An intelligence educator from Reston, Virginia...

Mark Lowenthal

"He won the 1988 Tournament of Champions while working for the State Department. He now owns a company offering courses on intelligence to the government and the private sector. From Reston, Virginia, please welcome..."

2014 Battle of the Decades quarterfinalist: $10,000.
2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 1 player: $5,000.
1990 Super Jeopardy! quarterfinalist: $5,000.
1988 Tournament of Champions winner: $100,000.
Season 4 5-time champion: $49,901.

Co-author with Chuck Forrest of the 1992 book Secrets of the Jeopardy Champions.

Mark appeared in the following 2 archived games:
#6833, aired 2014-05-07 Mark Lowenthal vs. Brad Rutter vs. Dan Pawson Battle of the Decades quarterfinal game 3.
#6769, aired 2014-02-06 Phoebe Juel vs. Mark Lowenthal vs. Frank Spangenberg Battle of the Decades: The 1980s game 4.
Mark previously appeared on Jeopardy! as Mark Lowenthal in the following archived game:
#4728, aired 2005-03-09 Erik Larsen vs. Mark Lowenthal vs. Michael Rooney 2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 1, game 21.

[player statistics]

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