Suggest correction - #3541 - 2000-01-17

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    $400 27
In his youth, this evangelist & university founder was healed of tuberculosis at a revival meeting

Show #3541 - Monday, January 17, 2000


Kara McDermott, an Internet content editor from Newton, Massachusetts

Wes Borucki, a doctoral candidate originally from Bloomfield Township, Michigan

Lewis Targownik, a resident physician from Winnipeg, Manitoba (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $27,601)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
In 1973 Bob Fosse beat out this director with "Cabaret"; in 1975 Fosse lost to his "Godfather II"
    $100 1
You're not allowed to do this to the Sun, Moon, stars or graven images
    $100 8
According to a TV theme song, it's Davy Crockett's royal nickname
    $100 21
The shape left when it leaves is a "polygon":
    $100 12
This comic had the last laugh; the epitaph on his Miami grave reads: "And Away We Go"
    $100 26
This captain offers gold to whomever "raises me a white-headed whale with a wrinkled brow"
    $200 7
Daughter of supporting player Paul, she won the 1995 Supporting Actress Oscar for "Mighty Aphrodite"
    $200 2
In 4:22 he reveals, "I must die in this land, I must not go over Jordan"
    $200 13
Michael Jackson bestowed this royal nickname upon himself, but many agree it is accurate
    $200 22
A mini matador may take it on:
    $200 15
Hap Arnold, Omar Bradley & Admiral Halsey are among the notables buried here
    $200 27
"I meant what I said and I said what I elephant's faithful" this much
    DD: $400 9
"Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" is among the few movies set in the present day to win this award
    $300 3
The wilderness was terrible, there were fiery serpents, scorpions & you had to get this out of a rock!
    $300 14
Nickname of the jazzman portrayed here by Al Hirschfeld:
    $300 23
Watch it "snatch the pebble from my hand":
    $300 16
A giant bust of his head & the epitaph "Workers of All Lands Unite" are found on his London tombstone
    $300 28
"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like" this
    $400 10
Actress seen here in her Oscar-winning 1950 performance:
    $400 4
Chapter 7 says love God & he will love ye & bless the increase of your kine, these
    $400 19
Aretha Franklin is the Queen of Soul, Donna Summer is this
    $400 24
If one of these rides up on you at your wedding, have the bridegroom throw it away:
    $400 17
In 1840 his body was moved from St. Helena to Paris & entombed in the Church of the Dome
    $400 29
This 1943 Ayn Rand novel opens with the line "Howard Roark laughed"
    $500 11
Robert Wise & choreographer Jerome Robbins shared the Best Director Oscar for this 1961 musical
    $500 5
The tribe of Levi got to carry this carrying case
    $500 20
George M. Cohan reigned as the Prince of the American Theater, but was the king of this place
    $500 25
This lizard's not just happy to meet you, he's this:
    $500 18
In July 1998, 80 years after their execution, several members of this royal family were reinterred in St. Petersburg

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Lewis Wes Kara
$400 -$700 $1,100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lewis Wes Kara
$1,800 -$100 $1,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
Dr. King said it's what we must let ring "from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city"
    $200 1
Martin Behaim made the world's first known globe in this year when some say the world was proved round
    $200 24
Born in Oklahoma, this Hall of Fame catcher for the Cincinnati Reds is part Choctaw Indian
    $200 7
North Bank area known for its bun, or a presidential daughter (not a son)
    $200 10
Keith Moon
    $200 20
Popular TV game show about the USA's top performing companies
    $400 15
King preached this "is the greatest form of government... ever conceived", but "we have never touched it"
    $400 2
An 1888 treaty said this canal was neutral & would remain open even during a war
    $400 27
In his youth, this evangelist & university founder was healed of tuberculosis at a revival meeting
    $400 8
Prime Minister from '57 to '63, publishing was in his family
    $400 11
Yo-Yo Ma
    $400 21
This oldest California prison makes movies like "Reservoir Dogs" & "Pulp Fiction"
    $600 16
This peaceful practice "is not sterile passivity, but a powerful moral force"
    DD: $700 3
The day America declared its independence, this person was on the throne of Russia
    $600 28
"Worlds Apart" & "Don't Let Our Love Start Slippin' Away" are hits by this Oklahoma boy seen here:
    $600 9
People are stompin' at this D'Oyly Carte hotel -- built next to his theatre, it really is swell
    $600 12
Van Cliburn
    $600 23
Reduced-calorie sugar substitute that was a 1975 Top 10 hit for the band War
    $800 18
From jail King wrote, "We will reach... freedom in" this city "because the goal of America is freedom"
    $800 4
Sostratus of Cnidus built this city's famous lighthouse in the early 3rd century B.C.
    $800 13
Known for a cycle race & a cat, this Irish Sea isle is where it's at
    $800 17
Andres Segovia
    $800 25
The actor who portrayed Gomez Addams on film masters the art of French cooking
    $1000 19
This 1954 "decision... will long be stenciled on the mental sheets of succeeding generations"
    $1000 5
This monk who died in 735 got the info for his history of England through correspondence
    $1000 14
In 1811 this group smashed & mangled lots of machinery of things newfangled
    $1000 22
    $1000 26
Feared former Cleveland slugger, now an Oriole, who is the most popular girl at the dance

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lewis Wes Kara
$4,200 $4,600 $4,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

FDR's in 1982 was the last stamp to show 1 of these; they were removed from photos of Jackson Pollock & Edward R. Murrow

Final scores:

Lewis Wes Kara
$0 $599 $3,999
3rd place: Polaroid PhotoMax Digital Camera Creative Kit 2nd place: Kaypro 2100 Personal Desktop Computer & DK Publishing Books & CD-ROMs New champion: $3,999

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Lewis Wes Kara
$4,200 $5,700 $4,300
18 R,
3 W
16 R,
7 W
(including 2 DDs)
10 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $14,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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