Jeopardy! Round responses
mentally incompetent (of unsound mind)
(Alex: We've got less than a minute to go.)
a sponge
(Jorge: What are guitars, Alex?) (Alex: Oh, no. Sorry. The song, of course, is called "Dueling Banjos", but the two instruments were [*]. From the film Deliverance, of course.) [The song was reprised going into the break.]
a guitar & a banjo
(Jorge: What are income taxes?)
jury duty
(Scott: What is the oboe?) (Jorge: What is the clarinet?)
the bassoon
(Jorge: What is a carousel?)
a calliope
(Jorge: What is a mercurial personality, or [*]?)
(Scott: What is Saturday?) ... (Alex: From Frigg, the Norse goddess of love, [*].) [The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 9):
Jorge |
Scott |
Meredith |
-$600 |
$300 |
$1,300 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Jorge |
Scott |
Meredith |
$200 |
$500 |
$2,500 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: Rude awakening in [*], 76 inches.)
(Meredith: What is Washington, D.C.?) (Jorge: What is Selma, Alabama?)
Montgomery, Alabama
"Stop And Smell The Roses"
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
the aspen
(Jorge: What is a hop, skip, jump?) ... (Alex: You forgot, Jorge, that "triple" must appear in all of the responses.)
triple jump
(Jorge: What is place?)
Arc de Triomphe
"Sometimes When We Touch"
(Alex: [Before Scott's wager] We've got about a minute to go.) ... (Scott: Uh, what is sight and taste?) (Alex: Oh, sorry. [*]. "Come See About Me" and "I Hear A Symphony".)
seeing & hearing
(Scott: What is Rollins?)
the Union blockade
(Jorge: What is 3A? [*].) (Alex: Okay. Good thing you got it in before I said no.)
triple A
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Jorge |
Scott |
Meredith |
$2,600 |
$2,500 |
$3,700 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
Scott | Who was Chip? | $500 | Jorge | Who was Ernie? | $2,400 | Meredith | Who was Chip? | $1,600 | Ernie or Uncle Charley |
Final scores:
Jorge |
Scott |
Meredith |
$5,000 |
$2,000 |
$2,100 |
Game dynamics:
Jorge |
Scott |
Meredith |
$3,100 |
$3,300 |
$3,700 |
Game tape date: 1986-12-03
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