Suggest correction - #2876 - 1997-02-17

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    $500 23
On "The Munsters", it was Eddie Munster's middle name

Show #2876 - Monday, February 17, 1997

Grace Veach game 1.


Grace Veach, a librarian from Decatur, Illinois

Steve McManus, a systems administrator from Columbia, South Carolina

Joyce Sturgill, a remedial English teacher from Fort Pierce, Florida (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $7,001)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 4
Jimmy Carter was born October 1, 1924 in this Georgia city
    $100 1
This largest living bird may live 70 years
    $100 9
This comedian's TV roles have included Alexander Scott, Dr. Cliff Huxtable & Hilton Lucas
    $100 10
This "Show-Me State" has also been called the "Gateway to the West"
    $100 15
A crusader's white cross on a field of red, used by a canton in the 13th century, became this country's flag
    $100 24
Europeans know this once popular rose of Madame Ferdinand Jamin
    $200 5
On December 28, 1856, Woodrow Wilson became the eighth president born in this state
    $200 2
Species of this "masked" mammal include the North American & the crab-eating
    $200 18
In a 1981 TV movie, the castaways from this series met the Harlem Globetrotters
    $200 11
About one-third of this state's industrial workers are employed in the auto industry
    $200 16
In England this game is called noughts & crosses
    $200 25
"Barrister" is a quarterly publication of this organization
    $300 6
The fact that the 22nd & 24th presidents share a March 18, 1837 birthday isn't odd; they're both this man
    $300 3
Most of the world's lemurs live on this island off Africa's east coast
    $300 21
For 3 months in 1950, this red-haired entertainer had a series on which he gave ukulele lessons
    DD: $500 12
This state's lowest point, 320 feet, lies at the junction of the Wabash & the Ohio Rivers
    $300 17
The Chi-Rho cross is formed from the first 2 letters of his title in Greek
    $300 26
Grant Wood's sister, who appears in this famous painting, was once a subject on "To Tell The Truth"
    $400 27
He was born August 20, 1833 & named for his great-grand-father, not his grandfather who was president
    $400 7
The Harpy type of this bird lives in South American rain forests & preys on monkeys & other mammals
    $400 22
On "The Dick Van Dyke Show", Rob Petrie was a comedy writer for this series
    $400 13
Laughlin is this state's southernmost city
    $400 19
The St. Andrew's cross resembles this math sign
    $400 29
The screenplay for this Gene Kelly - Leslie Caron musical was written by Alan Jay Lerner
    $500 28
He was born to a blacksmith's wife August 10, 1874 in West Branch, Iowa
    $500 8
The Marco Polo variety of this mammal is so named because Marco Polo was the first to describe it
    $500 23
On "The Munsters", it was Eddie Munster's middle name
    $500 14
This state has 2 national monuments: the Hagerman Fossil Beds & Craters of the Moon
    $500 20
The Crux Ansata, a tau cross with a loop on top, is known as this to Egyptians
    $500 30
General Grant & his wife were supposed to attend this play with the Lincolns, but changed their minds

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Joyce Steve Grace
$0 -$600 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Joyce Steve Grace
-$600 -$200 $4,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 19
Canadians celebrate Canada Day on this date, 3 days before our national holiday
    $200 5
Cooking fruits & vegetables with this appliance retains more vitamin C than steaming, baking, or broiling
    $200 11
In 1996 the Fugees had a hit with a remake of this Roberta Flack song
    $200 2
In 47 B.C. he reported to the Romans on his victory at Zela, "Veni, Vidi, Vici"
    $200 1
His famous story "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" was originally published in Esquire in 1936
    $200 3
It's the part of a button-down shirt that buttons down
    $400 20
Nanaimo & Victoria are the 2 major cities on this Pacific island known for its picturesque fjords
    $400 6
Clinical tests have shown this pungent bulb, allium sativum, can lower both cholesterol & blood pressure
    $400 12
In 1996 this Steve Perry group released "Trial By Fire", its first album of new material in a decade
    $400 4
She was ruler of Russia when it fought 2 wars against the Ottoman Empire, 1768-1774 & 1787-1791
    $400 7
This "Kidnapped" author wrote about a real journey he made in "Travels With a Donkey in the Cevennes"
    $400 27
Exquisite gloves are made from this material, the leather of young goats
    $600 21
The smallest Maritime province, it has the largest name
    $600 8
This trace mineral, Se, may slow down the aging process by attacking free radicals in the body
    $600 24
The "Twister" soundtrack features a duet by Stevie Nicks & Lindsey Buckingham, once of this group
    $600 13
In 218 B.C. this Carthaginian defeated the Romans at the Trebia River
    $600 16
This "Vanity Fair" author's novel "The Virginians", is a sequel to "Henry Esmond"
    $600 28
The "little" cocktail dress of this color has been in fashion most of the century
    DD: $600 22
The June 6, 1996 "Us & Them" comic strip wondered how many Americans could name this person, Canada's P.M.
    $800 9
Pyridoxine, biotin & niacin are members of this water-soluble vitamin complex
    $800 25
If you've got a "Fast Car", you can pick up her 1995 album "New Beginning"
    $800 14
In 325 he convened the Council of Nicaea to determine the divinity of Christ
    $800 17
"Clowns' Houses" is a book of poetry by this sister of Osbert & Sacheverell Sitwell
    $800 29
This term for an exaggeratedly full hairstyle can also apply to a full skirt
    $1000 23
Nunavut, currently part of this Canadian area, will become a territory itself by 1999
    DD: $500 10
Abundant in spinach & broccoli, this substance must be converted to vitamin A before a body can use it
    $1000 26
In 1995 this former lead singer for 10,000 Maniacs released her debut solo album "Tigerlily"
    $1000 15
In 1821 Panama broke away from Spanish rule & became a province of this country
    $1000 18
This Texan set her novella "Noon Wine" on a Texas dairy farm, not on a "Ship of Fools"
    $1000 30
This man born in Piacenza, Italy pioneered a softer, unstructured look for corporate women

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Joyce Steve Grace
$3,200 $3,000 $9,500
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Chicago's Fire Academy was built in 1960 on the site where this family once lived

Final scores:

Joyce Steve Grace
$199 $5,995 $10,500
3rd place: Swintec Fax Machine 2nd place: a trip to Washington, D.C. New champion: $10,500

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Joyce Steve Grace
$3,700 $3,000 $10,200
15 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
4 W
25 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $16,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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