Suggest correction - #5419 - 2008-03-13

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    $400 27
Miller's play "A View from the Bridge" concerns a view from this New York bridge

Show #5419 - Thursday, March 13, 2008


Trevor Burrus, a law student from Centennial, Colorado

Ellen Eden, a substitute teacher and farmer from Dorsey, Illinois

Jason Kaczor, an insurance specialist from Syracuse, New York (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $36,400)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
1965's "The Outlaws Is Coming" was the last movie featuring this wacky trio of comedy misfits
    $200 7
Gutzon Borglum died in 1941 so his son, Lincoln, finished sculpting the 4 figures of this memorial
    $200 2
Nitrides of boron & silicon are used to make crucibles because they are stable when this is high
    $200 16
Bubonic plague's more descriptive name
    $200 21
Sick of selling dry goods from a buggy, in 1872 Montgomery Ward issued a one-page one of these
    $200 26
Arthur Miller's marriage to her was mirrored in his play "After the Fall"
    $400 4
In 1953 this big-screen misfit duo met Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde; in 1955 they met the mummy
    $400 8
Kidnappers got under this crooner's skin when they kidnapped his son from a Tahoe casino in 1963
    $400 3
Crucibles are sometimes made out of this ceramic material made by firing pure clay
    $400 17
The 7 words that complete the speech Patrick Henry gave on March 23, 1775
    $400 22
In the '80s this city's Old Vic Theater was refurbished by salesman "Honest Ed" Mirvish
    $400 27
Miller's play "A View from the Bridge" concerns a view from this New York bridge
    $600 5
Born Joseph Levitch, he's been a nutty professor & an errand boy
    $600 10
Nickname of the "son" who terrorized NYC in the summer of '77
    $600 11
This element, Pt, is used in crucibles & tongs because of its inertness & high fusing point
    $600 18
Napoleon's is seen here
    $600 23
This direct-selling co. known for products like Nutrilite claims 3 million independent business owners
    $600 28
In June 1999 Arthur Miller received a lifetime achievement one of these awards at Radio City Music Hall
    $800 6
When these misfit brothers were "at the circus" in a 1939 film, "Lydia the tattooed lady" was there, too
    DD: $1,000 14
Egypt is sometimes called the land of this fertile son of Noah
    $800 12
Brass usually comes out of a crucible in this 5-letter form, more familiarly used with gold
    $800 19
Suge Knight & Tupac Shakur's rap music record label
    $800 24
When dealing with a car salesman, know that the MSRP, short for this, doesn't include taxes & registration
    $800 29
Arthur Miller wrote the screenplay for the 1961 film "The Misfits", this male superstar's last film
    $1000 9
He's the bawdy British TV misfit & comic genius seen here
    $1000 15
This man whose surname means "hammer" counted Carloman & Pepin the Short as sons
    $1000 13
A vertical crucible called a "skull" is used to make the gem called "cubic" this
    $1000 20
It's the title of the famous 1793 work seen here
    $1000 25
This 1992 presidential candidate sold IBM computers in Texas before starting his own company, EDS
    $1000 30
Miller's play "Death of a Salesman" was his tragic tale of this title character

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jason Ellen Trevor
$3,600 $600 $3,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jason Ellen Trevor
$6,600 $1,800 $5,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 17
Brought to the U.S. in the 1930s, this movement's name is German for "pattern" or "shape"
    $400 22
Get some McLovin from this 2007 comedy that Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg began writing as 13-year-olds
    $400 16
(Sarah of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from Steinway & Sons in New York.) Today's keys are made of spruce, but the black keys & the whole body undergo staining to make them look like this traditional material
    $400 11
Galaga is an arcade game; Gallagher smashes this fruit, Citrullus lanatus, with the Sledge-O-Matic
    $400 1
This nation has been ruled by the Grimaldi royal family since the 14th century
    $400 6
"Like it or" do this, meaning take or endure it
    $800 18
Noted behavioral psychologist in the photo seen here
    $800 23
Mais oui! In 2007 Chris Tucker & Jackie Chan headed to Paris, giving this film series trilogy status
    $800 27
(Jon of the Clue Crew reports from Steinway and Sons.) It's the ten-letter term for the piano's diaphragm; it's made flexible enough to vibrate, but strong enough to handle a thousand pounds of force from over 200 strings
    $800 12
Theodore Dreiser wrote "An American Tragedy"; Philip Roth, "The Great American" this
    $800 2
This former Yugoslavian republic broke away from Serbia in 2006
    $800 7
"And when two lovers woo they still say 'I love you' on that you can" do this
    $1200 19
It took 8 years for this 1899 Freud work to sell the initial 600 copies printed, earning him about $250 in royalties
    $1200 24
(Hey, I'm Mark McGrath.) My band & I sang the song "Words To Me" in this 2002 movie about a hungry hyphenated Hanna-Barbera hound
    $1200 28
(Sarah delivers the clue from Steinway & Sons' showroom.) Steinway models include a baby grand, a parlor grand, & this one, just in case you're Alfred Brendel
    $1200 13
If you're vulpine, you're like a fox; if you're lying on your back with your face upward, you're in this position
    $1200 3
The largest country in area that ends in "O", it has a population of about 66 million
    $1200 8
To stop a leak or publicize a product
    $1600 20
Known for his "box", he wrote "Walden Two", a 1948 fiction work about operant conditioning
    $1600 25
Kevin Costner's funeral kicks off this "big" 1983 film but sadly, Kevin couldn't make it; he got cut from the film in editing
    $1600 29
(Sarah delivers the clue from Steinway & Sons' workshop.) These stop the string from vibrating once the key is raised--each is carefully matched to a string
    $1600 14
Tarantino is a director; this is a rapid, whirling dance named for an Italian city
    $1600 4
Open an atlas & discover that the Atlas Mountains traverse the length of this country
    $1600 9
It's said that "Horses sweat, men perspire, women" do this
    $2000 21
In 1935 he founded the Swiss Society for Practical Psychology & became its president
    $2000 26
Heard here, the "Wilhelm Scream" debuted in a 1951 film but has been used in over 120 others, notably in this 1977 sci fi pic
    $2000 30
(Sarah reports from Steinway's showroom.) This Polish pianist helped boost Steinway's reputation with tours of America in the 1890s, on one of which he played 107 concerts in 117 days
    $2000 15
The Coriolis effect is caused by the Earth's rotation; this is a Shakespeare play about Caius Marcius
    DD: $2,000 5
This small country is about 1/20th the size of NYC & its primary language is Italian
    DD: $2,000 10
It means "to strongly encourage", & all its letters are found in the word encourage

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jason Ellen Trevor
$14,600 $7,000 $9,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Sherwood Anderson told him, write about what "you know... that little patch... in Mississippi where you started from"

Final scores:

Jason Ellen Trevor
$18,600 $11,500 $15,500
3-day champion: $55,000 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jason Ellen Trevor
$15,600 $9,000 $9,200
23 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $33,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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