Jeopardy! Round responses
(Bruce: What is Ghostbusters?) (Alex: Be more specific.)
Ghostbusters II
(Donna: What is so beaut--what is so beautiful?)
(Alex: Donna, do you have a response for me?) (Donna: No, I don't know it.) (Alex: That's too bad, the song is called "Naughty Girls (Need Love Too)" and the singer, the performer, is [*].) ... [The end-of-round signal sounds and the song was not reprised going into the break.]
Samantha Fox
(Alex: In Dead Poets Society, yes.)
Robin Williams
(Mark: What are cedars?)
(Mark: What is Libya?)
South Africa
[ERRATUM: "Ambruster" was misspelled in the clue as shown.]
Fred Astaire
(Bruce: What is a porc--what is porkie?) ... (Alex: Less than a minute to go.)
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):
Bruce |
Donna |
Mark |
$1,400 |
$800 |
$1,100 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Bruce |
Donna |
Mark |
$1,700 |
$1,000 |
$1,900 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
(1 of) Barbara Walters (or Howard K. Smith)
[NOTE: This was the 485,000th clue entered into the J! Archive, on 2023-06-25.]
(Donna: Who is Tom Brokaw?) (Bruce: Who is David Brinkley?)
John Chancellor
(Alex: [Prior to the wager] We have about a minute left in this round.)
New Hampshire
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
(Alex: Obviously, you do not stay up that late.)
Charlie Rose
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Bruce |
Donna |
Mark |
$7,600 |
$4,000 |
$7,200 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
[Mark's handwriting was very difficult to read and it's a guess for how he spelled the surnames.]Donna | Who is Fleming & Summers | $4,000 | Mark | Who are Peggy Flemming & Dorothy Hamell | $7,200 | Bruce | Who is Linda Fratianne & Dorothy Hamill | $6,950 | Peggy Fleming & Dorothy Hamill |
Final scores:
Bruce |
Donna |
Mark |
$650 |
$0 |
$14,400 |
Game dynamics:
Bruce |
Donna |
Mark |
$6,100 |
$4,400 |
$5,500 |
Game tape date: 1989-09-12
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