Show #9262 - Tuesday, February 4, 2025

2025 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 1.


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Will Wallace, a game design director from Austin, Texas

Ryan Manton, a systems administrator from Columbus, Ohio

Adriana Harmeyer, an archivist from West Lafayette, Indiana

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 30
A back-to-Africa movement scam artist is part of Chester Himes' hard-boiled novel "Cotton Comes to" this New York City area
    $200 10
A synonym for distant begins this hyphenated adjective meaning improbable
    $200 9
Bonding over their M.S., Jamie-Lynn Sigler & this "Dead to Me" actress launched "MeSsy", featuring candid conversation
    $200 28
In 2024 he won a fourth term representing Vermont
    $200 25
A 2007 Time article apologized for confusing "LOLcats" with this feline-posting tradition, a day of the week portmanteau
    $200 8
Move over Hollywood--this resort city on the Côte d'Azur has its own Walk of Fame
    $400 29
A writer-producer of TV's "Empire", Attica Locke wrote the Highway 59 trilogy about a Black one of these Lone Star lawmen
    $400 23
Mark Cuban & Sara Blakely both worked early on in this hyphenated type of sales that declined once fewer women were home all day
    $400 17
In 2022 she launched "Now What?" to talk about life's challenges & setbacks & how people deal with them
    $400 27
The son of Cuban immigrants, he began representing Florida in the Senate in 2011
    $400 14
McDonald's & Wendy's observed this day on July 12, 2024, which fell on the day of the week it sounds like
    $400 7
This city on New Zealand's South Island was fittingly given its divine name by J.R. Godley
    $600 20
A Georgia politician & voting rights activist, she puts some civics in her mystery with novels like "Rogue Justice"
    $600 13
A 2023 change in Oregon law left New Jersey as the only state without this type of gas station
    $600 18
He's the "Armchair Expert" who has in-depth conversations with people from all fields
    $600 26
In 2012 Tammy Baldwin of this state became the first openly gay person elected to the Senate
    $600 6
October 24, 1929, this "dark" day on Wall Street, kicked off the stock market crash
    $600 1
Its nicknames include "Queen City" & "Hornet's Nest"
    $800 21
One entry in the Charlie Mack Motown Mystery series is about an attack on this annual Detroit display that puts the moto in Motown
    $800 11
A warning or telltale sign, or the jump ball that starts a basketball game
    $800 19
This British-born pop sensation will "Blow Your Mind" with her "At Your Service" podcast, talking to people who blow her mind
    $800 15
Hailing from Caribou, Maine, she's currently one of the longest-serving women in the Senate
    $800 5
Founded by a University of Tennessee student, this restaurant chain shares its name with a song by The Rolling Stones
    $800 2
Straight outta its city website: it's called "Hub City" due to its proximity to the center of Los Angeles County
    $1000 22
Black heroine Bree is caught up in the disappearance of a blonde in a novel called this, a "syndrome" Gwen Ifill popularized
    $1000 12
Jacob Grimm coined this hyphenated name for a Balkan language; now with Bosnia & Montenegro in the mix, it's known as BCMS
    $1000 24
This "Seriously Funny" comic has his own "Laugh Out Loud" channel on SiriusXM & a podcast called "Gold Minds"
    $1000 16
A grad of Stanford, Oxford & Yale, he was the mayor of Newark in 2013 when he was elected to represent New Jersey in the Senate
    DD: $1,000 4
On "American Gods", Ian McShane was Odin, also known as Mr. this guy
    $1000 3
The French settlers of this African city called it "Maison Blanche"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Adriana Ryan Will
$2,000 $4,000 -$600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Adriana Ryan Will
$4,400 $5,200 $200

Double Jeopardy! Round

HERE'S 2 "U"!
(Ken: There's a pair of "U"s in each correct response.)
    $400 20
No, I don't want maple syrup on my pancakes; tell chef I must have this brownish syrup made in the sugar refining process
    $400 21
Published in 1965, 2 years after her death, her "Lady Lazarus" says, "Out of the ash / I rise with my red hair"
    $400 29
The space telescope named for this astronomer helped give a measurement of the constant named for him
    $400 25
A 1961 song by Ben E. King & a coming-of-age film based on a work by Stephen King
    $400 27
He made 3 orbits of the Earth in Friendship 7, launched on February 20, 1962
    $400 28
Albert Einstein once said, "I never think of" this, "it comes soon enough"
    $800 19
I want this simple Italian sauce of basil, garlic, pine nuts, olive oil & Parmesan on my pasta; accept no substitutes!
    $800 18
Langston Hughes' "Harlem" asks, "What happens to a dream deferred?... Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it" do this?
    $800 30
Jennifer Doudna & Emmanuelle Charpentier went halfsies on the 2020 Nobel in Chemistry, winning for this gene-editing tech
    $800 24
With an "03" in front of it, a Jay-Z/Beyoncé song & a 1967 Beatty/Dunaway crime film
    $800 17
2 states joined the Union on February 14--Oregon in 1859 & this state in 1912, the last of the lower 48
    $800 26
Played on a 9x9 grid, it's been called the "Rubik's Cube of the 21st Century"
    $1200 1
This animal on the label of Huy Fong sriracha sauce honors the year its creator David Tran was born; put the sauce on my table
    $1200 4
"I'll come to thee by moonlight, though hell should bar the way", says this title robber of the road in an Alfred Noyes poem
    DD: $4,000 15
"A strength of mind almost divine", says some of the Latin inscription on this 17th century genius' grave at Westminster Abbey
    DD: $2,000 22
A Nicki Minaj hit that samples Sir Mix-a-Lot & a J.Lo movie set in the jungle
    $1200 16
This piece premiered in New York City on Feb. 12, 1924, with composer George Gershwin at the piano
    $1200 6
Brought over from Asia, this fast-growing plant that easily overtakes trees & shrubs is known as "the vine that ate the South"
    $1600 2
Chef made Swedish meatballs so serve them with jam made from these tart red berries; buy a jar of the preserves at IKEA if you must
    $1600 11
William Carlos Williams' "The Red" this was inspired by the sight of one surrounded by white chickens in a backyard
    $1600 5
The 1903 Nobel for Physics was shared by Pierre & Marie Curie & this other physicist
    $1600 23
A song on "Let It Be" & a 2007 jukebox musical with Evan Rachel Wood
    $1600 10
Andrew Johnson's feud with this sec. of war escalated in Feb. 1868, when the prez tried to fire the man, who refused to leave office
    $1600 7
This flap of tissue that hangs in the back of your throat prevents food & fluids from going up your nose when you swallow
    $2000 3
The name of this cucumber, mustard & vinegar relish might be a variation on "pickle"; tell chef to use my English gran's recipe
    $2000 12
"Sexual Water" & "Ode to a Large Tuna in a Market" are among the works by this Chilean who won a Nobel Prize in Literature
    $2000 13
She "left Germany with the bomb in my purse" & was crucial to understanding fission
    $2000 14
An ethereal rom-com with Reese Witherspoon & a Top 40 hit by The Cure
    $2000 9
February 25, 1948 saw a bloodless coup in this country, with the Communists taking over; Pres. Benes was allowed to stay in office
    $2000 8
As a noun, it's a prophet or soothsayer; as a verb, it means to foretell from omens

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Adriana Ryan Will
$22,000 $12,000 $200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

About 80 miles from Vladivostok, its 11-mile land border with Russia is the shortest of that country's 14 neighbors

Final scores:

Adriana Ryan Will
$25,000 $22,001 $0
Finalist 2nd place: $10,000 3rd place: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Adriana Ryan Will
$19,200 $12,000 $2,200
22 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
10 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $33,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2024-12-05
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