Suggest correction - #5489 - 2008-06-19

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    $1200 23
The Faroe Islands belong to this Scandinavian country

Show #5489 - Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dave Simpson game 4.


Kara Gavin, a science writer from Plymouth, Michigan

Kew Lee, a psychiatrist from San Francisco, California

Dave Simpson, a pastor from Belcamp, Maryland (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $76,802)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
The narrator opens this 1851 tale (tail?) with a demand; leaves New Bedford; has some ocean trouble
    $200 21
In 2007 this Patriots QB from Michigan threw a single-season record 50 TD passes
    $200 12
The name of this Mexican dish of a tortilla topped with fried eggs & salsa is sometimes translated as "country eggs"
    $200 11
This man died April 15, 1865 despite the desperate medical assistance of U.S. Surgeon General Joseph Barnes
    $200 1
Remember used cars? now dealers refer to those models as this type
    $200 6
This actor was busy in "Dr. Strangelove", playing 3 roles
    $400 27
An angler is 0-for-84 days, fish-wise, in this 1952 piece; gets harpoon happy; has some shark trouble
    $400 22
In 2007 this Browns QB from Notre Dame did not throw 50 TD passes
    $400 17
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew performs a science experiment.) Milk is a colloid, meaning a liquid with solid particles spread throughout; using vinegar, you can separate the solids, called curd, from the liquid, which is called this
    $400 13
In 1889 this "colossal" man's British South African Company received a charter to develop Malawi
    $400 2
9-letter term meaning produced in a particular region for local consumption
    $400 7
This chain let us know it was "time to make the donuts" in ads featuring a mustachioed, portly worker
    $600 28
A surgeon/sea captain sets sail on a quartet of voyages in this work; has some trouble with his Yahoo account
    $600 23
When he wasn't terrorizing Dave Chappelle, he won 2 Emmys for outstanding talk show host
    $600 18
A tornado that struck Rochester, Minnesota in 1883 inspired 3 doctors with this last name to open a clinic
    DD: $1,500 14
During the Russo-Japanese War, Jack London worked as a reporter for this man's newspaper chain
    $600 3
The Tomb of the American this, for a serviceman killed in WWI, was established in 1921
    $600 8
A 2001 Time article called this Bush strategist the "busiest man in the White House"
    $800 29
A Gypsy loves Captain Phoebus in this story; guy really puts his shoulder into things
    $800 24
By 1851 this photographer's failing eyesight had begun to hamper his work
    $800 19
This Maryland city's intl. airport is officially named for Thurgood Marshall, who was born there
    $800 15
On Hitler's direct order, SS man Otto Skorzeny led the spectacular 1943 rescue of this man from an Italian prison
    $800 4
To repudiate or renounce, especially one's heirs
    $800 9
4 Dutch builders were busy in Leeuwarden before setting a record by toppling 4,079,381 of these in 2006
    $1000 25
In the 1880s he made his fortune selling railroad cars for the Fox Pressed Steel Co. & got seriously into jewelry
    $1000 20
(Jon of the Clue Crew reports from Central Park.) Central Park has several impressive arches, like the one named for this shape, a design term for an ornamental 3-part leaf
    $1000 16
Changing the electricity industry, this coil man advocated the use of alternating current
    $1000 5
An overheated engine can get this way; so can your mind, man, if you think how small we are, y'know, cosmically
    $1000 10
It was no "accident" that this 10th president had the most children--15

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Dave Kew Kara
$1,200 $4,500 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Kew Kara
$3,000 $7,900 $4,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
The Spirit & Opportunity rovers found evidence that water once flowed on this planet
    $400 1
When 2 bowling pins are separated & you need to knock them down to get a spare, it's called one of these
    $400 21
On June 14, 1982 Argentine forces surrendered to British forces on these islands
    $400 16
The watermark on Egypt's 10-piastre bill is a statue of this ancient boy king
    $400 11
The only birds taller than this 8-foot African bird were the now-extinct moas
    $400 2
They top eyes & trash cans
    $800 27
In a single day, temperatures on this planet closest to the sun range from -280 degrees to 800 degrees
    $800 3
He was NBA Coach of the Year 3 times in the 1990s with 3 different teams
    DD: $4,000 22
The site of a major American naval victory over Japan in June 1942, it's located 1,300 miles northwest of Hawaii
    $800 17
Both Palau & the Marshall Islands use this as their basic monetary unit
    $800 12
Most of these flightless birds live near Antarctica, but the jackass species is found off South Africa
    $800 4
Female rent collector
    $1200 28
Part-time astronomer Christopher Wren made a model of this with surface relief & gave it to Charles II
    $1200 7
In 2008 Minnesota's final deadline for removing the shelters used in this activity was March 15
    $1200 23
The Faroe Islands belong to this Scandinavian country
    $1200 18
In 1704 Peter the Great introduced the first regular minting of this currency in silver
    $1200 13
Even though they're striped, thousands of these can be spotted migrating with their gnu friends
    $1200 5
Flower with its own yoga position
    $1600 29
A telescope atop a 17-story building on an Arizona mountain is called the LBT; the "B" is this, meaning "using 2 eyes"
    $1600 8
A coach for this Tallahassee-based college football team directed, "You guys line up alphabetically by height"
    $1600 24
This 147-square-mile island where Queen Victoria had a seaside home is just off the Hampshire coast
    $1600 19
Most of Vietnam's dong currency features the smiling face of this Communist dictator of the 1950s & '60s
    $1600 14
The Cape fur type of this breeds at colonies on the coast of South Africa
    $1600 6
Name whispered by "every little breeze" in song
    $2000 30
Alpha Centauri is a star; this, 3 letters shorter, is the term for Aldebaran as the brightest star in its constellation
    $2000 9
Peter Handke wrote a novel called this position's "Fear of the Penalty Kick"
    $2000 25
It's how Easter Island is known in its indigenous language
    DD: $2,000 20
In 2001 the Netherlands issued its last coin in this currency in both gold & silver
    $2000 15
This giraffe relative is also called a forest giraffe
    $2000 10
Quiche kingdom

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dave Kew Kara
$14,200 $16,300 $4,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

Registered in 1893, this product's trademark is written in the Spencerian script of bookkeeper Frank Robinson

Final scores:

Dave Kew Kara
$12,099 $4,199 $800
4-day champion: $88,901 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Dave Kew Kara
$14,200 $15,400 $8,800
18 R,
2 W
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
11 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $38,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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