Suggest correction - #4555 - 2004-05-28

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    $400 1
Randy hairdresser George Roundy

Show #4555 - Friday, May 28, 2004

Anne Boyd game 4.


Philip Blustein, a handyman from Beverly Hills, California

Jen Jorczak, a bookseller from Indianapolis, Indiana

Anne Boyd, a freelance writer from Los Angeles, California (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $61,400)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: which you have to identify the birth state of the people we will name.)
    $200 15
(Sofia of the Clue Crew rides up in an Indy car at the Indianapolis Speedway.) Paved with 3.2 million bricks in 1909, the Indianapolis Speedway has had this nickname ever since
    $200 4
There's a committee for this size of business
    $200 1
The first touch-tone one of these was placed in service in 1963
    $200 13
The stars on over 50 national flags, including ours, have this many points
    $200 12
Jerry Seinfeld &
Jerry Stiller
    $200 7
The first success for the theater of the Absurd, a 1952 Samuel Beckett play is about this title figure
    $400 16
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reads from inside a car at the Indianapolis Speedway Hall of Fame Museum.) A 1911 Stoddard-Dayton was one of the first of these cars that lead others around the track but don't race
    $400 14
Transportation & Infrastructure is one committee; this & Means, another
    $400 2
Gymnast George Nissen invented the first modern one of these in 1936; some called it a bouncing net
    $400 23
Color of the left hand stripe on the flag of Italy; it's not a color in Neapolitan ice cream
    $400 27
Count Basie &
Bruce Springsteen
    $400 8
The first snorkels were used by submarine crews of this nation to get air to their engines without surfacing
    $600 17
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the Indianapolis Speedway.) The tradition of Indy 500 winners drinking this nonalcoholic beverage in victory lane began with 1936 winner Louis Meyer
    $600 20
There's a Permanent Select Committee on this headed by Porter Goss; how smart!
    $600 3
Not named when it steamed up the Hudson river in 1807, it was later named for the estate of Fulton's backer
    $600 24
International organization whose flag is seen here
    $600 28
Mark Twain &
Jesse James
    $600 9
Excluding noncopyrighted works, this book first published in 1955 is the bestselling book in the world
    $800 18
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reads from the Indianapolis Speedway Hall of Fame Museum.) Behind the wheels of these cars, this driver, known by his initials, became the first 4-time winner of the Indy 500
    $800 21
The name of a small committee says it covers the "standards of official" this for House members
    $800 5
In 1824 British bricklayer Joseph Aspdin invented the Portland type of this
    $800 25
Richard III had a white boar on his flag; Louis XII, a porcupine; & Louis XIV, a radiating one of these
    $800 29
Abraham Lincoln &
Jefferson Davis
    $800 10
The 2-man capsules of this program were propelled into orbit by Titan II rockets
    $1000 19
(Sofia reports from the Indianapolis Speedway Hall of Fame Museum.) It was hard keeping up with this 1963 Indy 500 winner, the first driver to turn an official lap here at over 150 miles per hour
    $1000 22
C.W. Bill Young has a tendency to pass out (money) as chairman of this committee
    DD: $1,000 6
In 1868 Christopher Sholes & 2 others patented the typewriter; in 1873 this gunmaker got the contract to market it
    $1000 26
After Rama IV of Siam saw his flag with this animal flown upside-down, he switched to a striped flag
    $1000 30
Andy Warhol &
Andrew Wyeth
    $1000 11
The 1983 invasion of this country inspired the plot of the film "Heartbreak Ridge"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Anne Jen Philip
$3,400 $1,800 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Anne Jen Philip
$4,600 $2,000 $5,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We want you to name the film, of course.)
    $400 26
According to Hindu myth, this sacred river emanated from the toe of Vishnu
    $400 1
Randy hairdresser George Roundy
    $400 16
Making the list was the recent memoir by this current female senator
    $400 7
A brood of chickens, or the auto part seen here
    $400 19
On Jan. 2, 2004 the Stardust probe collected dust samples from Wild 2, one of these, & is returning them to Earth
    $400 6
A synonym for elevation
    $800 27
Ding dong! This river calling from Northamptonshire, England, flowing southwest to the Severn
    $800 2
Radical journalist John Reed
    $800 17
We must confess, William Styron's "The Confessions of" this man shows up
    $800 8
A surgeon might call for these
    $800 20
It's the planet seen here
    $800 12
The state or quality of being alone or remote from others
    $1200 28
This lake is the chief source of the Nile River
    $1200 3
Football player Joe Pendleton, back from the dead
    $1200 18
This first volume of Maya Angelou's autobiography flew onto the inventory
    $1200 9
A diplomatic official, or the case you're looking at
    $1200 21
Mercury is believed to have one of the densest in the solar system, made of iron & nickel
    $1200 13
The condition of thankfulness
    $1600 29
The Lake of Neuchatel is the largest lake entirely within this country
    $1600 4
In 1998, a free-spoken senator
    DD: $1,000 24
The "Collected Poems" of this Irish poet & 1923 Nobel Prize winner gained Bill's admiration enough to be listed
    $1600 10
When you're really in trouble, you could go from the item seen here... into this
    DD: $1,000 22
Moving at 2.9 miles per second, this planet has the slowest orbital speed of any planet in our solar system
    $1600 14
In law, imprisonment with hard labor is "penal" this
    $2000 30
This bay noted for its high tides separates New Brunswick & Nova Scotia
    $2000 5
Dustin Hoffman's untalented songwriting partner Lyle Rogers
    $2000 25
After some careful thought, "Meditations" by this Roman philosopher & emperor made the list
    $2000 11
In a Depression hit, it's what Irving Berlin wanted with another one of these
    $2000 23
This 17th century German astronomer's 1st law states that the planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun
    $2000 15
A musical composition for the development of a specific technique

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Anne Jen Philip
$22,200 $2,800 $10,400
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Among 2-letter country codes in Internet addresses, "de" is Germany, "kh" is Cambodia & "es" is this country

Final scores:

Anne Jen Philip
$23,200 $4,800 $20,800
4-day champion: $84,600 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Anne Jen Philip
$24,200 $2,800 $10,400
28 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
8 R,
3 W
17 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $37,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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