Suggest correction - #4168 - 2002-10-16

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    $400 7
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Belize Zoo) Whoa, baby! The Jabiru variety of this bird stands up to 5 feet tall with a wingspan of 8 feet or more & it flies

Show #4168 - Wednesday, October 16, 2002

(Sarah: In a few minutes, we'll be on the town in Chicago--stay tuned!)


Kristen Jacek, a credit administration manager from Irving, Texas

Tom McDermott, a municipal court magistrate from Bowling Green, Ohio

Henry Quillen, a teacher from Atlanta, Georgia (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $43,402)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
It's the year JFK was sworn in as president
    $200 1
It's what Murray Langston wore to turn himself into the Gong Show's Unknown Comic
    $200 6
It's what a gosling grows up to be
    $200 26
This Van Damme film shares its name with an overtime period of play added to a tied hockey game
    $200 21
Go against your best interest & you shoot yourself here
    $200 16
The name of this potent potable of bourbon & mint comes from an Arabic word meaning "rose water"
    $400 12
Of 1988, 1990 or 1994, the year of East & West Germany's reunification
    $400 2
The test named for this chemical paper has one decisive factor
    $400 7
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Belize Zoo) Whoa, baby! The Jabiru variety of this bird stands up to 5 feet tall with a wingspan of 8 feet or more & it flies
    $400 27
In 1987 Jean-Claude appeared uncredited in this jungle action film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger & Jesse Ventura
    $400 22
A quick & reckless reaction has you shooting from this body part
    $400 17
This Scottish poet's love was "like a red, red rose"
    $600 13
In this U.S. presidential election year, Israel gained independence
    $600 3
Instrument name of the paper fold seen here
    $600 8
Hunted at night by summer campers, but never found, it's actually a real bird related to the sandpiper
    $600 28
It's Jean-Claude's rhyming nickname that reflects his capital city of birth
    $600 23
Something that has a good effect on you (like a vaccine) is a shot in this
    $600 18
He's the PBS talk show host seen here
    $800 14
National Guard troops opened fire on students at Kent State in this census year
    $800 4
This office supply dates back to 1806
This office supply dates back to 1806
    DD: $1,000 9
Looking similar to a crane, this great blue bird flies with its long neck in an S shape
    $800 29
Jean-Claude starred as Chance Boudreaux in "Hard Target", this acclaimed Asian director's U.S. debut
    $800 24
When you brag or boast, you shoot off this body part
    $800 19
This conflict's last battle in 1485 resulted in the house of Lancaster taking power in England
    $1000 15
Beginning a long dry decade, the Prohibition amendment took effect in this year
    $1000 5
Manila paper was originally made from this rope substance from Manila
    $1000 10
Darwin is noted for his study of this bird in the Galapagos Islands
    $1000 30
Jean-Claude played a police agent chasing time-traveling criminals in this 1994 sci-fi thriller
    $1000 25
1775 Bunker Hill order on when you were allowed to shoot
    $1000 20
In this film, Woody Allen is a manager to blind xylophonists, piano-playing birds & has-been crooners

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Henry Tom Kristen
$1,800 $4,800 -$800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Henry Tom Kristen
$2,600 $8,000 $600

Double Jeopardy! Round

"O" NO!
    $400 1
Though it seats 500, Gino's East regularly has lines outside for this culinary specialty, even in winter
    $400 21
Fagin & the gang stop picking people's pockets & drop money in instead; what a "Twist"!
    $400 26
2 of his many books are "The Foot Book" & "The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins"
    $400 6
Born in Missouri in 1884, according to his names, he was "Head of the House" & "A Faithful Man"
    $400 11
Appropriately, you'll find an Old West museum bearing his name in Cody, Wyoming
    $400 12
A card game named for a middle-aged unmarried woman
    $800 2
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reporting from downtown Chicago) The building named for this Chicago company was partly inspired by a tower in Sevilla, Spain
    $800 22
Maladjusted boy & physically challenged pirate team up to sell "Magic Powder" (formerly known as fairy dust)
    $800 27
Astrid Lindgren, who died in 2002 at age 94, first spun tales about this freckled girl for her daughter
    $800 7
The first & last names of this president born in 1809 mean "Father of Many Nations" & "Of the Lake Colony"
    $800 17
They're the pioneering rockers heard here

"See ya later alligator..."
    $800 13
From the team's avian nickname, Bill Mlkvy was this "without a vowel" when he played basketball for Temple
    $1200 3
A sculpture titled this "Energy" was unveiled at the U. of Chicago in 1967, exactly 25 years after the first chain reaction
    $1200 23
Ms. Oakley gives up her rifle & becomes an anti-gun activist (Charlton Heston hates the new show)
    $1200 28
An illustration from this children's classic is seen here
    $1200 8
Born in 1833, his first name means "Son of the Right Hand"; his last, "Son of Harry"
    $1200 18
He was president of the Council of Fashion Designers of America from 1979 to 1981
    $1200 14
Christian monks take vows of poverty, chastity & this
    $1600 4
Chicagoans enjoy the view from this famous drive, named for its waterfront position
    $1600 24
Miss Mona's Chicken Ranch becomes a real chicken ranch as the gals raise poultry for Col. Sanders
    $1600 29
In a Judy Blume title, these 3 words follow "Are You There God?"
    $1600 9
Born in 1856, his 2 names mean "Dweller of a Place Near the Woods" & "Son of William"
    DD: $5,000 19
His keynote address at the 1992 Democratic Convention was a slam dunk
    $1600 15
Sleipnir was the magical steed ridden by this Norse god
    $2000 5
(Sofia of the Clue Crew reporting from downtown Chicago) In 2001, almost $300 trillion in contracts changed hands in that building known as the "Merc"
    $2000 25
Domestic abuser Billy Bigelow reforms & builds a family therapy theme park around that merry-go-round
    DD: $4,000 30
Published in the 1890s, "David Balfour" is a sequel to this classic novel
    $2000 10
Born in 1758, his first name means "One Who Supplants" & his surname means "From the Red River"
    $2000 20
He based "The Power of Myth" on his conversations with Joseph Campbell on PBS
    $2000 16
A liquid hydrocarbon formula C8H18, found in petroleum

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Henry Tom Kristen
$9,800 $19,800 $2,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1920 this man, great-grandson of Sauk leader Black Hawk, became the first president of what is now the NFL

Final scores:

Henry Tom Kristen
$6,800 $19,900 $0
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $19,900 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Henry Tom Kristen
$9,800 $16,200 $6,600
12 R,
1 W
25 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
14 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $32,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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