Suggest correction - #3640 - 2000-06-02

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    $500 6
Parsifal was his pop

Show #3640 - Friday, June 2, 2000


Rob Lewis, a systems analyst from Arlington, Virginia

Rick Magee, a college instructor from the Bronx, New York

Kevin Glaccum, an actor from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $8,900)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Computer chips.)
HITS OF 1964
(Alex: You're all too young to remember!)
    $100 7
This river's drainage area covers about 1.25 million square miles in 31 states
    $100 16
Jolly Time was the first brand name of this snack food
    $100 18
If you can't make any of your programs run, you can take out a deck of cards & play this game, aka patience
    $100 1
The Beatles' first No. 1 song in America, it's one of the biggest-selling British singles of all time
    $100 26
This British prime minister lived in his home of Chartwell in Westerham, Kent for the last 41 years of his life
    $100 2
Grand or petty crime
    $200 8
The highest peaks in this colorful mountain range of the Appalachian system lie in North Carolina
    $200 17
"Frosty the Snowman was a jolly, happy soul, with a corncob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of" this
    $200 19
Downloading off the net may have infected your system with one of these programs, Latin for "poison"
    $200 12
Mary Wells told us that "Nothing you could say can tear me away from" him
    $200 27
The Ninety-Nines, an organization of women pilots, bestows memorial scholarships named for this woman
    $200 3
Where Henry Cabot might bunk
    $300 9
Cape Mendocino in Humboldt County is the westernmost point of this state
    $300 23
(Hi, I'm Katherine Kelly Lang from The Bold and the Beautiful.) On TV, my dad Keith Wegeman played this "jolly" advertising icon first used in canned peas
    $300 20
One of the signs that things aren't working correctly is when you get one of these "exceptions"
    $300 13
This hit whose intro is heard here topped the charts in both England & the U.S. in the fall of 1964:
    $300 28
In international message flags, a red one stands for danger; a yellow one means this
    $300 4
Philosophically, it makes sense
    $400 10
The 2 main branches of this inlet in Washington state are Hood Canal & Admiralty Inlet
    $400 24
This poem calls Santa "A right jolly old elf"
    $400 21
If your E-mail crashes, you may have to use this rhyming 2-word term for letters delivered the old way
    $400 14
The Detergents' "Leader of the Laundromat" was a parody of this Shangri-Las hit
    $400 29
From 1849 to 1956, a drawing by Richard Doyle graced the cover of every issue of this satiric British humor magazine
    $400 5
Numbers game
    $500 11
Haleakala on this "Valley Island" of Hawaii has the world's largest dormant volcanic crater
    $500 25
This Australian song says, "Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong, under the shade of a coolibah tree"
    $500 22
Difficulty clicking on icons to enter commands might indicate trouble with your GUI, this kind of interface
    DD: $500 15
Billboard says this Louis Armstrong hit was the first song from a Broadway show to hit No. 1 in the rock era
    $500 30
French term for a thickener of soups & white sauces, made from flour & butter heated to form a paste
    $500 6
Parsifal was his pop

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Kevin Rick Rob
$2,600 $300 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kevin Rick Rob
$4,300 $1,500 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

'70s LIT
    $200 1
This fictional doctor was listed as "author" of "The Seven-Per-Cent Solution"; Nicholas Meyer was "editor"
    $200 2
Later a "rebel", he was playing a wicked Arab boy on Broadway in 1954 when "discovered" by Elia Kazan
    $200 8
One cause of the 1956 Arab-Israeli War was the nationalization of this by Egypt
    $200 26
Made from benzene, lidocaine is a "local" one of these
    $200 17
Without an "E", it comes before "squat"; with an "E", it comes after music legend "Bo"
    $200 12
Interjection of annoyance aimed at a boy pharaoh
    $400 3
This Jack Higgins novel of 1975 isn't about the Apollo 11 moon touchdown, it's a WWII tale
    $400 7
(Hi, I'm Carol Burnett.) This hilarious actor won 4 Emmys for his work on "The Carol Burnett Show"
    $400 18
The First through Fourth Macedonian Wars pitted Macedonia against this republic
    $400 27
Milk thistle reportedly lowers fat deposits in this organ as well as acting against cirrhosis in it
    $400 22
This word follows "nothing" in an expression meaning "the shortest possible time"
    $400 13
A form of Louise, it's used to describe something remarkable
    $600 4
Super-selling '77 saga set on a sheep station
    $600 9
Sean Connery's introduction to show biz was as a sailor in a British production of this musical
    $600 19
Between 1019 & 1919 there were at least 10 wars between Poland & this eastern neighbor
    $600 28
Vitamin D speeds the body's production of this mineral
    $600 23
Mary Richards can take one of these "and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile"
    $600 14
In a popular kids' game, this phrase precedes "Send Richard right over"
    $800 5
In 1978 he came up with "The Holcroft Covenant"
    $800 10
(Hi, I'm Nathan Lane.) In my (sad little) career I've played a priest, a gangster, a Roman slave & a wisecracking one of these in the film "The Lion King"
    DD: $1,200 20
It was a cat fight when the Burmese went to war against these people in 1764
    $800 30
Used to treat headaches, this mint family member's name may come from the Latin lavare, "to wash"
    DD: $2,000 24
It can mean zero; something of no value; or a coded message
    $800 15
Fleischer's cartoon clown who grew "out of the inkwell", his name sounds like a chocolate drink
    $1000 6
As this Gore Vidal novel came out in 1976, it has to wait until 2076 to celebrate its centennial
    $1000 11
World drama was changed forever in 1898 when this director & acting teacher opened the Moscow Art Theater
    $1000 21
In 1790 Cornwallis was leading this company's campaigns to annex Mysore
    $1000 29
These seeds of the carum carvi plant are used to stimulate the appetite
    $1000 25
In math, a set containing no elements is called an empty set or this type
    $1000 16
A 1930s hit told about the "Flat Foot Floogie with" this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kevin Rick Rob
$8,100 $3,700 $2,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

She told Women's Sports & Fitness, "Strangers, fans, people on the street... always want to pick me up and carry me"

Final scores:

Kevin Rick Rob
$6,500 $2,100 $4,600
2-day champion: $15,400 3rd place: Polaroid Photomax Digital Camera Creative Kit 2nd place: Trip to Wyndham El Conquistador Resort, Puerto Rico

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Kevin Rick Rob
$8,100 $3,700 $4,200
24 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
15 R,
2 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $16,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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