Suggest correction - #5272 - 2007-07-10

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    $2000 24
In graphic design, it's the unprinted or empty area on a page & can actually be any color

Show #5272 - Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Monica Lenhard, a teacher from Royal Oak, Michigan

Tom Traylor, a hospice chaplain from San Francisco, California

Tim Abou-Sayed, a plastic surgeon from Manalapan, Florida (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $49,402)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: These are all murals by the artist Wyland.)
"C" ME
    $200 6
A mural was painted on the Whale Museum in Taiji, the city that started the industry for this country
    $200 1
A classic from the '80s:
"Pretty in ____"
    $200 19
As Michelle Higgins is the "Practical" this, she'll tell you how to cut the high cost of flying to Africa
    $200 9
Adjective meaning curved inward, like the inside of a circle or sphere
    $200 24
The Tree Top Company's website has recipes for the Sour Cream & Dutch Kitchen types of this
    $200 14
Maker of racing saddles for these, like the Diplodocus & the Iguanandon
    $400 7
The whales seen here arrived in time for the 1996 Olympics in this city
    $400 2
A documentary about Texas justice:
"The Thin ____ Line"
    $400 20
Frank Bruni, whose yearly entertainment budget is $350,000, is on this beat
    $400 10
Animal subphylum of chiefly aquatic arthropods covered by a hard shell
    $400 25
The Wenatchee Valley is the heart of this state's apple country
    $400 15
Legal aide for Judge Winthrop at these notorious trials in 1692
    $600 8
At the Intercontinental Hotel, check out the whales from Lakeshore Drive & the Navy Pier in this city
    $600 3
A 1998 WWII flim:
"The Thin ____ Line"
    $600 21
In 1990 Nicholas Kristof & his wife Sheryl WuDunn won a Pulitzer covering China's democracy movement in this place
    $600 11
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from a lab at the University of Mississippi.) Sound waves are used to heat & seal blood vessels in a 21st-century version of this process, from the Latin for "branding iron"
    DD: $1,500 26
This preparation is a favorite accompaniment of foods from pork to latkes
    $600 16
Ticket scalper for Custer's 1876 "Last Stand" at the Little Bighorn in this state
    $800 29
You can see Atlantic whales on Queen's Quay E. near the Gardiner Expressway in this city on Lake Ontario
    $800 4
A classic from the '40s:
"She Wore a ____ Ribbon"
    $800 22
We bet the first Monday in Oct. is always circled on Linda Greenhouse's calendar; she started on this Times beat in 1978
    $800 12
A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction
    $800 27
Being packed with pectin makes apples an excellent source of this in the diet
    $800 17
Was quite excited to proofread this ribald French author's "Justine" in the 1790s
    $1000 30
You can see a mural of Keiko in the adventure park in this country where the desire to "Free Willy" began
    $1000 5
A 2004 comedy:
"Harold & Kumar Go to ____ Castle"
    $1000 23
Pulitzer-winning op-ed columnist Thomas L. Friedman wrote "A Brief History of the 21st Century" in "The World is" this
    $1000 13
A cruciverbal diversion
    $1000 28
Unlike the tech version, there's no "A" in the name of this apple named for the finder of the1st seedling in 1811
    $1000 18
Torturer's apprentice to this Spanish Inquisitor General who lived from 1420 to 1498

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tim Tom Monica
$2,000 $2,600 $3,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Tom Monica
$2,800 $5,500 $4,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 16
As he was carried below, mortally wounded, Capt. James Lawrence of the Chesapeake ordered, "don't" do this
    $400 6
A very aggressive gridiron playing style, or a band known for "Walkin' On The Sun"
    $400 1
Villarica & Cotopaxi are volcanoes found on this continent
    $400 11
In 1867 a child in South Africa found a "pretty pebble", which turned out to be a 22-carat one of these
    $400 25
"The Time Machine"
    $400 15
Computer key at the top right of the main keyboard grid
    $800 17
The Battle of Lundy's Lane on July 25, 1814 was the USA's last invasion of what's now this country
    $800 7
He could be one of Scooby Doo's crew, but this reggae star made "Angel" a big hit in 2001
    $800 2
Of 20, 30 or 50%, the percentage of the Earth's land Asia occupies as the world's largest continent
    $800 12
Nephrite is the main source of this gem; it comes in white, red & dark green, which is the most valuable type
    $800 26
"Look Homeward, Angel"
    $800 21
2-word term for someone out of touch with reality, or what Tom Corbett was in a 1950s TV show title
    $1200 18
During the war, this U.S. frigate was commended by Isaac Hull, William Bainbridge & Charles Stewart
    $1200 8
Before Whitesnake, Dave Coverdale was a member of this "colorful" "Smoke On The Water" group
    DD: $2,500 3
The equator stretches across more land mass on this continent than any other
    $1200 13
The name of this deep-red gem & "pomegranate" come from the same root
    $1200 27
"Sister Carrie"
    $1200 22
Low area under the floor of a building for access to plumbing or wiring
    DD: $2,000 19
On the night of September 13-14, 1814, British Admiral George Cockburn tried to take this fort but failed
    $1600 9
"Love Is Like Oxygen" & "Ballroom Blitz" both charted for this "saccharin" band
    $1600 4
(Jon of the Clue Crew shows a globe of the geologically ancient world on the monitor.) Meaning "all earth", it's the term Alfred Wegener gave to an historic, theoretical supercontinent
    $1600 14
Corundums with 3 bands of light are called "stars"; corundums with one band have this feline name
    $1600 28
"The Natural"
    $1600 23
Atmospheric region above a state or nation
    $2000 20
This Speaker of the House, the "Great Pacificator", was one of the War Hawks urging war with Britain
    $2000 10
"Bela Lugosi's Dead" is an offering from this '80s group that's named for Walter Gropius' school of design
    $2000 5
It's also the sixth-largest country in area
    $2000 29
The name of this September birthstone may come from the Sanskrit for "dear to the planet Saturn"
    $2000 30
"Adam Bede"
    $2000 24
In graphic design, it's the unprinted or empty area on a page & can actually be any color

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Tom Monica
$9,200 $11,800 $14,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

In a play by Euripides, he goes mad & thinks he's tearing down the walls of Mycenae but destroys his own house

Final scores:

Tim Tom Monica
$2 $2,600 $21,000
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $21,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tim Tom Monica
$9,200 $13,400 $13,600
17 R,
8 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $36,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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