Show #7942 - Tuesday, March 5, 2019

2019 All-Star Games final match, game 2.


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Team Colby (subtotal of $8,000)

Playing the Jeopardy! Round: Alan Lin, a software engineer from Riverside, California

Playing the Double Jeopardy! Round: Pam Mueller, a think tank researcher from Culver City, California

Playing the Final Jeopardy! Round: Colby Burnett, a college counselor from Chicago, Illinois

Team Brad (subtotal of $36,000)

Playing the Jeopardy! Round: David Madden, an academic competition director from Ridgewood, New Jersey

Playing the Double Jeopardy! Round: Brad Rutter, an actor and producer from Los Angeles, California

Playing the Final Jeopardy! Round: Larissa Kelly, an editor for academic competitions from Richmond, California

Team Ken (subtotal of $32,500)

Playing the Jeopardy! Round: Monica Thieu, a Ph.D. student in psychology from New York, New York

Playing the Double Jeopardy! Round: Ken Jennings, a writer from Seattle, Washington

Playing the Final Jeopardy! Round: Matt Jackson, a digital fundraising professional from Washington, D.C.

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 23
Gaelic for "water of life" gave us this word for a drink you might have with a little water
    $200 30
Professor Steven Levitt looks at his field a bit differently, so the podcast he's on isn't "Economics" but this
    $200 24
An observatory in Switzerland has the name Urania, the muse of this scientific pursuit
    $200 29
On the NASDAQ you can find this state in front of Capital Bancshares, Roadhouse & Instruments
    $200 21
When this man entreated the Lord, the plague of flies departed from Egypt
    $200 27
At the beginning of the 13th century, this Mongol leader established a postal service to link his domains
    $400 22
You can thank Ottoman imports for the name of this bird that was once confused with the guinea fowl
    $400 25
It's fitting that WBEZ in this city produced the biographical podcast "Making Obama"
    $400 8
Orpheus' song saved sailors from the singing of these sea nymphs whose mother was one of the muses
    $400 28
This car company has a facility called Gigafactory 1, designed to reduce battery cell costs in a big way
    $400 20
He was the director of the FBI from 2001 to 2013
    $400 26
Though expelled from the area in 1912, China continued to consider this region part of its domain & invaded in 1950
    $600 9
It was originally a string, perhaps to help find your way in a labyrinth; then it was a piece of evidence that helps solve a crime
    $600 10
This former HLN host takes on the misdeeds of the day on her "Crime Stories" podcast
    $600 7
In Rome Polymnia was the goddess of this--a form of theatrical farce, not a guy in whiteface "trapped" in a "box"
    $600 19
It's time to get alphanumerically lubricated with this company that in its early days fought rust on Atlas missiles
    $600 1
Without his famous partner, he published an "Investigation of Sexual Regeneration in Elderly Women"
    $600 4
It's the country-code top-level internet domain for Putin's domain
    $800 13
The word "companion" refers to anyone with whom you'd eat this food item, literally
    $800 11
This conference series also has a podcast of talks between smart people & its head honcho Chris Anderson
    DD: $1,000 5
Thalia, the muse of bucolic poetry, carries the staff of these workers
    $800 18
The French Toast Slugger is on the menu of this NASDAQ-listed diner chain
    $800 2
2 of her 14 books are the Man Booker prize-winning "Wolf Hall" & its sequel in her Thomas Cromwell series
    $800 15
Marie-Therese renounced her father's lands on marrying Louis XIV, but Louis said some were his because this wasn't paid
    $1000 14
A borrowing from the French gave us this -ism, the concern for the welfare of others, as opposed to egoism
    $1000 12
No rainbow, but this PBS host & "Roots" actor reads short fiction on his podcast
    $1000 6
This muse whose name is also a musical instrument was eldest & preeminent among the muses
    $1000 17
In 2002, less than 3 years after this JFK-based airline began operations, it had an IPO on NASDAQ & was worth $1.8 billion
    $1000 3
Attorney General in the 1980s, in 2015 he was still enraging liberals with attacks on Obamacare
    $1000 16
His first whupping of a Persian army, at the Granicus River, let him expand his domain into Asia Minor

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Team Ken Team Brad Team Colby
$3,200 $4,400 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Team Ken Team Brad Team Colby
$3,800 $7,400 $4,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 30
Lindsay Starck writes of a minister & his spouse who face a flood of Biblical proportions in this man's "Wife"
    $400 29
A 1682 law in this colony guaranteed freedom of worship; not just for Quakers
    $400 20
In the double star Cygnus X-1, a blue supergiant orbits one of these, which is eating it alive
    $400 26
Now you try... & you try... & you try...& you try to name this Rolling Stones song that was No. 1 for 4 weeks in 1965
    $400 28
In the red--Venetian red, to be exact--is the Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, the tallest in this state
    $400 14
This kind of "sketch" can be a snapshot in words
    $800 1
Very cold weather descends on 2 WASPy New England families in the 1970s in this Rick Moody novel
    $800 12
7 years was usually the maximum length of this period of learning one's trade from a craftsman
    $800 21
The most distant star ever seen is for some reason named for this boy who got too close to the sun
    $800 25
In 1984 this band scored a Top 10 with "New Moon On Monday"; now test your re-fle-fle-fle-flexes
    $800 27
With close to 130, including Cheboygan Crib & Isle Royale, this state has the most lighthouses
    $800 15
3-word term for a rough guideline
    $1200 2
In a Melville story a salesman tries to sell a copper type of this title item in the middle of a thunderstorm
    $1200 9
The New England Company changed its name to this & founded a colony in 1630
    $1200 22
The sun's absolute this, its brightness if viewed from a distance of 10 parsecs, is 4.8
    $1200 4
In a 1999 smash, this letter-perfect group didn't want "your number", didn't want "to meet you" & didn't want no scrubs
    $1200 7
The Portland Head Light in this state is said to be the most photographed lighthouse in the United States
    $1200 16
Numeric dual approval from Siskel & Ebert
    $1600 3
In a Poe story a fisherman is pulled into this Norwegian whirlpool by a hurricane
    DD: $10,000 10
The 1764 Sugar Act taxed molasses imports to help pay for this recently concluded war
    $1600 23
Appropriately, the name of this nearest star to the sun is from the Latin for "nearest"
    $1600 6
This punk band's 1976 self-titled debut album included "Blitzkrieg Bop"
    DD: $5,000 8
The ancient lighthouse on this island was so well known that the island's name became a synonym for lighthouse
    $1600 17
I'll talk! No need to tighten these torture devices
    $2000 5
The first novel by this "Burr" & "Lincoln" author is called "Williwaw", after a windstorm off Alaska
    $2000 11
Evangelist George Whitefield was one of the rousing figures of the "Great" this
    $2000 24
Merope & Sterope are sister stars in M45, this Greek-named cluster
    $2000 13
Time to get your grunge on with this band whose tunes include "Man In The Box", "Rooster" & "Would?"
    $2000 19
The iconic lighthouse seen here is in the fishing village of Peggy's Cove in this Atlantic province of Canada
    $2000 18
In "Macbeth" these 6 words precede "something wicked this way comes"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Team Ken Team Brad Team Colby
$16,200 $34,000 $9,600
(lock match)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Total of the numbers of the amendments banning state-sponsored official religion, ending slavery & repealing Prohibition

Final scores:

Team Ken Team Brad Team Colby
$16,200 $34,000 $16,601

Cumulative scores:

Team Ken Team Brad Team Colby
$48,700 $70,000 $24,601
2nd place: $300,000 (split three ways) Winner: $1,000,000 (split three ways) 3rd place: $100,000 (split three ways)

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Team Ken Team Brad Team Colby
$16,200 $22,000 $9,600
Monica David Alan
$3,800 $7,200 $4,000
Ken Brad Pam
$12,400 $14,800 $5,600
21 R,
2 W
23 R
(including 3 DDs),
0 W
12 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $47,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2019-01-09
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