Suggest correction - #3610 - 2000-04-21

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    $800 6
Her first novel, "The Road Through the Wall", was published in 1948, the same year as her short story "The Lottery"

Show #3610 - Friday, April 21, 2000


Kate Lowe, an Internet copywriter from Shoreview, Minnesota

Vernon Martin, an aspiring screenwriter from Brooklyn, New York

Darren Millam, a customer service representative from Kansas City, Missouri (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $7,500)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 4
When the European mole wants lunch, it goes after this annelid that comes out after the rain
    $100 5
In 1918 the USS Cyclops vanished into this "Triangle"
    $100 8
In 1775 this pioneering American blazed the Wilderness Road
    $100 27
The U.S. Mint Police protect $100 billion in assets at this Kentucky site
    $100 3
Manicotti or macaroni
    $100 1
"Fe Fe Fi Fi Fo Fo Fum" this title character of a Coasters song is "a clown"
    $200 18
Rodents native to this continent include the cavy, coypu & capybara
    $200 6
Term for the process of putting all your billiard balls in a triangle to set them for a break
    $200 13
One of his literary works gave us the term "Man Friday"
    $200 28
During WWII these were made of steel, but a rare 1943 copper one has sold for over $80,000
    $200 9
Pilgrims' stepping stone
    $200 2
Judy Collins recorded a version of this song from "A Little Night Music"
    $300 19
The white variety of this pachyderm is the only type that eats by grazing
    $300 7
A Badfinger hit or the 4-word phrase associated with the item seen here:
    $300 14
On the big screen he's been Gerry Conlon, Hawkeye & Christy Brown
    $300 29
Perhaps the young woman seen here is looking to these 2 expedition leaders for their next words to translate:
    $300 10
Coffin carrier
    $300 15
In 1960 the Everly Brothers reached the top of the charts with this tune
    $400 20
The big toe on a marmoset doesn't have a claw like its other digits; it has one of these, like you
    $400 25
Body part in the triangle atop the pyramid in the Great Seal of the United States
    $400 21
One of his best-known orations is the Bunker Hill speech of 1825
    DD: $600 11
A seedy fruit
    $400 16
His hit "I'm Still Standing" says, "If our love was just a circus, you'd be a clown by now"
    $500 23
Unlike birds today, the Hesperornis of the Cretaceous period had these, all the better to eat fish with
    $500 24
To get into this city's Golden Triangle you can use the Fort Pitt Bridge
    $500 22
The Pentagon Papers he gave to the N.Y. Times in 1971 revealed deceptions about Vietnam dating back to the 1940s
    $500 26
He crossed from heads to tails to appear on the reverse of the 1999 New Jersey quarter
    $500 12
Ahab's vessel
    $500 17
This title of a Stealers Wheel song completes the line "Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am..."

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Darren Vernon Kate
$700 $0 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Darren Vernon Kate
$1,500 $300 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 22
In 1161 Pope Alexander III canonized this British king & gave him the title of Confessor
    $200 1
She was named for her birthplace: Winona, Minnesota
    $200 20
"The Crusades",
"The King of Kings",
"The Ten Commandments"
    $200 3
In a bitterly fought 1894 election to decide the state capital, Anaconda lost to this city
    $200 21
Arnold Lobel took a page out of Aesop's book, publishing a book of these that won in 1981
    $200 8
A survey of the gnomelike beings of Scandinavian folklore
    $400 2
These ever-popular singing sisters perform at the Lawrence Welk Champagne Theatre in Branson, Missouri
    $400 16
"Dick Tracy",
"Heaven Can Wait"
    $400 4
This nickname used on Montana license plates is also the name of a popular ski resort
    $400 23
If you wonder where the Caldecotts are, in 1964 the new one was with this author/illustrator
    $400 9
A perspiring abominable snowman
    $600 5
Kay Waldo Barnes, this former CBS anchorman's cousin, became the first female mayor of Kansas City, MO. in 1999
    DD: $500 15
"Straw Dogs",
"The Killer Elite",
"The Wild Bunch"
    $600 13
The Cartwright family would be right at home with this type of pine, the state tree of Montana
    $600 24
The 1998 Paul O. Zelinsky book about this girl isn't a hair-raising tale, just the opposite!
    $600 10
Goat god's well-thought-out merrymaking schemes
    $800 6
Her first novel, "The Road Through the Wall", was published in 1948, the same year as her short story "The Lottery"
    $800 18
"Three Amigos!",
"National Lampoon's Animal House",
"The Blues Brothers"
    $800 17
In 1882 the Northern Pacific Railroad founded this city & named it for one of its presidents, not a collection dept.
    $800 25
Remember, this 1982 Chris Van Allsburg winner is only a book; well, a game, too...a book & a game
    $800 11
Top Greek god's prune squeezin's
    $1000 7
(Hi, I'm Ekaterina Gordeeva.) I won my first Olympic gold medal in 1988, the same year this skater won her second gold medal
    $1000 19
"Death Becomes Her",
"Back to the Future",
"Forrest Gump"
    $1000 14
In 1916 this Missoula, Montana native became the first woman elected to the U.S. Congress
    $1000 26
1948's & '49's books had this weather condition in their titles; Roger Duvoisin's was "White" & "Bright"; the Haders', "Big"
    $1000 12
A wisdom goddess' amphitheaters

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Darren Vernon Kate
$3,500 -$400 $5,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

Retired since 1977, he said, "All I can say is I'm glad I never had to go up against Mia Hamm"

Final scores:

Darren Vernon Kate
$7,000 -$400 $7,001
2nd place: Intel Any Point Home Network Software 3rd place: Gift Certificate New champion: $7,001

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Darren Vernon Kate
$3,500 $100 $5,200
17 R,
5 W
12 R,
11 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $8,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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