Suggest correction - #5349 - 2007-12-06

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    $800 22
From this 30th c.-set Fox cartoon: "I always feared he might run off like this. Why? Why? Why didn't I break his legs?"

Show #5349 - Thursday, December 6, 2007


Claire Slavovsky, a graduate student from Virginia Beach, Virginia

Andy Kingsbury, a radio producer from Winterville, North Carolina

Keith Thorell, an attorney from Altadena, California (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $29,600)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Words that are the same coming and going.)
    $200 1
This term for a plant or animal with a marked deficiency of pigmentation comes from the Latin for "white"
    $200 2
(Alex: Here's one of the stars, Tori Spelling.)
"Melrose Place" was a spin-off from "90210" -- the character of Jake was introduced on "90210" as a friend of this bad boy
    $200 26
W. calls this world leader "Pootie-Poot"
    $200 21
I'm going to hop in my Volvo for a trip from Jokkmokk to Skovde in this country
    $200 12
In a 1950s hit song, it's where "I found my thrill"
    $200 6
The night before a holiday
    $400 7
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew demonstrates.) After five minutes in lemon juice, the coin is shiny because the lemon's this works chemically to remove the oxide
    $400 3
Before she was an Oscar-winning "Million Dollar Baby", she was single mom Carly
    $400 27
The prez came up with "Fredo" for this ex-Attorney General; maybe he wanted to take him fishing
    $400 22
With places like Berwick-upon-Tweed & Newcastle upon Tyne, we'd have to be in this country, what what?
    $400 15
Garden Grove & Costa Mesa are in this West Coast county formally organized in 1889
    $400 13
It's "the word" when keeping silent
    $600 9
The formula for this hormone is C9H13NO3; can you feel it speeding up your heartbeat?
    $600 4
(Alex: Let's go back to Tori.)
On the series finale of "90210", my character Donna finally married David Silver, played by this 3-named actor
    $600 28
This female senator's nickname is "Ali" (as in Muhammad)
    $600 23
Taranto (we're not talking Canada) is in this country, along with Anzio & Padua
    $600 17
It's a hydraulic crane with bucket attachment for fixing telephone lines or pruning trees
    $600 14
It can be a joke or a restraint in someone's mouth to prevent him from talking
    DD: $2,000 10
(Jon of the Clue Crew reports from the University of Mississippi.) Focused ultrasound waves are propelling the water here at Ole Miss's cutting-edge NCPA--National Center for Physical these
    $800 5
He made it big as the clean-cut Brandon
    $800 29
"Brownie" was Bush's famous nickname for the director of this from 2003 to 2005
    $800 24
"No woman, no cry", no problem for this country, from St. Ann's Bay to Port Maria
    $800 18
In 1949's "The Third Man", Orson Welles played this character, an evil black marketeer
    $800 16
A legal document that transfers ownership of land
    $1000 11
This inert gas is atomic number 18; you should "naut" search any further
    $1000 8
(Alex: We'll wrap it up with Tori.) On "90210", the gang hung out at this restaurant where Nat dispensed advice with the pie
    $1000 30
This Secretary of Education is also known as "La Margarita"
    $1000 25
Och! Mike Myers knows if it's not Grantown-on-Spey & Kirkcudbright in this country, it's crap! Och!
    $1000 19
In 1995 it was moved to avoid Kiribati
    $1000 20
Suggested job for Ophelia in "Hamlet"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Keith Andy Claire
$1,400 $1,800 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Keith Andy Claire
$2,000 $2,800 $6,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 12
In concert Stokowski would dramatically toss these aside to show that he could conduct from memory
    $400 7
A mouselike boy grows up with Meg, Jo, Amy & Beth
    $400 26
"Fin de siecle" refers specifically to the ending of one of these time periods
    $400 1
This largest outdoor theater of ancient Rome was dedicated in 80 A.D
    $400 17
He ran for president 3 times but won only the first time
    $400 2
No. 10 on his "Top Ten Signs Your Monkey is a Genius": "Won 30 grand on Jeopardy's monkey week"
    $800 13
Marin Alsop made news in 2005 as the first one of these to lead a major American symphony orchestra
    $800 8
Anglo-American author of "Daisy Miller's Life of Samuel Johnson"
    $800 27
In French, the English Channel is called "La Manche", meaning this part of a shirt or coat
    $800 3
In the Roman Empire, one of these equaled 1,000 paces &, on roads, was marked with a special stone
    $800 18
In 1505 this theologian abandoned his legal studies & entered a monastery; by 1507 he was a priest
    $800 22
From this 30th c.-set Fox cartoon: "I always feared he might run off like this. Why? Why? Why didn't I break his legs?"
    DD: $1,200 14
Willem Mengelberg & Eduard van Beinum have been chief conductors of this city's Concertgebouw
    $1200 9
Revolutionary Thomas Paine pamphlet about men & marriage in a Jane Austen work
    $1200 28
This 9-letter noun is taken from the old French for "spy"
    $1200 4
He died before he could complete "The Aeneid", which he wanted destroyed; it was finished by 2 pals
    $1200 19
This automaker features the Vanquish S & V8 Vantage models...& really, 007, do be careful with them!
    $1200 23
(Jason Alexander delivers a clue about Seinfeld.) "The sea was angry that day, my friends" when I saved one of these mammals by removing a golf ball from it (& yes, it was a Titleist)
    $1600 15
On CDs with Canada's National Arts Centre Orchestra, Pinchas Zukerman conducts & plays this
    $1600 10
Herman Wouk & Leo Tolstoy team up for this epic tome about World War II & the Napoleonic Wars
    $1600 29
Literally, "a la mode" doesn't mean "with ice cream" but this 2-word phrase that's a Time Inc. fashion magazine
    $1600 5
From the 300s to the mid-200s B.C., Rome beat up on these darn folks who lived in what is now Tuscany & Umbria
    $1600 20
In 1933 he became chief of staff to Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess
    $1600 24
Of this Icelandic singer's Oscar dress, Steve Martin said, "I was going to wear my swan, but...they're so last year"
    $2000 16
This Finnish-born leader of the L.A. Philharmonic has also composed such works as the cello concerto "Mania"
    $2000 11
Tough Leon Uris novel about fighting the Japanese & fighting apartheid in South Africa
    $2000 30
Klondike Kat knows that this hyphenated trait meaning tact or social grace "ees everywhere"
    DD: $2,000 6
In 71 B.C. this "great" man tried to take credit for ending Spartacus' slave revolt; maybe him & circumstance
    $2000 21
Chapter 25 of this Dickens novel has the line "He'd make a lovely corpse"
    $2000 25
As Al Czervik in "Caddyshack" he said, "Oh, this is your grandson, huh?...Now I know why tigers eat their young"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Keith Andy Claire
$8,800 $15,200 $10,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1963 she said, "I feel as though I'm suddenly on stage for a part I never rehearsed"

Final scores:

Keith Andy Claire
$7,500 $9,199 $0
2nd place: $2,000 + the Jeopardy! DVD Home Game System New champion: $9,199 + the Jeopardy! DVD Home Game System 3rd place: $1,000 + the Jeopardy! DVD Home Game System

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Keith Andy Claire
$8,800 $15,200 $13,800
10 R,
0 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
21 R,
2 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $37,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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