Suggest correction - #3549 - 2000-01-27

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    $800 7
1941's "Here Comes Mr. Jordan" & this 1978 remake starring Warren Beatty were both nominated for Best Picture

Show #3549 - Thursday, January 27, 2000

Lee Lassiter game 3.


Rose Schuchman, a technical specialist from Oceanside, New York

Lynne Larkin, an attorney from Vero Beach, Florida

Lee Lassiter, a computer programmer from Topeka, Kansas (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $21,400)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Ah, something we all need!)
    $100 8
Rumor has long had it that upon his death, his body was frozen & hidden somewhere in his theme park
    $100 14
Sicily is this country's largest region in area
    $100 7
The Beatles told this title guy to "take a sad song and make it better"
    $100 6
In 1997 10% of U.S. families were below this line -- $16,400 for a family of 4
    $100 1
A group of students at the same grade level
    $100 12
WD-40 for example
    $200 9
His book of poems called "Drum-Taps" was inspired by the suffering he saw during the Civil War
    $200 13
Mindanao in this island nation is one of the world's leading producers of Manila hemp
    $200 25
Jan & Dean sang that there were "two girls for every boy" here
    $200 11
In 1980 these held 329,000 Americans; in 1997, 1.24 million
    $200 2
A group that meets for a common purpose; Groucho wouldn't join one that would have him as a member
    $200 22
Clear or easily understood
    $300 10
This vice president was born in Ceylon -- Ceylon, Minnesota that is
    $300 20
It's not only Australia's southernmost state, it's the most mountainous as well
    $300 26
"Everybody's talkin' 'bout the new sound, funny, but it's still" this to Billy Joel
    $300 15
The 1990 Census counted people classified as this & found 179,000 in shelters & 50,000 at street sites
    $300 3
The Mistick Krewe of Comus has been participating in parades in this city since 1857
    $300 23
The German Air Force
    DD: $1,000 18
Washington D.C.'s Army Medical Center is named in his honor
    $400 21
Principal exports of this archipelago north of Scotland include wool & its famous ponies
    $400 28
He "was a bullfrog, was a good friend of mine"
    $400 16
600,000 people in the U.S. have migrated from this Caribbean "Republic" of just over 8 million
    $400 4 is one of these "groups" in which you may find comments on this clue tomorrow
    $400 24
First name of playwright Pirandello
    $500 19
He did animal caricatures of Khrushchev & J. Edgar Hoover but he's more famous for drawing "Pogo"
    $500 29
This Canadian island is separated from the mainland by the Strait of Belle Isle & the Gulf of St. Lawrence
    $500 30
"What goes up must come down", this has "got to go 'round. Talkin' 'bout your troubles, it's a cryin' sin"
    $500 17
2 of the 4 states that have over 100,000 American Indians, according to the 1990 Census
    $500 5
Wolfe & over 999 others are part of this group in the St. Lawrence
    $500 27
It's the capital city of Zambia

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Lee Lynne Rose
$500 $1,500 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lee Lynne Rose
$2,100 $3,000 -$500

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: A different kind.)
"IC" !!!
    $200 21
Patti Page lost her "little darlin' the night they were playing" this beautiful song
    $200 3
Producer David O. Selznick won 2 straight Best Picture Oscars: "Rebecca" for 1940 & this film the previous year
    $200 4
Mildendo, the metropolis of this land Gulliver traveled to, is surrounded by a wall just 2 1/2 feet high
    $200 9
It's little known that fake plans for this invasion were posted at
    $200 15
About half the blood collected in the U.S. is acquired by this organization
    $200 1
Oh, my goodness!'s...sudden, overwhelming fear!
    $400 22
It is possible to play this Chopin waltz in D-flat major in 60 seconds flat, but why rush it?
    $400 5
Upon winning Best Director for this 1998 film, Steven Spielberg said, "Am I allowed to say I really wanted this?"
    $400 20
"Bleak House" begins on a murky afternoon in this city, with "fog everywhere"
    $400 10
At in the 380s B.C., you could have a virtual dialogue with this founder
    $400 16
A bonding ritual turns 2 unrelated men into these
    $400 2
Stretchy & flexible, like a rubber band
    $600 23
The "Waltz of the Flowers" is a famous piece from this ballet & suite
    $600 6
She was 10 when she won Best Supporting Actress for "Paper Moon", the youngest acting winner ever
    $600 24
Lara & her family move to an apartment in "the most disreputable part of Moscow" in Chapter 2 of this novel
    $600 11
In the course of this event, was taken down & was put up
    $600 17
It was the persecution of this group that earned Bloody Mary her nickname
    $600 12
Inclined to dine upon one's own species
    $800 27
It's the regal piece heard here:
    $800 7
1941's "Here Comes Mr. Jordan" & this 1978 remake starring Warren Beatty were both nominated for Best Picture
    $800 25
The town of Hanover, Nebraska is "trying not to be blown away" by a storm in Part I of her novel "O Pioneers!"
    $800 29
Once Queen Isabella's confessor, around 1490 he set up
    $800 18
His first role as a swashbuckler was in 1935 as Captain Blood
    DD: $2,500 13
Always recurring, like an illness or a liar
    $1000 28
The title of the waltz "Alice Blue Gown" was inspired by a dress color favored by this woman
    $1000 8
Gloria Swanson won a 1928 Oscar nomination for her title role as this Somerset Maugham tart
    DD: $1,000 26
"East of Eden" tells us this valley was named "for the alkali which was white as salt"
    $1000 19
The 4 things Churchill told the House of Commons he had to offer May 13, 1940 were blood & these
    $1000 14
Like the Carthaginians, or "wars" fought against them

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lee Lynne Rose
$8,600 $7,600 -$100

Final Jeopardy! Round

In the Middle Ages, this man introduced fireworks to western Europe

Final scores:

Lee Lynne Rose
$17,000 $8,600 -$100
3-day champion: $38,400 2nd place: Sanyo Blimp Trip in the U.S.A. 3rd place: JVC FS8000 Stereo System & Jazz CDs

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Lee Lynne Rose
$7,300 $7,600 -$100
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
21 R,
2 W
6 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $14,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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