Suggest correction - #3449 - 1999-09-09

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    $100 26
Take a shot & give us the irregular past tense of "I take the cake"

Show #3449 - Thursday, September 9, 1999

1999 Back to School Week game 4.


Max Johansen, a 12-year-old from Boca Raton, Florida

Anjali Tripathi, an 11-year-old from Woodland Hills, California

Joel Serna, an 11-year-old from Fort Worth, Texas

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Like "fly", "flew", "flown".)
(Bill: And me...)
    $100 2
3 of the 6 biggest U.S. newspapers are this city's Wall Street Journal, Daily News & the Times
    $100 1
Actress Love Hewitt could tell you that this first name is from Welsh for "white" & "smooth"
    $100 21
This sound that probably means your cat is content comes from vibrating air in its throat
    $100 6
The Kremlin sits atop Borovitsky Hill in this capital city
    $100 26
Take a shot & give us the irregular past tense of "I take the cake"
    $100 12
Through a stethoscope, you can hear this organ make a healthy "lub dub" sound
    $200 3
As opposed to latitude, these meridian lines run from the North Pole to the South Pole
    $200 15
Hebrew for "princess", it's the first name of the actress who plays Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    $200 22
It's a dog less than a year old, or a type of love you may have experienced
    $200 8
The name of this capital of Belgium might remind you of "sprouts" that Mom tries to make you eat
    $200 27
For the past tense of "dream", you have your choice of "dreamt" or this regular form
    $200 13
(Please consider the following.) A fish extracts oxygen from the water with these organs
    $300 4
In the 15th century, Cheng Ho explored the Indian Ocean while in the service of this country
    $300 17
This first name of former president Bush is Greek for "farmer"
    $300 23
It's the most common name for the "tactile hairs" found on kitty's face
    $300 9
Toronto is the capital of Ontario, but this other Ontario city is the capital of Canada
    $300 14
In 1905 this way cool scientist published his special theory of relativity
    $400 5
Anthropology, the study of mankind, includes this other -ology that digs up old artifacts
    $400 19
Mrs. Clinton should be happy: this first name of hers means "cheerful"
    $400 24
A dog that's a mix of 2 breeds is called a mongrel or this other "M" word
    DD: $400 10
Key West, Florida is only about 100 miles away from this foreign capital
    $400 16
A molecule is formed when 2 or more of these combine
    $500 7
Henry Ford devised this production "line" that reduced the cost of making cars
    $500 20
This name is used to describe a romantic lover; Leonardo DiCaprio played him in a 1996 film
    $500 25
The British changed this dog's name to the Alsatian because they were upset about World War I
    $500 11
The name of this capital of Argentina means "fair winds" or "good air"
    $500 18
When you drink with a straw, you're creating a partial one of these spaces that contain no matter

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Joel Anjali Max
$400 $400 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Joel Anjali Max
$2,300 $1,500 $3,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
The town near Jerusalem where Jesus was born
    $200 2
Meaning "pocket monster" in Japanese, there are about 150 of these Nintendo Game Boy creatures
    $200 7
    $200 26
Broccoflower is a cross between a cauliflower & this veggie
    $200 16
"Hits & Misses" is a super mystery pairing up the Hardy Boys & this girl
    $200 21
A lack of food; Ireland had a potato one in the 1840s
    $400 12
Term for the chief religious leader of a synagogue
    $400 3
In "The Vacation Mystery", Mattel has this dollface detective team up with Ken & Becky
    $400 8
    $400 28
Iceberg & Romaine are 2 of the most common varieties of this salad vegetable
    $400 17
This author's name is on almost all the "Fear Street" books
    $400 22
On May 3, 1999 these most violent of windstorms cut a deadly path thru Oklahoma
    $600 13
This religious leader went home to Poland for a 13-day visit in June 1999
    $600 4
Gex is a gecko, Croc is a crocodile & Spyro is one of these
    $600 9
    $600 29
The pickle on your hamburger was made from this veggie (which is actually a fruit)
    DD: $2,000 18
In a series of books by Ann M. Martin, it's the title group organized by Kristy
    $600 23
Possible disaster that the sign covered here warns of
    $800 14
It's the holy book of Islam
    $800 5
Nintendo's "Ocarina of Time" continues "The Legend of" this
    $800 10
    DD: $2,000 30
If you're forced to eat spinach, it's the part of the plant you'll eat
    $800 19
This cat from "Sabrina" has his own series of "Tails"
    $800 24
From the Greek for "among the people", it's an outbreak of one disease over a large area of the world
    $1000 15
Mormons are also known as "Latter-Day" these
    $1000 6
Paddles ready? Hasbro has updated this Atari title, the grandfather of video games
    $1000 11
    $1000 27
Brussels sprouts are related to this main ingredient of cole slaw
    $1000 20
He's "America's Sherlock Holmes in Sneakers"
    $1000 25
It's a long period without rain that causes a lot of crop damage

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Joel Anjali Max
$6,100 $8,900 $10,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

It's reported that on this date King George III wrote in his diary, "Nothing of importance happened today"

Final scores:

Joel Anjali Max
$12,200 $3,900 $7,299
Winner: $12,200 + $5,000 as the week's highest scorer + a trip for 4 to Universal Studios Florida 3rd place: 1 computer + software + a trip for 4 to Universal Studios Florida 2nd place: 2 computers + software + a trip for 4 to Universal Studios Florida

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Joel Anjali Max
$6,100 $7,700 $9,400
16 R,
1 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
25 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $23,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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