Suggest correction - #5445 - 2008-04-18

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    $600 19
A resident member of a hospital's medical staff, or an unpaid trainee

Show #5445 - Friday, April 18, 2008


Carrie Wright, a marketing specialist from Spartanburg, South Carolina

Gabriel Schechter, a researcher from Cooperstown, New York

Chris Zane, a benefits administrator from Westminster, Maryland (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $57,201)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you the lake, you ID the state.)
    $200 1
Before each shuttle landing at the KSC, workers have to remove these reptiles that like to sun on the runway
    $200 6
With players like Joe Montana & Steve Young, this team dominated in the 1980s & '90s
    $200 7
His uncle, the African magician, told him where to find the "wonderful lamp"
    $200 15
"I get by with a little help from my friends" is a line from this classic Beatles album
    $200 12
Halalii Lake
    $200 20
A sister or brother
    $400 2
This insect's sound as he rubs his wings together is a courtship song
    $400 8
After finishing the 2005 season with a 3-13 record, this team bounced back in 2006 to win the NFC South
    $400 27
Originally Frederic Bartholdi wanted this to be placed at the Suez Canal to light the way to Asia; plan B was America
    $400 18
In April 1948 the "European Recovery Program", more popularly known as this, was signed into law
    $400 13
Lake Tahoe
(2 states)
    $400 23
It can be a small savory lump of dough served in soup, or a baked treat filled with apples
    $600 3
The most abundant species of bear, these "colorful" ones can live for more than 30 years in the wild
    $600 9
In 2007 this Green Bay QB eclipsed Dan Marino's career record for TD passes
    $600 28
In the evenings she carried a lamp while walking the corridors of a hospital in the Crimea tending to Britain's wounded
    $600 19
A resident member of a hospital's medical staff, or an unpaid trainee
    $600 14
Coeur d'Alene Lake
    $600 24
It's meaningless chatter, or the soothing sound of a brook as it flows over stones
    $800 4
A baboon's diet can include rodents, birds & even fawns of this "g"raceful small antelope
    $800 10
After coaching this team for 3 seasons, Al Davis became one of its owners
    $800 29
On April 18, 1775 Robert Newman sneaked into this building to hang 2 lanterns
    $800 21
With the assistance of Jonathan Harker, this literary character buys a property near London
    $800 16
Lake Kissimmee
    $800 25
I've got a feeling you'll know it's a vague idea or notion
    $1000 5
Boeing has named a military aircraft after this bird that's showing off its flight capabilities
    $1000 11
Prior to the Ravens, the city of Baltimore had only one other NFL team name in its history--this one
    $1000 30
It's said that he wandered about Athens with a lighted lamp in broad daylight looking for an honest man
    DD: $2,000 22
Before he wrote "Roots", Alex Haley helped write "The Autobiography of" this black leader
    $1000 17
Chickamauga Lake
    $1000 26
An inexperienced person, or a young bird that just got its flying feathers

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 17):

Chris Gabriel Carrie
$800 $4,800 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Gabriel Carrie
$4,200 $7,600 $3,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
Meriwether Lewis named a tributary of the Musselshell River in Montana for her
    $400 2
A little bird told me that Susan Dey played Laurie on this '70s series
    $400 21
It's the shortest name a pope has chosen, & we're not lion
    $400 1
China & Greece didn't adopt this calendar until the 1900s
    $400 7
In 1613 Francis Bacon got this office; he'd have trouble with the U.S. Senate today, as he approved of torture
    $400 9
Adding pepper sauce & cayenne pepper to stuffed eggs makes them this wicked dish
    $800 27
This Sioux chief is said to have received his name when an equine raced through camp at his birth, c. 1849
    $800 3
This 1989 CBS Western was the highest-rated miniseries in 5 years
    $800 22
The largest Protestant cathedral in Dublin is named for this saint
    $800 17
It was first joined with Bosnia in 1482
    $800 8
Years after this country's revolution, it reshowed its Francis Bacon triptych... in a London museum
    $800 10
Have a hangtown fry, traditionally, eggs, bacon & these shellfish--a pearl of a dish!
    $1200 28
B'gosh! A Wisc. city is named for this Menominee chief who helped the British capture Fort Mackinaw in 1812
    $1200 4
Gina Lollobrigida showed up as Jane Wyman's half-sister on this series about a winery
    $1200 23
Rifai Dervishes are colloquially known for "howling"; Mawlawi Dervishes are known for doing this
    $1200 18
Jamaica's second-largest city & main tourist center, it shares its name with the body of water it overlooks
    DD: $1,600 11
Bacon admired this Italian author for writing about "what men do, and not what they ought to do"
    $1200 14
You don't have to travel to Edinburgh for this appetizer, a hard-boiled egg that's coated with sausage & fried
    $1600 29
A Cree Indian, this folk singer won a 1982 Oscar for co-writing "Up Where We Belong" from "An Officer and a Gentleman"
    $1600 5
Edward Everett Horton played a medicine man named Roaring Chicken on this goofy cavalry sitcom
    $1600 24
Traditionally, it is read aloud in its entirety in the synagogue over the course of a year
    DD: $3,500 19
A Spanish city, or Spanish guitarist Andres
    $1600 12
The title of "Novum Organum" meant the work was to supersede the "organon" of this Greek logic-meister
    $1600 15
The name of this egg dish, sort of a flat omelet, is from the Italian for "fried"
    $2000 30
This "royal" Wampanoag leader fought a 1675-76 war against colonists in what was New England's worst Indian war
    $2000 6
Morgan Fairchild was tickled "pink" to star in this '80s TV series based on a Joan Crawford film
    $2000 25
From 1934 to his death in 1975, he led the Nation of Islam
    $2000 20
Completes the title of the Eugene O'Neill play "A Moon for the..."
    $2000 13
From the Latin for "to lead", this method that goes from specific to general was the basis of Bacon's scientific method
    $2000 16
For Passover, this Jewish dish is sort of like French toast but uses unleavened bread dipped in beaten egg

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Gabriel Carrie
$9,800 $19,600 $2,300
(lock-tie game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

They're the only 2 trilogies in which all 3 of the films were nominated for Best Picture Oscars

Final scores:

Chris Gabriel Carrie
$0 $19,600 $2,300
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $19,600 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Chris Gabriel Carrie
$9,800 $18,200 $5,800
16 R,
3 W
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
14 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $33,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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