When you call a 65-year-old waiter "Garcon!" you're literally calling him this |
How we set our watches every spring at the start of daylight-saving time |
one hour forward
Though they didn't sing its words, for the Tijuana brass it was still "much sweeter than wine" |
"A Taste of Honey"
The Edmunds act of 1882 prohibited from voting Mormons who practiced this |
In football, a back who can run with the ball, kick, & throw a forward pass is termed this |
a triple threat
Name of the Pont-Neuf, oldest bridge in Paris, actually means this |
new bridge
Greatest snowfall in 24 hours, 76", fell in Silver Lake, Colo. in 1921 in this spring month |
(Alex: Rude awakening in [*], 76 inches.)
For Johnny Nash, this song doesn't mean a new pair of glasses, but that the rain is gone |
"I Can See Clearly Now"
City to which Martin Luther King Jr. marched with over 25,000 people in March 1965 |
(Meredith: What is Washington, D.C.?) (Jorge: What is Selma, Alabama?)
Montgomery, Alabama
The 1st trapeze artist to do this backwards was Lena Jordan in 1879; 12 years later a man did it |
a triple somersault
Though its name means "Harmony Square", Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette & many others were guillotined there |
the Place de la Concorde
Seasonal condition resulting in feelings of langour, rejuventation or just plain desire |
spring fever
According to Mac Davis, it's what we all should do from time to time |
"Stop And Smell The Roses"
"Remember the Alamo" became the vengeful battle cry of this leader who finally captured Santa Anna |
Sam Houston
This tree that quickly fills in burned-over land comes in quaking & large-toothed varieties |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
the aspen
Track & field event that begins with a hop |
(Jorge: What is a hop, skip, jump?) ... (Alex: You forgot, Jorge, that "triple" must appear in all of the responses.)
triple jump
2 monuments 2 miles apart share this same name except one is "Du Carrousel," the other, "De l'Etoile" |
(Jorge: What is place?)
Arc de Triomphe
In "The Way of All Flesh", S. Butler says spring, like this time of life, is an overpraised season |
In Dan Hill's 1977 hit, the title line preceding "the honesty's too much" |
"Sometimes When We Touch"
Year in which President Harding died, Schick invented electric razor & "Yes, We Have No Bananas" was a hit |
Uncapitalized, it's any group of three championships |
a triple crown
Napoleon's tomb is in this building, built by Louis XIV for disabled soldiers |
(Hôtel des) Invalides
This occurs when the moon is new or full & when the gravitational pulls of the moon & sun are the same direction |
a spring tide
The 2 senses mentioned in titles of #1 hits by The Supremes |
(Alex: [Before Scott's wager] We've got about a minute to go.) ... (Scott: Uh, what is sight and taste?) (Alex: Oh, sorry. [*]. "Come See About Me" and "I Hear A Symphony".)
seeing & hearing
Ordered by Lincoln in April 1861, this naval action played a major role in the Union Civil War victory |
(Scott: What is Rollins?)
the Union blockade
Pacific Coast, International, & American Association are leagues in this class of baseball |
(Jorge: What is 3A? [*].) (Alex: Okay. Good thing you got it in before I said no.)
triple A