Suggest correction - #3497 - 1999-11-16

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    $600 23
During the 900s the Chinese added these "key" devices to canals

Show #3497 - Tuesday, November 16, 1999

1999-B Celebrity Jeopardy! game 2.
From the Theater at Madison Square Garden, New York City.


Andy Richter, from NBC's Late Night With Conan O'Brien

S. Epatha Merkerson, from Law & Order

Brian Dennehy, from the play Death of a Salesman

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Things you might hear...)
    $100 1
    $100 21
Legend says that "The love of those who honeymoon here will last as long as the falls themselves"
    $100 16
On hold with a dating service, you might hear this Sinatra classic
    $100 11
The Donald knows this "Tower" at 725 Fifth Avenue boasts a six-story shopping atrium
    $100 6
Someone's in a bad way seriously ill if he has "one foot" here
    $200 2
    $200 22
Just 25 miles N. of Manhattan, this "Sleepy" village is the place "where the Headless Horseman rode"
    $200 17
A bad gardener's hold music could be this song
    $200 12
Murder Ink doesn't sell poison for your poison pen; it's this kind of store
    $200 7
If you depart in defeat it's "with your tail" here
    $300 3
    $300 23
It's believed that blazes lit to lure ships gave this resort island its name
    $300 18
Worry if your cardiologist's hold music is this song
    $300 13
The initials in the name of this world-famous toy store stand for Frederick August Otto
    $300 8
You're consuming more than I can sustain if "you're eating me out of" these 2 things
    $400 4
    DD: $1,000 24
The Bisons of baseball's International League play their home games in this city
    $400 19
Hearing this song while on hold might give you a mysterious itch
    $400 14
This famous food shop at Broadway & 80th Street is perfect for a file under "Z" category
    $400 9
Like a colt or calf, those who are innocent & naive are said to be "wet" here
    $500 5
    $500 25
Now at Elmira College, this author's study was made to look like a Mississippi riverboat's pilothouse
    $500 20
Maybe you'll hear this song if you call after business hours
    $500 15
This department store takes up an entire city block on 59th Street between Lexington & 3rd
    $500 10
If you match the desired of quality, you're "up to" this tobacco product

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Brian Epatha Andy
$200 $1,500 $2,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Brian Epatha Andy
$600 $2,000 $4,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 900s A.D.
(Alex: A little bit of everything.)
(Alex: Each correct response begins with that letter of the alphabet.)
    $200 1
This bard's plays are performed "In the Park" near a garden named for him
    $200 4
Syndicate leader Charles Luciano
    $200 16
A special flower for April, it can be oxeye or shasta
    $200 11
In 1944 Allied soldiers & some of their heavy friends fought "The Battle of" this type of protrusion
    $400 2
Hope you were invited to the famous Black & White Ball this "In Cold Blood" author gave at the Plaza Hotel
    $400 5
1930s bank robber George Kelly
    $400 22
It's the colorful nickname of the Viking Eric, who established a colony on Greenland in 985
    $400 17
(Hi, I'm Vanna White at Christian Dior in New York City.) This actress was wearing a Dior gown when she won her first Oscar for "BUtterfield 8"
    DD: $2,000 12
(Yo-Yo Ma gives the clue and performs a cello solo.) Are you ready? This "B" of classical music wrote the piece I'm about to perform
    $600 3
This suicidal poet once stayed at the Barbizon, which she fictionalized as the Amazon in "The Bell Jar"
    $600 10
Public enemy Charles Floyd
    $600 25
This multi-talented entertainer wrote the songs for "Sophie", a musical bio of Sophie Tucker
    $600 23
During the 900s the Chinese added these "key" devices to canals
    $600 18
If your computer has this kind of "base", you should know it's the plural of "datum"
    $600 13
11-letter word for one who supports a family, perhaps with whole wheat or sourdough
    $800 6
This "Moby Dick" author wrote "Billy Budd" while living at 104 East 26th Street
    $800 9
1920s racketeer Jack Diamond
    $800 24
Of Toad, Rat or Mole, the one Nathan Lane played in "Wind in the Willows"
    DD: $3,000 26
Around 957 English king Edgar made the monk Dunstan bishop of London; in 959 he made him archbishop of this
    $800 19
The original "Calamity" in her life may have been her parents' death while settling Salt Lake City
    $800 14
Georgiana Drew was the maiden name of the mother of John, Ethel & Lionel of this acting family
    $1000 7
This "Blithe Spirit" playwright is among the artistes who resided at the Hotel des Artistes
    $1000 8
Underworld boss Arthur Flegenheimer (aka Schultz)
    $1000 21
This future first lady made her Broadway debut in 1946's "Lute Song" with Mary Martin
    $1000 20
His Ninth Symphony includes the "Ode to Joy"; his opera "Fidelio" includes "O Nameless Joy"
    $1000 15
Tick-Licker was the favorite rifle of this 18th century Kentucky frontiersman

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Brian Epatha Andy
$5,000 $4,000 $12,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Appropriately, the 100th anniversary of this director's birth was on a Friday the 13th -- August 13, 1999

Final scores:

Brian Epatha Andy
$10,000 $7,500 $24,400
2nd place: $10,000 to the New York Foundling Hospital 3rd place: $10,000 to the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Winner: $29,400 to the Southern Poverty Law Center

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Brian Epatha Andy
$5,000 $4,000 $11,400
11 R,
1 W
14 R,
3 W
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $20,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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