Suggest correction - #3117 - 1998-03-03

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    DD: $1,200 20
A British band played this song as Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown:

Show #3117 - Tuesday, March 3, 1998

Chris Ward game 5.


Sharon Paterson, a marketing executive from Saline, Michigan

Jake Martin, an undergraduate student from Knoxville, Tennessee

Chris Ward, a foreign service officer from Lima, Peru (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $53,703)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 13
Like other vertebrates, birds have 2 hind limbs & 2 forelimbs, the latter being these
    $100 26
If you studied Latin, you'll know that Nova Scotia's name is Latin for this
    $100 11
Sonny is the bird who's "cuckoo for" this cereal
    $100 6
Both of these female friends of Archie Andrews have their own comics & share a third
    $100 1
These stands where you buy popcorn & soda are where theaters make most of their profits
    $100 12
MacGraw or Baba
    $200 14
The largest crustacean is the giant spider type of this aquatic creature whose claws can be 10' apart
    $200 27
Afternoon tea at the Empress Hotel is a treasured tradition in this "regal" British Columbia city
    $200 22
Edmund Spenser called "The Merry Cuckoo" the "messenger of" this season
    $200 7
He's Donald Duck's rich uncle & he has his own comic book
    $200 2
Located in Los Angeles, the USA's last theater devoted to these films of the 1920s closed in 1997
    $200 18
Fore's antonym
    $300 15
Fruit types of these insects may be named for the fruit they infest, such as olives or cherries
    $300 28
This world-famous Montreal comedy festival is known in French as "Juste Pour Rire"
    $300 23
This term for the husband of an adulterous wife is derived from cuckoo
    $300 8
This superhero's debut in a 1939 issue of Detective Comics also introduced Commissioner Gordon
    $300 3
Introduced in the '30s, they usually included one major release & one B movie
    $300 19
Fossil resin "forever"
    $400 16
From the Latin for "first", this early-blooming flower contains another flower in its name
    $400 29
Wawa is Ojibwa for this wild bird & the town of Wawa, Ontario, a migration stop, boasts a giant statue of one
    $400 24
In this 1962 novel, McMurphy takes on Nurse Ratched
    $400 9
Half-human, half-alien crime fighter seen here:
    $400 4
The line "This is where I" did this began when movies ran continuously & you entered & left midway
    $400 20
Descriptive of Dickens' Dodger
    $500 17
The poisonous marine toad preys on these animals, its companions in the order Anura
    $500 30
When the province of Saskatchewan was created in 1905, this city became its capital
    $500 25
In this film, Harry Lime says Switzerland's 500 years of democracy & peace produced--the cuckoo clock
    $500 10
In January 1997 Acclaim Comics began reissuing this series with "A Tale of Two Cities" & "Tom Sawyer"
    DD: $900 5
4-word motto that accompanies the following:
    $500 21
A fruit carrier you don't want to upset

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Chris Jake Sharon
$1,300 $400 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Jake Sharon
$4,400 $1,800 $400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 3
TWA, in full
    $200 26
Implicated in a plot to kill Hitler, this "Desert Fox" committed suicide rather than stand trial
    $200 2
If this Brit's family had kept their original name, Da Pinta, his plays would be described as "Da Pintaesque"
    $200 1
I.M. Pei's glass pyramid entrance to this Paris museum houses the hall of Napoleon
    $200 9
Hong Kong director John Woo's 1993 U.S. debut "Hard Target" starred this Belgian kickboxer
    $200 21
This African country's people are known as Ivorians
    $400 4
To this Disney song title, comic Steven Wright adds the thought, "But I wouldn't want to have to paint it"
    $400 12
This Czech writer of "R.U.R." wrote "The Insect Comedy" with his brother Josef
    $400 6
The typewriter used to write "Out of Africa" is exhibited at her home in Rungstedlund, Denmark
    $400 10
"A Fistful of Dollars" was director Sergio Leone's first of these "edible" Westerns
    $400 22
The tower of Hallgrim's church provides a sweeping view of this Icelandic capital
    $600 5
It's said of someone who can find profits & perhaps pearls in his surroundings
    $600 13
Racine wrote a racy tragedy about Phaedra, a daughter of this king of Crete
    $600 7
One highlight of this capital's Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum is a piano used by Beethoven
    DD: $400 11
"Knife in the Water" was this director's first feature after film school at Lodz
    $600 23
This French town may have been named for Cantilus, who built the first villa there; the lace came later
    $800 19
This exclamation by Miranda in "The Tempest" became an ironic Aldous Huxley title
    $800 14
This Irishman's 1926 play "The Plough and the Stars" was so controversial it provoked riots
    $800 8
This Florentine palace houses several museums including Galleria Palatina & Museo Degli Argenti
    $800 16
This Kurosawa film gives 4 different versions of a single crime
    $800 24
Juan Santamaria International Airport serves this capital of Costa Rica
    DD: $1,200 20
A British band played this song as Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown:
    $1000 27
On Feb. 12, 1912, the last emperor of this dynasty abdicated, ending more than 3,000 years of Chinese monarchy
    $1000 15
He was resident playwright at the National Theatre in Bergen when he wrote "The Feast at Solhaug"
    $1000 18
This 18th century lexicographer's first dictionary is on display in the London townhouse where he lived & worked
    $1000 17
Simone Signoret plots the death of her schoolmaster lover in this 1955 French classic
    $1000 25
Some cyclists take a downhill bicycling tour of this Caribbean country's Blue Mountains

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Jake Sharon
$7,600 $2,200 $2,800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

According to McDonald's, it's the only country where their outlets do not sell beef hamburgers

Final scores:

Chris Jake Sharon
$9,598 $3,200 $4,450
5-day champion: $63,301 3rd place: DuPont Camping Set 2nd place: Intel Create & Share Camera Pack

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Chris Jake Sharon
$9,700 $2,200 $3,000
24 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
9 R,
0 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $14,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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