Suggest correction - #3448 - 1999-09-08

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    $400 27
When Mom shakes the thermometer, it's to get this liquid metal to go down

Show #3448 - Wednesday, September 8, 1999

1999 Back to School Week game 3.


Kendra Pettis, an 11-year-old from Maplewood, New Jersey

Dmitry Spivak, an 11-year-old from Glenview, Illinois

Melanie Bruchet, an 11-year-old from Tallahassee, Florida

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
There's New York, New Jersey, New Mexico & "New" this as well
    $100 22
Sally jumps on one foot into numbered squares drawn with chalk in this game
    $100 17
Its thick, gray skin weighs about a ton & is so tender mosquitos can bite it on the trunk -- can I keep it?
    $100 1
Summer Sanders is the host of this game show
    $100 16
An ant has this many legs
    $100 11
Dial "O" & you get this person
    $200 7
Its capital is Salem, but its largest city is Portland
    $200 23
Sally is good at this game of hitting a ball to completely coil a cord around a post
    $200 18
Just standing there on the ground, it can get my frisbee off the roof with its tongue -- can I keep it?
    $200 2
These 2 guys were on Nickelodeon's "All That" before getting their own show
    $200 27
On the Celsius scale, water freezes at this temperature
    $200 12
Month when you're most likely to see leaves like the ones seen here
    DD: $400 8
This state is the smallest in area
    $300 24
Sally plays on the jungle gym, which has a connecting set of bars named for this jungle animal
    $300 19
You can use it to serve pieces of cheese at a party, stick them on its quills & let it walk around -- can I keep it?
    $300 3
This character got her secret powers after being doused with a chemical in a freak accident
    $300 28
An octopus has this many arms (or is it legs?)
    $300 13
This state's flag includes the design seen here
    $400 9
Ponce de Leon searched for the Fountain of Youth in this "Sunshine" state
    $400 25
On Saturdays Sally plays this team game; she pretends she's Mia Hamm
    $400 20
I'll let it build a dam in the bathtub & it can cut down old trees in the neighborhood -- can I keep it?
    $400 4
Henry & June live inside a comic book filled with mind-scrambling cartoons on this show
    $400 29
The total number of years in a millennium
    $400 14
They're like a classical musical; Richard Wagner wrote them
    $500 10
Points of interest in this state include the San Joaquin Valley & the Sacramento River
    $500 26
On the track, runners practice for a race by jumping over these fencelike obstacles
    $500 21
I fit between its humps & can ride it to school; I don't have to give it water for months -- can I keep it?
    $500 5
Hey! This cartoon boy has a football-shaped head & is bullied by Helga
    $500 30
A decagon has this many sides
    $500 15
Without this endangered layer of the atmosphere, you'd get a real bad sunburn

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Melanie Dmitry Kendra
$1,300 $1,400 $1,900

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Melanie Dmitry Kendra
$3,400 $2,500 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Notice the hyphen there; each clue has to do with elements.)
    $200 11
This largest of the Great Lakes is also the highest above sea level at 600 feet
    $200 5
Apple made a computer called Lisa before they introduced this famous one in 1984
    $200 17
He was first famous as a comedian, but now he's into more serious stuff in movies like "Patch Adams"
    $200 26
Alchemists of the Middle Ages tried to turn lead into this yellow metal
    $200 6
This is the home of the Whopper
    $200 16
In Mexico City
    $400 12
It's the longest river in the world
    $400 4
Intel says it had "the internet in mind" when it designed the new III model of this processor
    $400 18
This actress who's been in "E.T." & "Never Been Kissed" was a little scamp when she was your age
    $400 27
When Mom shakes the thermometer, it's to get this liquid metal to go down
    $400 7
Panda Express serves the gourmet type of this national cuisine
    $400 22
In Sydney, Australia
    $600 13
This river runs from Three Forks, Montana to its mouth 17 miles north of St. Louis
    $600 3
If your PC freezes up, a handy way to restart is to hold down Ctrl & Alt & hit this key
    $600 19
This actor from Scotland plays Obi-Wan Kenobi in "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace"
    $600 28
To make water put together 1 O, oxygen, with 2 H's, which are this element
    $600 8
Using his recipe of 11 herbs & spices, Colonel Harland Sanders founded this restaurant
    $600 23
In Tokyo
    DD: $600 14
This lake on the French-Swiss border shares its name with the Swiss city at its southern end
    $800 2
It works like a photocopy machine, but it copies images into the computer
    $800 20
On "Home Improvement", 3-name kids included Zachery Ty Bryan, Taran Noah Smith & him as Randy
    DD: $1,000 29
The fifth most abundant element in the Earth's crust, it helps build strong bones in your body
    $800 9
This "Pizza! Pizza!" company's logo is a small man in a toga & sandals
    $800 24
In Dijon & Bordeaux
    $1000 15
Despite its huge size, this saltwater "sea" bordering Iran has no tides
    $1000 1
The number of MHz, which stands for this, tells you how fast a computer you have
    $1000 21
This "Suddenly Susan" star sadly split from tennis star Andre Agassi in 1999
    $1000 30
Elements like uranium & plutonium are classified as this, meaning they emit rays or waves of energy
    $1000 10
On April Fool's Day 1996 this fast-food chain advertised that it had bought the Liberty Bell
    $1000 25
In former Leningrad, now St. Petersburg

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Melanie Dmitry Kendra
$7,400 $12,300 $1,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

In the end this Dickens character says, "I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year"

Final scores:

Melanie Dmitry Kendra
$12,001 $4,600 $2,800
Winner: $12,001 + a trip for 4 to Universal Studios Florida 2nd place: 2 computers + software + a trip for 4 to Universal Studios Florida 3rd place: 1 computer + software + a trip for 4 to Universal Studios Florida

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Melanie Dmitry Kendra
$8,000 $12,100 $1,300
20 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
26 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
10 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $21,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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