Suggest correction - #3478 - 1999-10-20

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    $600 15
Exiting after only 19 performances, "Ari" wasn't based on Onassis, but on this Leon Uris novel

Show #3478 - Wednesday, October 20, 1999

Eddie Timanus game 1.


Becky Benjamin, a law student from Miami, Florida

Eddie Timanus, a sportswriter from Reston, Virginia

Keith Lorasch, a music educator from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $19,002)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Baptized Joannes Chrystostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus, he commonly called himself Wolfgang Amade
    $100 2
"Charlie Hustle"
    $100 11
Now hear this! One of the most common causes of hearing loss is a buildup of this substance
    $100 20
Brian learned to read with the repetitive activities of this boy & girl developed by William Gray
    $100 14
"Yo, Adrian"
    $100 13
This video chain began in Dallas in 1985; it now has more than 4,000 U.S. stores & 2,000 overseas
    $200 6
He dedicated his "Moonlight Sonata" to the countess Giulietta Guicciardi
    $200 3
"The Strawman"
    $200 12
Of forceps, biceps, or triceps, the one that's a surgical instrument
    $200 25
Teenage Brian strummed this song, asking "How many times can a man turn his head pretending he just doesn't see?"
    DD: $1,100 16
"You're gonna need a bigger boat"
    $200 15
Who ya gonna call? Well, in this 1984 film it was Bill Murray & his cohorts
    $300 7
His "1812 Overture" premiered in Moscow in 1882--not 1812
    $300 4
"Dr. K"
    $300 21
Like lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever is transmitted by one of these arachnids
    $300 26
Brian chickened out when girlfriend Suzie asked him to join the October 1967 "March On" this building
    $300 17
"Heeeeere's Johnny!"
    $300 22
This commercial spokeskid of the 1950s lived in a shoe with his dog Tige, who lived there too
    $400 8
This "Aida" composer was a deputy in the first Italian parliament in Turin in 1860
    $400 5
"The Iron Horse"
    $400 28
The AMA now advises women to have this breast cancer screening annually beginning at age 40
    $400 27
In the '80s, Brian took a job with this defense contractor whose name means "light from the gods"
    $400 18
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the war room"
    $400 23
In 1964 Russell Long & other senators led one that lasted a record 74 days against a civil rights bill
    $500 10
He composed several works based on poems by Paul Verlaine, including "Ariettes Oubliees" & "Clair De Lune"
    $500 9
"The Splendid Splinter"
    $500 29
It's estimated that 1 in 12 African-Americans has the trait for this blood disease
    $500 30
In the '90s Brian took up this game, like his boyhood idol Cary Middlecoff
    $500 19
"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!"
    $500 24
This 1895 sculpture was the first of 25 Western art bronzes by Frederic Remington

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Keith Eddie Becky
$1,500 $1,400 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Keith Eddie Becky
$3,000 $4,000 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 13
After a German blitzkrieg, this country's King Leopold III surrendered on May 28, 1940
    $200 11
He hadn't moved to Mayberry yet when he played the Jimmy Stewart role in the 1959 musical "Destry Rides Again"
    $200 3
This Mickey Spillane P.I. made his first appearance in 1947's "I, The Jury"
    $200 2
The 200,000-square-mile Libyan Erg is the largest area of sand dunes in this desert
    $200 19
Born in Porbandar in 1869; fasted, iconoclasted; died in New Delhi, 1948
    $200 1
Hitchcock was the "Master of" it
    $400 18
Her son Willem-Alexander is the first male heir in the Netherlands' House of Orange since 1890
    $400 14
Critics didn't "fawn" over the musical based on this Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings novel, so yes, deer, it flopped
    $400 27
At age 18 in 1625 he set out from Gascony to join the king's musketeers
    $400 8
The economic center of this river's basin is the city of Manaus, Brazil
    $400 20
Born c. 470 B.C.; taught a bit, tried & died c. 399 B.C.; met Bill & Ted in 1989
    $400 4
The "fishy" part of your shoe
    $600 23
This British lord was killed off Ireland in 1979 by IRA terrorists who placed a bomb in his boat
    $600 15
Exiting after only 19 performances, "Ari" wasn't based on Onassis, but on this Leon Uris novel
    $600 28
Collective name of Julie, Pete, & Linc
    DD: $1,000 9
Lake Scutari on the border of Albania & Montenegro is the largest lake on this peninsula
    $600 21
Born 1557 in Temple Grafton, England; married a Stratford boy, 1582; died 1623
    $600 5
Male deer who's a "party" animal
    $800 24
This ancient Greek war named for a peninsula had 3 parts: Archidamian, Peace of Nicias, & Ionian
    DD: $2,000 16
"Grovers Corners" musicalized this prize-winning play
    $800 29
He's been portrayed by Ralph Fiennes & Patrick Macnee
    $800 10
The Little Minch, a Scottish strait, separates this group's "Inner" & "Outer" islands
    $800 22
Born near Gzhatsk in 1934; promoted to major in 1961 shortly before liftoff, just in case; died 1968
    $800 6
"Wise" seasoning
    $1000 25
This grandfather of Charlemagne nailed the Moors at the Battle of Tours in 732, checking their advance
    $1000 17
Even Lillian Gish as the Dowager Empress couldn't save "Anya", a musical based on this play
    $1000 12
Only Russia & this former Soviet republic stretch from China to Europe
    $1000 26
Born in Scotland c. 1645; kicked booty for booty on the high seas; hanged in London in 1701
    $1000 7
It precedes beauty, bag or sickness

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Keith Eddie Becky
$7,000 $7,400 $2,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

Due to police irregularities, this man's Arizona conviction was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1966

Final scores:

Keith Eddie Becky
$10,000 $14,400 $5,000
2nd place: a Las Vegas trip New champion: $14,400 3rd place: 1-800-GIFT-CERTIFICATE gift certificate

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Keith Eddie Becky
$5,800 $6,500 $3,600
14 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
13 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $15,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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