Suggest correction - #3730 - 2000-11-17

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    DD: $500 24
He has more Grand Slam singles titles than any other man in history

Show #3730 - Friday, November 17, 2000

2000-B College Championship semifinal game 3.
From the University of Washington in Seattle.


Erin Milligan, a freshman at the University of Delaware from Bear, Delaware

Jonah Knobler, a sophomore at Harvard University from Cincinnati, Ohio

Matt Keller, a sophomore at Vanderbilt University from Bettendorf, Iowa

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will begin with "IN".)
    $100 21
Part of a major purchase, this state entered the Union April 30, 1812
    $100 3
The Bible tells us "The price of wisdom is above" these red gems, July's birthstone
    $100 9
To breathe in, unlike Mr. Clinton
    $100 16
A November 1999 meeting of this body abbreviated the WTO was hampered by thousands of protests
    $100 30
The student newspaper of this D.C. university is the GW Hatchet
    $100 1
The Beastie Boys opened for her during the 1985 Virgin Tour
    $200 22
Some sources say she died in 1812, but a woman who died in 1884 claimed to be this Indian guide
    $200 5
This sea-colored March birthstone is said to cure laziness, but I'm too tired to go out & buy one
    $200 12
An alphabetical reference list
    $200 17
In 1988 this country's bicentennial celebration was protested by Aborigines as a "day of mourning"
    $200 29
Green Mountain College is located in Poultney in this state
    $200 2
"Forget About Dre" is by Dr. Dre (natch) & featuring this rapper also known as Slim Shady
    $300 23
In 1812 Czar Alexander I made this city capital of Finland
    $300 6
At 563 carats, the Star of India, a blue one of these September birthstones, is a bit large for a pinky ring
    $300 13
One life in a series of lives
    $300 18
In a 1985 protest against apartheid, many countries banned the import of Krugerrands, gold coins from this country
    $300 28
An old oaken bucket goes to the winner of an annual football game between Purdue & this cross-state rival
    $300 4
This group was "Headin' down the Atlanta Highway...headin' on down to the Love Shack"
    DD: $800 24
He wrote his 7th & 8th Symphonies & that famous "Immortal Beloved" letter in 1812
    $400 7
People born in the purple love wearing this purple gem, February's birthstone
    $400 14
Like the Pope, not capable of error in matters of doctrine or dogma
    $400 19
Founding members of this 1960s group are seen here
    $400 27
Angie Anderson & Carrie MacDonald are the first women to wear the Hawkeye mascot costume of this university
    $400 10
(Hello, we're the Dixie Chicks) Our song "Ready to Run" was on the soundtrack of this movie with Richard Gere & Julia Roberts
    $500 25
Georges Cuvier in 1812 gave this name to the creature seen here
    $500 8
The "Imperial" type of this November birthstone is highly prized for its golden hues
    $500 15
"Picnic" won him a Pulitzer in 1953
    $500 20
Anti-war protests at the 1968 Democratic Convention in this city led to a bloody police crackdown
    $500 26
Scripps & Harvey Mudd are part of this consortium of California colleges
    $500 11
Salman Rushdie wrote the lyrics to "The Ground Beneath Her Feet", performed by this group

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Matt Jonah Erin
$200 $1,700 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Jonah Erin
$2,300 $3,900 $1,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: That sounds easy!)
(Alex: Something that...)
    $200 30
The radio play "Under Milk Wood" is set in Llareggub in this U.K. country where Thomas was born
    $200 21
To some it means everything, but to a tennis player, it means zip, nada, squat
    $200 15
This country is so huge that it occupies nearly half of South America's land area
    $200 1
Proverbial number that can "play at that game"
    $200 16
Former Royal Ballet dancer Celia Franca founded the National Ballet of this North American country in 1951
    $200 6
A common exclamation from this popular TV show is heard here

    $400 29
Dylan may have died as a result of this activity, defined for a male in college as having 5 in a row
    $400 22
At Wimbledon 2000 she became only the second African-American woman to win the singles title
    $400 14
It's less than 55 miles from North America to Asia when you cross this strait
    $400 2
States in present-day New England
    $400 17
The comic ballet "Offenbach in the Underworld" features dancers in hats that look like this Parisian tower
    $400 7
This dramatic musical instrument heard here reached Europe in the 1700s
    $600 28
Thomas addressed the Blitz in "A Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in" this city
    $600 23
(Hi, I'm Martina Navratilova and the answer is...) In 1973 Billie Jean King & Bobby Riggs played the first "Battle of the Sexes"; I played this "Bad Boy" in 1992's battle
    $600 13
Poland & Lithuania are among the countries that border this sea
    $600 3
Chambers in your heart
    $600 18
Nina Ananiashvili toured the U.S. in 2000 as prima ballerina of this Moscow-based ballet company
    $600 8
The following sound is regularly heard on this TV show created by Merv Griffin
    $800 27
In "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night", the poet addresses this man
    DD: $500 24
He has more Grand Slam singles titles than any other man in history
    $800 12
The world's third-largest island, about 3/4 of it belongs to Indonesia
    $800 4
Days of prayer in a novena
    $800 19
Act 1, Scene 1 of this Balanchine ballet based on this novel is set in La Mancha
    $800 9
It's the title of the following piece of music
    $1000 26
Dylan riffed on one of this author's titles in the book "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog"
    $1000 25
This coveted prize in team tennis was originally known as the International Lawn Tennis Challenge Trophy
    $1000 11
This Australian city & capital of Queensland was named for a Scottish soldier
    DD: $1,000 5
Syllables in a line of standard iambic pentameter
    $1000 20
"Lady From the Sea" is adapted from a 19th century play by this Norwegian
    $1000 10
The long distance-traveling song of one of these animals is heard here

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Jonah Erin
$8,700 $9,600 $3,900

Final Jeopardy! Round

As House Majority Whip, he works to get laws passed, though his name sounds like he puts them off

Final scores:

Matt Jonah Erin
$7,800 $17,401 $1,801
2nd place: $5,000 Finalist 3rd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Matt Jonah Erin
$8,700 $9,500 $3,900
20 R,
1 W
22 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $22,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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