Suggest correction - #4176 - 2002-10-28

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    $800 19
With a score of 272, Justin Leonard won this major golf championship in 1997 at Troon, Scotland

Show #4176 - Monday, October 28, 2002


Laura Pierce, a home schooling mother of two from Valencia, California

Bob Vavra, an editor and writer from Woodridge, Illinois

Phillip Steele, a security officer from Los Angeles, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $9,398)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
The first 3 articles deal with forming the 3 branches of government, with this branch last in Article 3
    $200 11
Starring Barbra Streisand
    $200 1
About this city's 1906 earthquake, Jack London wrote, "Day was trying to dawn through the smoke pall"
    $200 6
The rim or edge of a crater, cup or golf hole
    $200 21
Ben Franklin invented these kinds of optical lenses for distance & reading
    $200 16
Schoolteacher Justin Morgan lent his name to a breed of this animal developed in the U.S. in the 1800s
    $400 27
It's interesting (or is it?) that at 12 letters, it's the longest word in the original document's Preamble
    $400 12
With Marsha Mason
    $400 2
This state capital lies on both banks of the Mississippi River at the confluence of the Minnesota River
    $400 7
If you don't finish all the assignments due in a course, you might see this letter on your transcript
    $400 22
In the '60s Robert Moog became a household name for the invention of one of these instruments that bears his name
    $400 17
Justin Henry earned an Oscar nomination as Dustin Hoffman & Meryl Streep's son in this film
    $600 28
When the Constitutional Convention met in May 1787, this man was chosen its presiding officer
    $600 13
Starring Lynn Redgrave
    $600 3
This city on Lake Michigan is "The Beer Capital of America"
    $600 8
Name of the dynasty that ruled China from 265 to 420 A.D.
    DD: $2,600 23
This amusement park claims the invention of the hot dog & the roller coaster
    $600 18
Justin Huish was right on target winning a gold medal in this sport at the 1996 Summer Olympics
    $800 29
Rhode Island never ratified this amendment even after it went into effect on January 16, 1920
    $800 14
With Drew Barrymore, Mary Stuart Masterson, Andie MacDowell & Madeleine Stowe
    $800 4
This city near Disney World was given its present name in 1857 to honor a soldier killed in the Seminole Wars
    $800 9
It precedes "beat" in a word meaning to bully or intimidate
    $800 24
(Sarah of the Clue Crew in a laboratory) He substituted mercury for alcohol in a tube around 1714, creating the modern thermometer
    $800 19
With a score of 272, Justin Leonard won this major golf championship in 1997 at Troon, Scotland
    $1000 30
It ratified the Constitution in 1791, 2 months before it became the 14th state
    $1000 15
Featuring Nicole Kidman
    $1000 5
Juarez, Mexico & this Texas city make up the largest metropolitan center on the U.S.-Mexico border
    $1000 10
The ancient city of Paestum has a well-preserved one dedicated to Poseidon
    $1000 25
In the 1830s Samuel Colt got cocky with the invention of this type of pistol
    $1000 20
In 1998 Justin Dart, Jr. was awarded this presidential medal for his work on behalf of the disabled

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Phillip Bob Laura
$3,200 $2,200 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Phillip Bob Laura
$4,000 $7,400 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 1890s
'80s MUSIC
    $400 1
Loaded with juicy chemicals including phenols, it's the solid residue of burning tobacco
    $400 14
"La Femme Peta" calls itself this type of "biography" of actress Peta Wilson
    $400 26
His psychoanalytic method of free association & his daughter Anna first saw the light in 1895
    $400 19
In 1970 Benny Binion started his World Series of this game
    $400 4
This group featuring sisters Ann & Nancy Wilson asked "What About Love?" in a 1985 hit
    $400 9
A Fodor's, or a Frommer's
    $800 2
This synonym for "turned on" refers to charcoal treated so that gases will settle on it
    $800 15
Title of Sylvia Nasar's tale of "The Life of Mathematical Genius and Nobel Laureate John Nash"
    $800 30
This school-oriented organization was founded in 1897 by Alice Birney & Phoebe Hearst
    $800 20
To get married in Vegas, one requirement is that there be at least this many people in the room
    $800 5
His 1986 No. 1 hit "Kiss" says, "Act your age, Mama, not your shoe size -- maybe we could do the twirl"
    $800 10
In contrast to the red types, the uvarovite form of this gemstone is a fine green
    $1200 3
The Greek word zyme, "leaven", gave us this term for proteins that are catalysts for reactions in the body
    $1200 16
This pioneer was a man, yes, a big man, & his bio won a Newbery Medal for James Daugherty
    $1200 29
In 1898, when this battleship blew up, Llewellyn Powers was governing the state of the same name
    $1200 23
You'll find the Coyote Ugly Bar in this hotel (think of where the movie was set)
    $1200 6
He topped the R&B charts in 1981 with "Give It To Me Baby"
    $1200 11
Hume Cronyn played cards with Jessica Tandy in this play that won the 1978 Pulitzer Prize
    $1600 21
Until the 1950s most motion picture film was made of this highly flammable material sometimes called celluloid
    DD: $2,700 17
Virginia Spencer Carr's "The Lonely Hunter" chronicles the life of this author
    $1600 28
Created in 1891, Colorado's fir- & spruce-filled White River region was the first of the U.S. areas now called these
    $1600 24
You'll find Sinbad's Palace inside this hotel with a 1001 Nights theme that opened anew in 2000
    $1600 7
In 1982 this group hit the Top 10 with the song heard here
["Tainted Love"]
    $1600 12
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew standing in front of the Flagler Museum in Palm Beach, Florida) The Flagler Museum exemplifies the style of this golden era, found in the title of a book by Charles D. Warner & Mark Twain
    DD: $2,000 22
The antidepressant Zoloft works by blocking reabsorption of this happy brain chemical
    $2000 18
This "Lady"like biographer of Mary, Queen of Scots came out with "Marie Antoinette: The Journey" in 2001
    $2000 27
In 1893, 9 years after Massenet's "Manon", this Italian composer told a similar story in "Manon Lescaut"
    $2000 25
The Golden Nugget is downtown on this street, famous for its "experience"
    $2000 8
Raspy women singers of the '80s include Kim Carnes & this singer who gave us a "Total Eclipse of the Heart"
    $2000 13
We rarely mention the Ghibellines without referring to these people, their historic rivals

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Phillip Bob Laura
$13,200 $7,100 $9,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

Used one way, this word is one of the official titles of the Pope; used another, it's an order of mammals

Final scores:

Phillip Bob Laura
$6,400 $100 $4,999
2-day champion: $15,798 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Phillip Bob Laura
$13,200 $7,800 $9,600
19 R,
3 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $30,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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