Suggest correction - #5406 - 2008-02-25

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    DD: $1,000 22
Slang for a private eye like Sam Spade, it can also mean to move softly

Show #5406 - Monday, February 25, 2008


Bill Needle, a play-by-play announcer from Chagrin Falls, Ohio

Beth Holliday, a legal writer from Vail, Arizona

Aileen Hawkins, a stay-at-home mom from Dana Point, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $2,399)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
A nickname for New York is "the Big" this fruit
    $200 6
Mel Gibson was in a fowl mood when he voiced Rocky Rhodes, a "flying rooster" in this animated film
    $200 24
This "King of Beers" was the official beer of the 2007 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue
    $200 20
In 1960 it was him & Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.
    $200 16
The Kyrgyz formerly had this way of life also called transhumant; the Soviets made them settle down
    $200 1
In 1964 Jan & Dean sang about the "Little" this "From Pasadena"
    $400 12
George Bush Intercontinental Airport is in this city
    $400 7
Singer Roger Miller played Alan-a-Dale, rooster minstrel, in this Disney classic
    $400 25
This company's website says it has been "brewed for over 30 years (&) is the first lite beer"
    $400 21
William Miller shared his ticket in 1964
    $400 17
Of Mishlek, Bishkek or Dishrek, the present name of the capital city (formerly Pishpek)
    $400 2
In the 1980s research scientists first detected a "hole" in this above Antarctica
    DD: $1,600 13
After getting lost crossing a California desert & suffering intensely, emigrants gave the area this name
    $600 8
The tagline to this 2005 animated feature was "This time the sky really is falling"
    $600 26
This company's beer, introduced in 1874, "is brewed in the Rockies for a uniquely crisp, clean... Mile High taste"
    $600 22
Humphrey & Muskie were edged out in this year
    $600 18
The Kyrgyz Range in the north of K'stan extends into this other K'stan
    $600 3
The U.S. military decoration called this "cluster" denotes multiple bestowals of an award such as the Purple Heart
    $800 14
In 1958 Crayola changed the name of its Prussian blue crayon to this "timely" blue
    $800 9
Kate Hepburn teamed up with this title marshal to track down her father's killer in a 1975 Western
    $800 27
In 1897 Wilhelm Hasse of the Moctezuma Brewery created a beer named Siglo XX; today, it's known as this
    $800 23
In 1976 Ford & this man were a pair of 4-letter words to voters
    $800 19
Kyrgyzstan was the first former Soviet republic to join the WTO, short for this
    $800 4
(Jon of the Clue Crew reports next to a giant cetacean at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.) Featuring the world's biggest blue whale model, one of New York's most iconic spaces is the American Museum of Natural History's Milstein Hall of this
    $1000 15
The Caldecott is for illustrators; authors get this medal for the most distinguished American children's book
    $1000 10
In "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken", this actor played a wannabe reporter who had to stay in a haunted house
    $1000 28
Two-row barley & German noble aroma hops help make this Founding Father's Boston Lager go down easy
    $1000 29
Running mate Sparkman failed to spark this Democrat's 1952 campaign
    $1000 30
Noted author Aytmatov captured Kyrgyz geography in "Tales of Mountains and" these semiarid plains
    $1000 5
This type of work force is also called trade unionism

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Aileen Beth Bill
$3,400 $1,600 $3,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Aileen Beth Bill
$8,400 $2,800 $5,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 2
This exuberant Italian who died in 2007 sang for 500,000 opera lovers in Central Park June 26, 1993
    $400 1
Dolly Parton,
"Neun Bis Funf"
    $400 12
Heirs of billionaire Troy Phelan battle over his estate in "The Testament" by this author/lawyer
    $400 21
This Muslim temple typically has one or more towers called minarets
    $400 11
In November 1717 he took a 26-gun French ship called the Concorde, added 14 guns, & renamed it Queen Anne's Revenge
    $400 26
19th century robber baron Jay Gould caused the Black Friday panic with his speculation on this commodity
    $800 3
Booed at this Milan venue in 2006, Roberto Alagna walked off, & his jeans-clad understudy had to carry on
    $800 7
Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson,
"Sagen, Sagen, Sagen"
    $800 13
"Javert in Disarray" is a chapter in this 1862 tale
    DD: $1,000 22
Slang for a private eye like Sam Spade, it can also mean to move softly
    $800 17
Stede Bonnet has been described as the only pirate who actually made his victims do this, to their death
    $800 27
It's Proctor & Gamble's main toothbrush brand, & they must want you to squeeze some Crest onto it
    $1200 4
Entertainment options in Palermo in May 1897 included him as Enzo Grimaldo in "La Gioconda"
    $1200 8
The Bangles,
"Gehen Sie Wie Ein Agypter"
    $1200 14
This 1996 novel detailing a woman's Jamaican adventure spent 21 weeks on the N.Y. Times bestseller list
    $1200 23
It's a passage in prose or a part of a play in which one character speaks alone
    $1200 18
Weapons used by pirates included pistols, daggers & this curved sword whose name is from the French for "knife"
    DD: $400 30
"Computer, Communication, Compatibility" were combined to describe the business of this Silicon Valley co.
    $1600 5
This last name of the great tenor Beniamino was hijacked for the title of a poorly reviewed 2003 Ben Affleck film
    $1600 9
Right Said Fred,
"Ich Bin Zu Reizvoll"
    $1600 15
A marlin's skeletal remains play a pivotal role in this 1952 literary work
    $1600 25
In this fast-moving game, players use a basket called a cesta to throw the ball
    $1600 19
In 1674, 4 years after ravaging Cuba, this English buccaneer was knighted & named Lt. Governor of Jamaica
    $1600 29
Even if you don't have the Donald's bank, you can still invest in properties with a REIT, this type of investment trust
    $2000 6
Jean de Reszke made the ladies swoon when he premiered as this Wagnerian lover in 1895
    $2000 10
"Wecken Sie Mich Oben Auf Bevor Sie Gehen-Gehen"
    $2000 16
"...All perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes" ends this book
    $2000 24
In mythology, she was the maiden carved in ivory by Pygmalion & brought to life by Aphrodite
    $2000 20
In 1529 this red-bearded corsair captured Algiers & made it a stronghold of piracy on the Mediterranean
    $2000 28
This company owns HarperCollins Publishers as well as 20th Century Fox

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Aileen Beth Bill
$21,800 $10,000 $9,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

In "Return of the Jedi", a planet shares its name with this home of a woman who summons a spirit for Saul

Final scores:

Aileen Beth Bill
$21,800 $1,599 $0
2-day champion: $24,199 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Aileen Beth Bill
$22,400 $10,000 $8,200
26 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W
12 R,
2 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $40,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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