An editor for academic competitions from Richmond, California...

Larissa Kelly

"She was a graduate student at U.C. Berkeley in Season 24 when she became the first woman to win more than 5 games and set the regular-play winnings record for a female champion. Now she's an editor for academic competitions living in Richmond, California. Here's..."

2024 Jeopardy! Invitational Tournament semifinalist: $10,000.
2019 All-Star Games member of winning Team Brad: a share of $1,000,000 split three ways with Brad Rutter and David Madden.
2014 Battle of the Decades invitee: $5,000.
2009 Tournament of Champions first runner-up: $100,000.
Season 24 6-time champion: $222,597 + $1,000.

Larissa was the first female champion to win more than five games. Her 6-win streak was the longest for a female player until broken by 7-game winner Stephanie Jass in Season 29. Larissa was also, when her run ended, the third-highest regular-play earner. Larissa also held the regular-play winnings record for a female champion until 20-game winner Julia Collins netted $428,100 + $1,000 in Season 30.

Wife of KJL game 70 Jeff Hoppes, and sister of Season 24 player Arianna Kelly.

Jeopardy! Message Board user name: lkkelly

Larissa appeared in the following archived game:
#6808, aired 2014-04-02 Tom Kavanaugh vs. Larissa Kelly vs. Russ Schumacher Battle of the Decades: The 2000s game 3.
Larissa previously appeared on Jeopardy! as Larissa Kelly in the following 4 archived games:
#5657, aired 2009-03-24 Larissa Kelly vs. Aaron Schroeder vs. Dan Pawson 2009 Tournament of Champions final game 2. From Las Vegas.
#5656, aired 2009-03-23 Larissa Kelly vs. Aaron Schroeder vs. Dan Pawson 2009 Tournament of Champions final game 1. From Las Vegas.
#5654, aired 2009-03-19 Larissa Kelly vs. Cora Peck vs. Dave Simpson 2009 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 2. From Las Vegas.
#5649, aired 2009-03-12 Larissa Kelly vs. Matt Kohlstedt vs. Tom Morris 2009 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 2. From Las Vegas.
Larissa would later appear on Jeopardy! as Larissa Kelly in the following 5 archived games:
#7934, aired 2019-02-21 Team Buzzy vs. Team Colby vs. Team Brad 2019 All-Star Games match 1, continuation of game 1.
#7933, aired 2019-02-20 Team Buzzy vs. Team Colby vs. Team Brad 2019 All-Star Games match 1, game 1, Jeopardy! Round only.
#7942, aired 2019-03-05 Team Ken vs. Team Brad vs. Team Colby 2019 All-Star Games final match, game 2.
#7941, aired 2019-03-04 Team Ken vs. Team Brad vs. Team Colby 2019 All-Star Games final match, game 1.
#7935, aired 2019-02-22 Team Buzzy vs. Team Colby vs. Team Brad 2019 All-Star Games match 1, game 2.

[player statistics]

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