand of this for Mouser, my American bobtail
    $200 16
When this song title American stuck a feather in his hat, he called it Macaroni
    $400 6
Yellowstone Lake
    $400 3
Her rendition of "One Moment in Time" was used as a theme song for the 1988 Summer Olympics
    $400 23
In ballet, to dance "sur les pointes" is to dance on these
    $400 27
In January 1979 Vietnamese troops took over this capital city & overthrew Pol Pot
    $400 12
...a couple of new pairs of this -- the no-run type this time
    $400 17
This type of boat's name is from a word meaning "hunting ship" & will take up your whole driveway if you park it there
    $600 7
Crater Lake
    $600 4
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Motown Records in Detroit.) Diana Ross was once a secretary at Motown, as was this singer before she went "Dancing In The Street" with The Vandellas
    $600 24
This military academy's 3-word motto is "Duty, Honor, Country"
    $600 28
This colorful name for Pol Pot's political movement was given to it by Cambodian king Norodom Sihanouk
    $600 13
...this ropelike material, defined as thread made of 2 or more strands twisted together
    $600 18
The jumble sale held in an English garden would be called one of these in an American suburb
    $800 9
Lobster Lake
    $800 5
Her "Mi Reflejo" album includes a Spanish version of her "Genie in a Bottle"
    $800 25
Also known as Divisionism, this style of art was best exemplified by Georges Seurat
    $800 29
Also the year of the U.S. pullout from Vietnam, it's the year Pol Pot seized dictatorial control of Cambodia
    $800 14
...20 first-class stamps, which will now cost this much total
    $800 19
The 1945 conference in this Crimean city determined that a defeated Germany would be divided into 4 zones
    $1000 10
Lake of the Ozarks
    $1000 8
(Hi, I'm Barbara Mandrell.) I had a pop & a country hit with this 1979 ballad whose title begins "If Loving You Is Wrong..."
    $1000 26
In a perspective drawing, it's the point on the horizon where parallel lines appear to converge
    DD: $1,400 30
This 1984 Oscar-winning film brought the genocidal horrors of Pol Pot & his regime to the eyes of the world
    $1000 15
...these fasteners, for my script on three-hole paper; they're also a man's first name
    $1000 20
Incorporated as a city in 1970, this city is the capital of Canada's vast Northwest Territories

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Andy Mikki Armando
$4,800 $3,200 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Andy Mikki Armando
$8,400 $6,000 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 2
In the early 1830s Michael Faraday found that a moving one of these can produce an electric current
    $400 21
In this language spoken by over 160 million people French really is "Frantsooski"
    $400 16
5 generations of one family have kept this company's "Pledge" to shine up American homes
    $400 1
Alanis Morissette,
    $400 4
Tommy Lee Jones guest-starred on the pilot for this TV series, but I was looking at Farrah
    $800 6
In 1953 Watson & Crick built a model of the molecular structure of this, the gene-carrying substance
    $800 22
In German, Schweizer doesn't mean "humanitarian"; it refers to people from this country
    $800 17
A Robert Frost poem begins, "The witch that came (the withered hag) to wash the steps with pail and" this
    $800 3
A.A. Milne,
    $800 5
She romanced Ian Ziering on "Beverly Hills 90210" before she found out that "Boys Don't Cry"
    $1200 7
In 2002 an 800-mile-diameter planetoid called Quaoar was found 1 billion miles past this 1430-mile-diameter planet
    $1200 23
To the Japanese Chile is Chiri & this South American country, Burajiru
    $1200 18
At the entrance to this, a device called a correlator aligns your wheels with the conveyor
    $1200 9
Leni Riefenstahl,
    $1200 13
He slayed us as the villainous Dario in the 007 film "Licence to Kill" before he got to play in "Traffic"
    $1200 28
Ill-tempered & quarrelsome
    $1600 8
In the 1920s scientists discovered fossilized dinosaur eggs in this huge Mongolian desert
    $1600 24
Sassenach is a disparaging Scots & Irish term for people of this land
    $1600 19
Type of product inspired by the Biblical passage "Thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes... out of the ivory palaces"
    DD: $4,000 11
Soren Kierkegaard,
    $1600 14
He played a man called Meatball in "The Caine Mutiny" 11 years before he horsed around in "Cat Ballou"
    $1600 27
This city in northeastern Ohio is home to the William McKinley memorial & burial site
    DD: $4,000 10
Among the compounds called alkanes, the hexanes are C6H14--& these hydrocarbons are C8H18
    $2000 25
In this language Danish is called Tanskalainen, Norwegian is Norjalainen & Swedish is Ruotsalainen
    $2000 20
The Eureka Hot Shot 350 gets things clean using this method
    $2000 12
Jorge Luis Borges,
    $2000 15
We've lionized him ever since he played the young Richard the Lionhearted on film in "The Lion in Winter"
    $2000 26
This Christian festival celebrates the day the infant Jesus was taken to the temple by Mary

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Andy Mikki Armando
$17,600 $14,400 $600

Final Jeopardy! Round

Before the first income tax was levied, the U.S. government got 90% of its revenue in the form of these

Final scores:

Andy Mikki Armando
$29,600 $25,000 $600
2-day champion: $35,200 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Andy Mikki Armando
$19,600 $14,000 $600
25 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
6 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $34,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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