Suggest correction - #3732 - 2000-11-21

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    $300 18
Proverbially, if you eat like one of these avians you might eat over half your body weight everyday!

Show #3732 - Tuesday, November 21, 2000

2000-B College Championship final game 2.
From the University of Washington in Seattle.


Carl Gilbertsen, a junior at the University of Illinois from Chicago, Illinois (subtotal of $1,300)

Pam Mueller, a junior at Loyola University, Chicago from Wilmette, Illinois (subtotal of $11,000)

Jonah Knobler, a sophomore at Harvard University from Cincinnati, Ohio (subtotal of $6,600)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 5
Rhodium got its name because its salts are this color
    $100 28
Jane Clayson of "The Early Show" ate a bug to help promote this summer hit also on CBS
    $100 29
You'll get this many crumpets when you receive a baker's dozen
    $100 12
Sally Bedell Smith reveals the pain behind the smile in her book about this late royal icon "In Search of Herself"
    $100 13
This "Breakfast of Champions" sponsors a sports report, the "Radio Show of Champions"
    $200 4
This element has the symbol N
    $200 27
Bill Maher went to jail -- to Arizona's Maricopa County Jail to tape 6 episodes of this show
    $200 26
In the 14th & 15th centuries this Anglo-French conflict actually lasted 116 years
    $200 11
Her novels include "Animal Dreams", "The Bean Trees" & "The Poisonwood Bible"
    $200 25
Some prep school students have had to "run" this between 2 rows of fellow students
    $200 14
This cereal's red box features a white rabbit & the words "Are For Kids"
    $300 3
Scientists figure the earliest atmosphere on Earth was from gases emitted by these
    $300 21
It's the name of the boy band on "Making the Band" -- come on, we know you watched
    $300 18
Proverbially, if you eat like one of these avians you might eat over half your body weight everyday!
    $300 10
"Lethal Seduction" is a seductive new novel by this sister of actress Joan
    $300 24
This type of punishment, from the Latin for "body", has been banned in many schools
    $300 15
You can snack on the rice or corn varieties of this General Mills cereal, or make their "Party Mix"
    DD: $500 2
(Here is our science guy, Bill Nye.) It's the gas produced by adding vinegar, an acid, to sodium bicarbonate
    $400 20
(Hi, I'm Maggie Bandur, a contestant in the 1994 College Championship, and now a writer on Malcolm in the Middle.) On the Season 1 finale, I got to write for this woman who used to play Maude Findlay
    $400 7
The standard dimensions of one of these lumber units are 1 1/2 inches by 3 1/2 inches
    $400 9
A 2000 book subtitled "The Edge of Reason" is Helen Fielding's follow-up to this singleton's "Diary"
    $400 23
An Alfred University study found that 80% of college athletes experienced this sometimes brutal type of initiation
    $400 16
Eat as much of this cereal as you want: it's "Kid-Tested, Mother-Approved"
    $500 1
He improved the potato, & then came up with a totally new fruit, the plumcot
    $500 19
Some local stations weren't too worshipful of "God, The Devil &" him, pulling it from their schedule
    $500 6
These long-snozzed animals of the family Myrmecophagidae may actually prefer termites
    $500 8
His ever-scandalous novel "Lolita" is now available in an annotated version
    $500 22
A 1996 book is called these people "& Victims: Helping Your Child Through the Schoolyard Battlefield"
    $500 17
Sonny the Cuckoo Bird enthusiastically recommends this cereal for breakfast, lunch & dinner

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Jonah Pam Carl
$600 $800 $1,700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jonah Pam Carl
$1,400 $2,300 $2,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We're talking about reversed decisions of the Supreme Court.)
(Alex: You have to name the country on that one.)
(Alex: The magazine.)
    $200 6
1942's Betts v. Brady greatly limited a poor defendant's right to this
    $200 5
    $200 30
Vibe's cover on this woman seen here said "Living With La Diva Loca"
    $200 29
The most common human blood type is represented by this letter, Rh positive
    $200 11
Perhaps after yet another bowl of Russian borscht, Napoleon once remarked, "An army marches on" this body part
    $200 23
He's been "Livin' La Vida Loca" since 1517 when he launched the Protestant Reformation
    $400 7
Wolf v. Colorado freed states from the exclusionary rule which excludes this obtained unconstitutionally
    $400 4
Phnom Penh
    $400 24
She said she had to prove herself as Cinderella: "I've only been on 'Moesha'. I've only been an R&B pop singer"
    $400 28
This mammal seen here needs about 2 tablespoons of blood a day to survive
    $400 12
The admiral who defeated Napoleon's navy in 1798's Battle of the Nile
    $400 22
The USA's shortest-serving president who found time to play Han Solo
    $600 8
(Hi, I'm Tom Cubbage, winner of Jeopardy!'s 1989 College Championship, now a litigator in Washington, D.C.) Booth v. Maryland said capital-case juries couldn't hear from the family of this person
    $600 3
    $600 18
You know the score, she's the singer seen here
    $600 27
Made from the heart, liver & lungs of a sheep, the dish known as haggis is a specialty of this U.K. country
    $600 13
1 of the 2 women Napoleon married
    $600 21
He's the losing Civil War general rebuilt as the actor who played "The Six Million Dollar Man"
    DD: $1,500 9
The 1869 ruling that this business isn't commerce was reversed by U.S. v. South-Eastern Underwriters
    $800 2
    $800 17
Vibe's September 1998 cover story on this actor/singer was titled "The Fresh King"
    $800 26
Medical use of this bloodsucker seen here dates back over 2500 years
    DD: $3,000 14
The 3 islands where he was born, first exiled & died
    $800 20
Robin Hood's companion who provides color on Fox' NFL games with Pat Summerall
    $1000 10
Whitney v. California upheld a law suppressing the Industrial Workers of the World, AKA this "shaky" union
    $1000 1
    $1000 16
Seen here, this singer played the Pleasure Island ring leader in the 2000 TV movie "Geppetto"
    $1000 25
Despite its name, this internal organ, the main site of digestion, can be over 20 feet long
    $1000 15
This royal house was restored to the French throne in 1815 following Napoleon's final defeat
    $1000 19
"Oath of the Horatii" painter who patrolled the beaches as the hunky star of "Baywatch"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jonah Pam Carl
$4,900 $6,300 $5,500
(lock tournament)

Final Jeopardy! Round

To prevent rivals from reading its hand signals, this university is said to have originated the huddle around 1892

Final scores:

Jonah Pam Carl
$0 $6,300 $0

Cumulative scores:

Jonah Pam Carl
$6,600 $17,300 $1,300
1st runner-up: $15,000 minimum Tournament champion: $50,000 + a 2001 Volvo S60 + a trophy 2nd runner-up: $10,000 minimum

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jonah Pam Carl
$6,300 $6,300 $8,500
18 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
1 W
19 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $21,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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