Suggest correction - #3655 - 2000-06-23

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    $300 13
He got a new car, the Lancia Jubilee, seen here with some of his Guards:

Show #3655 - Friday, June 23, 2000


Sandi Rosenfeld, an attorney and executive recruiter from Queens, New York

Rick Robertson, an environmental consultant from Carrollton, Texas

Michele Harvey, a software engineer from Centreville, Virginia (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $16,200)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: The TV show.)
(Alex: You'll love it - it's sticky, but you'll love it!)
    $100 1
New Jersey native James Gandolfini plays mobster Tony Soprano on this network's "The Sopranos"
    $100 26
It's London's chief water supply
    $100 21
The treats made with margarine, marshmallows & this "talking" Kellogg's cereal have only 3 grams of fat per serving
    $100 16
To complain about minor issues
    $100 10
100 million stamps incorrectly placing this big landmark in Colorado instead of Arizona won't be released
    $100 6
In 1925 Reza Pahlavi deposed the last of the Kajars & took over as Shah of this country
    $200 2
When Dr. Melfi put Tony on this brand of antidepressant, it had some side effects on his married life
    $200 27
In Paris the banks of this river have been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site
    $200 22
You always want another of these campfire treats, marshmallows, chocolate & graham crackers (hence their name)
    $200 17
It's a place for a bird to roost or for a person to sit
    $200 12
Bank of America was taken to task for its employee-adopt-one-of-these machines-&-keep-them-clean program
    $200 7
This rebel group in Nicaragua was named for an anti-American rebel of the 1920s
    $300 3
This famous son, the "Choirboy of the Board", played himself & joined the richest poker game in Jersey
    $300 28
In 1992 Slovaks altered this river's course on the border of Slovakia & Hungary to improve navigation
    $300 23
This marshmallow sandwich from the Chattanooga Bakery, a favorite in the South with RC Cola, has been around since 1917
    $300 18
A small quantity you might pat on with a finger
    $300 13
He got a new car, the Lancia Jubilee, seen here with some of his Guards:
    $300 8
In 1976 Spain ceded Spanish Sahara to Mauritania & this country
    $400 4
Before she played Tony's mom, Nancy Marchand won 4 Emmys as Ed Asner's publisher boss on this show
    $400 29
In 1937 this Russian river's first hydroelectric project was completed at Ivankovo
    $400 24
Trademark name of the marshmallow treats seen here; they're Easter favorites:
    DD: $500 19
Since 1777 this ale has been brewed in Burton on Trent, England, a town with exceptional well water
    $400 14
E-mails flew as moves were made to name Saint Isidore of Seville the patron saint of this global system
    $400 9
When the Tuscaroras joined, the Iroquois League updated its name to this
    $500 5
Once rock & roll's Little Steven & Miami Steve, he plays Soprano lieutenant Silvio Dante
    $500 30
This country's longest river, the Gudena, winds 98 miles through the Jutland Peninsula
    $500 25
Adding almonds & marshmallows to chocolate ice cream, this "grand" ice cream company created Rocky Road
    $500 20
In Spanish it can mean "pretty" as well as a tuna-like fish
    $500 15
This craft that had its 15 minutes of fame in 1961 was recovered from the ocean floor in 1999
    $500 11
This Alexandrian added latitude & longitude lines to his maps around 151 A.D.

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Michele Rick Sandi
$2,700 $600 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Michele Rick Sandi
$4,900 $600 $500

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Not the TV series.)
    $200 8
Luisa Tetrazzini was famed for her ability to hit these; we hope she ended her career on one
    $200 6
Eggsactly! He led the capture of Fort Ticonderoga from the Brits in 1775
    $200 1
The only state capital whose name ends in 3 vowels, it's also the northernmost
    $200 24
This former NBA rebounding champ is nicknamed "The Worm"
    $200 21
In the '80s Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane were called Midnight Express, among the greatest of these "teams"
    $200 16
It's a small shop specializing in fashionable & often expensive clothing
    $400 9
Lillian Russell made her debut in this duo's "H.M.S. Pinafore" & later became a star of burlesque
    $400 7
He clubbed & sliced his way to victory in the 1960 U.S. Open
    $400 2
The only state whose name ends in 3 vowels
    $400 25
This man, already pronounced a heretic, was formally declared an outlaw by 1521's Edict of Worms
    $400 22
This '50s wrestler whose name advertised his good looks used to toss bobby pins to his fans
    $400 17
Don't take it personally, it's just a detailed analysis of a subject or literary work
    $600 10
Amelita Galli-Curci brightened up opera as this type of soprano, Italian for "coloring"
    $600 13
If you've looked over copies of "Dover Beach", you know he penned it
    $600 3
One of the original 13, it's the only state whose name ends in 3 consonants
    $600 27
According to a proverb about how much abuse one will tolerate, "Even a worm will" do this
    $600 23
Wrestler Captain Lou Albano played her dad in the video for "Girls Just Want to Have Fun"
    $600 18
"Everything Must Go" at this type of sale held by a company that's "all washed up"
    $800 11
Singer Rosa Ponselle's parents hopefully gave her this middle name, the last name of singer Dame Nellie
    $800 14
This "Study of History" author saw history as a succession of civilizations, not political entities
    DD: $800 4
The only state capital whose name ends in 3 consonants, namely R, C & K
    $800 28
Seen here, this classic singing group had a No. 1 hit in 1952 with the "Glow Worm"
    $800 26
Steve Austin got this nickname when his then wife insisted he drink his tea while it was still hot
    $800 19
This No. 1 song from 1963 was written & performed by Sister Luc-Gabrielle
    $1000 12
In 1976 Gwyneth Jones sang Brunhilde in the centenary performances of this Richard Wagner tetralogy
    $1000 15
The 12-tone system of musical composition was created by this self-taught Austrian
    $1000 5
It's the only state whose name begins with 2 vowels
    DD: $500 29
This adjective that means "worm-shaped" is used to describe the human appendix
    $1000 20
Maputo is its capital

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Michele Rick Sandi
$8,800 $4,400 $2,700
(lock-tie game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

"Max et les Maximonstres" is the French title of this children's classic

Final scores:

Michele Rick Sandi
$8,800 $8,800 $700
3-day co-champion: $25,000 New co-champion: $8,800 2nd place: Trip to Dollywood, Sevierville, Tennessee

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Michele Rick Sandi
$10,600 $4,400 $2,700
28 R,
4 W
(including 3 DDs)
10 R,
1 W
9 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $17,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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