A systems administrator from Columbus, Ohio...

Ryan Manton

2025 Tournament of Champions semifinalist: $10,000.
Season 41 4-time champion: $83,179 + $3,000.

Husband of Season 37 player Lauren Menke.

Ryan won $16,666.66 of a $50,000 prize on Pop Culture Jeopardy! playing on 2nd runner-up team Buggsy Mogues with wife Lauren Menke & Eric on 2025-01-15, 2025-02-12, 2025-02-26 & 2025-03-05.

Ryan appeared in the following 5 archived games:
#9175, aired 2024-10-04 Ryan Manton vs. Anne Singleton vs. Mark Fitzpatrick Ryan Manton game 5. Mark Fitzpatrick game 1.
#9174, aired 2024-10-03 Ryan Manton vs. Adam Stewart vs. Emily Stowell-Bui Ryan Manton game 4.
#9173, aired 2024-10-02 Ryan Manton vs. Scott Tcheng vs. Erin Ward Ryan Manton game 3.
#9172, aired 2024-10-01 Ryan Manton vs. Brooke Levine vs. Mike McComb Ryan Manton game 2.
#9171, aired 2024-09-30 Kate Roesch vs. Alison Prelusky vs. Ryan Manton Ryan Manton game 1.
Ryan would later appear on Jeopardy! as Ryan Manton in the following 2 archived games:
#9262, aired 2025-02-04 Adriana Harmeyer vs. Ryan Manton vs. Will Wallace 2025 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 1.
#9259, aired 2025-01-30 Mehal Shah vs. Ryan Manton vs. Will Stewart 2025 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 4.

[player statistics]

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