An actor from Forest Park, Illinois...

Paul Rouffa

1990 Super Jeopardy! quarterfinalist: $5,000.
1986 Tournament of Champions 1st runner-up: $5,000.
Season 2 5-time champion: $46,100.

Paul was the alternate for the 1993 10th Anniversary Tournament.

Paul won $30,000 over five days on Scrabble in December 1987.

Paul appeared on Now You See It in June 1989.

Paul won $1,000 on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire on 2015-04-13.

Jeopardy! Message Board user name: PRouf

Paul appeared in the following 4 archived games:
#510, aired 1986-11-21 Paul Rouffa vs. Chuck Forrest vs. Marvin Shinkman 1986 Tournament of Champions final game 2.
#509, aired 1986-11-20 Paul Rouffa vs. Chuck Forrest vs. Marvin Shinkman 1986 Tournament of Champions final game 1.
#508, aired 1986-11-19 Paul Rouffa vs. Beryl Arbit vs. Lionel Goldbart 1986 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 3.
#502, aired 1986-11-11 Paul Rouffa vs. Marvin Shinkman vs. Jared Eisenstat 1986 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 2.
Paul previously appeared on Jeopardy! as Paul Rouffa in the following 5 archived games:
#371, aired 1986-02-10 Paul Rouffa vs. Steve Lawson vs. Susan Fox-Davis Paul Rouffa game 5.
#370, aired 1986-02-07 Paul Rouffa vs. Jean Reynolds vs. Melody Keller Paul Rouffa game 4.
#369, aired 1986-02-06 Paul Rouffa vs. George Strine vs. Buff McKinley Paul Rouffa game 3.
#368, aired 1986-02-05 Paul Rouffa vs. Steve Wenrick vs. Judy Hedden Paul Rouffa game 2.
#367, aired 1986-02-04 Garth Sturdevant vs. Paul Rouffa vs. Jamie Capwell Paul Rouffa game 1.
Paul would later appear on Jeopardy! as Paul Rouffa in the following archived game:
Super Jeopardy! #5, aired 1990-07-14 Mark Lowenthal vs. Paul Rouffa vs. Cathy Boggs vs. Keith Walker Super Jeopardy! quarterfinal game 4.

[player statistics]

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