Suggest correction - #5474 - 2008-05-29

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    $600 8
This name given to the regime that ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945 reflects 2 others before it

Show #5474 - Thursday, May 29, 2008


Alison Becker, a researcher from Los Angeles, California

Steve Frappier, a high school college counselor from Miami, Florida

Pat Roche, a trainer from East Greenbush, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $13,700)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Nickname shared by baseball great Jay Dean & jazz great John Gillespie
    $200 11
2 weeks after a symbolic union in Bora Bora, this "Shrek" jackass called it quits before having the legal ceremony
    $200 26
Open mesh fabric style used in stockings & on trawlers
    $200 2
A barbecue takes place at Twelve Oaks, the Wilkes family plantation, in Chapter VI of this novel
    $200 21
States in present-day New England
    $200 16
It's said that this implement "is mightier than the sword"
    $400 7
In 1967, this Cuban revolutionary leader was captured in Bolivia and executed
    $400 12
Secretly married in 2007, the wife of this "Diff'rent Strokes" star now handles his memorabilia sales on eBay
    $400 27
It's a fluffy type of pie, or a sheer, fluffy silk fabric for blouses
    $400 3
(Jon of the Clue Crew reports from the American Museum of Natural History in New York.) This J.D. Salinger hero reminisces about seeing the Haida canoe on childhood field trips to the American Museum of Natural History
    $400 22
Total number of royal flushes that can be dealt out of one deck of 52 cards
    $400 17
It's what you're actually doing if you're just out of school & "pounding the pavement"
    $600 8
This name given to the regime that ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945 reflects 2 others before it
    $600 13
After marrying musician Josh Kelley, she went from wedding dress in 2007 to "27 Dresses" in 2008
    DD: $2,500 28
Gregory Peck's title gray suit was made of this
    $600 4
In an Erich Maria Remarque novel, "the army report confined itself to a single sentence" --this, the book's title
    $600 23
In the U.S., the difference between a million & a billion is this many zeros
    $600 18
In "A Psalm of Life", Longfellow tells of leaving these behind "on the sands of time"
    $800 9
Ngo Dinh Diem's P.R. people coined this term for the band of guerillas that fought South Vietnam
    $800 14
After releasing her self-titled debut album, this idol wed her producer Nick Cokas in February 2008
    $800 29
Panne, cut & crushed are types of this thick pile fabric
    $800 5
African-American writer Chester Himes exploded with "A Rage in" this section of Manhattan
    $800 24
JFK was this number in presidential sequence, also the minimum age to become president
    $800 19
Meaning "in trouble", the expression "in" this presumably refers to the briny liquid it's made in
    $1000 10
Charter 77 was smuggled out of this country in 1977 & published in Western newspapers
    $1000 15
Third time's a charm for this French president who recently married supermodel Carla Bruni
    $1000 30
Pashmina is a fashionable type of this luxurious fabric made from the hair of a wild goat native to India & Tibet
    $1000 6
John Steinbeck describes this title fish-processing area in Monterey, Ca. as "a poem, a stink, a grating noise"
    $1000 25
Syllables in a line of standard iambic pentameter
    $1000 20
Meaning "a greater return for your investment", it reportedly came from military expenditures in the 1950s

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Pat Steve Alison
$600 $0 $5,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Pat Steve Alison
$3,600 $3,400 $8,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 3
It's nearly 4 times the size of Texas, & 85% of it is made up of the Sahara Desert
    $400 2
Anna goes to the royal palace in Bangkok & helps a Chinese-American architect build the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
    $400 1
To us it's the space at the top of a house; in Ancient Greece it was an architectural order named for Athens' region
    $400 13
In 2008 Bank of America announced plans to buy this, the nation's largest mortgage lender
    $400 19
Made of keratin, it's the equine equivalent of a claw
    $400 5
This Egyptian goddess learned the secret name of Ra & thus acquired his power
    $800 4
Barbuda's buddy
    $800 11
Eliza Doolittle adds a saucy new tune to her repertoire: "Gitchie, gitchie ya ya, da da"
    $800 9
The simple 18th century British style named for this queen features red brick, not her lace
    $800 14
Not far apart on the Fortune 500 are these 2 cos., one in Internet services & one in food; the names are homophones
    $800 20
On the housefly, these are composed of up to 4,000 individual lenses
    $800 15
This heroine of a Keats poem is a maiden of Florence, not a lady of Spain
    $1200 6
It's located on the western shore of the Caspian Sea at the southeast extremity of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains
    $1200 12
17 dancers are cut down to 8, then form this to divide offense from defense on the gridiron
    $1200 10
The "glass skyscraper" architect Ludwig Mies added this, his mother's surname, to his own
    $1200 24
One in 9 Americans has this type of insurance through WellPoint
    $1200 21
The cells bees make for workers, males & queens are different in size, but all are this shape
    $1200 16
In the "Epic of Gilgamesh", this goddess was spurned (like the Warren Beatty movie that flopped)
    DD: $4,000 7
It has an Atlantic coastline of about 1,000 miles, & Bantu is its largest language group
    $1600 26
"How are things in Glocca Morra?"
Well, Og the leprechaun wants his gold & some "multi-colored" fish for a start
    DD: $2,000 25
What was once the Anglo-Persian & Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. later took this name, still reflecting its English roots
    $1600 22
A bean with mottled markings shares its name with this equine
    $1600 17
The Beykoz Woods on the Asian side of this city are famous for their tea gardens
    $2000 8
This mountainous Balkan country tops out at 9,000-foot Mount Korab
    $2000 27
Pointillist Seurat sings, dances & writes "Animal Farm"
    $2000 28
Here's some energy info: this company serves almost 9 million residents of NYC & Westchester County
    $2000 23
"Health, history, horses" is the motto of this city in upstate New York
    $2000 18
Sophocles didn't name a play for her, so she's less famous than her sister Antigone

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Pat Steve Alison
$8,800 $7,400 $17,500

Final Jeopardy! Round

With an estimated sellout crowd of 267,925 people, it claims to be the best-attended single-day sporting event in the U.S.

Final scores:

Pat Steve Alison
$0 $4,400 $17,000
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $17,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Pat Steve Alison
$8,800 $5,000 $17,600
19 R,
4 W
8 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $31,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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