Gaelic for "water of life" gave us this word for a drink you might have with a little water |
Professor Steven Levitt looks at his field a bit differently, so the podcast he's on isn't "Economics" but this |
An observatory in Switzerland has the name Urania, the muse of this scientific pursuit |
On the NASDAQ you can find this state in front of Capital Bancshares, Roadhouse & Instruments |
When this man entreated the Lord, the plague of flies departed from Egypt |
At the beginning of the 13th century, this Mongol leader established a postal service to link his domains |
Genghis Khan
You can thank Ottoman imports for the name of this bird that was once confused with the guinea fowl |
It's fitting that WBEZ in this city produced the biographical podcast "Making Obama" |
Orpheus' song saved sailors from the singing of these sea nymphs whose mother was one of the muses |
the sirens
This car company has a facility called Gigafactory 1, designed to reduce battery cell costs in a big way |
He was the director of the FBI from 2001 to 2013 |
(Robert) Mueller
Though expelled from the area in 1912, China continued to consider this region part of its domain & invaded in 1950 |
It was originally a string, perhaps to help find your way in a labyrinth; then it was a piece of evidence that helps solve a crime |
(Monica: What's a golden thread?)
a clue
This former HLN host takes on the misdeeds of the day on her "Crime Stories" podcast |
Nancy Grace
In Rome Polymnia was the goddess of this--a form of theatrical farce, not a guy in whiteface "trapped" in a "box" |
It's time to get alphanumerically lubricated with this company that in its early days fought rust on Atlas missiles |
Without his famous partner, he published an "Investigation of Sexual Regeneration in Elderly Women" |
(William) Masters
It's the country-code top-level internet domain for Putin's domain |
The word "companion" refers to anyone with whom you'd eat this food item, literally |
This conference series also has a podcast of talks between smart people & its head honcho Chris Anderson |
Thalia, the muse of bucolic poetry, carries the staff of these workers |
The French Toast Slugger is on the menu of this NASDAQ-listed diner chain |
(Monica: What is IHOP?)
2 of her 14 books are the Man Booker prize-winning "Wolf Hall" & its sequel in her Thomas Cromwell series |
(Hilary) Mantel
Marie-Therese renounced her father's lands on marrying Louis XIV, but Louis said some were his because this wasn't paid |
a dowry
A borrowing from the French gave us this -ism, the concern for the welfare of others, as opposed to egoism |
No rainbow, but this PBS host & "Roots" actor reads short fiction on his podcast |
(LeVar) Burton
This muse whose name is also a musical instrument was eldest & preeminent among the muses |
In 2002, less than 3 years after this JFK-based airline began operations, it had an IPO on NASDAQ & was worth $1.8 billion |
Attorney General in the 1980s, in 2015 he was still enraging liberals with attacks on Obamacare |
Edwin Meese
His first whupping of a Persian army, at the Granicus River, let him expand his domain into Asia Minor |
Alexander the Great