Jeopardy! Round responses
(Bruce: What are mold?)
[ERRATUM: Not the Aztecs, but an older Mesoamerican civilization built the pyramids. The Teotihuacan state peaked a full millennium before the Aztec Empire began to rise.]
the Sun & the Moon
(Scott: What is the VFW?) ... (Alex: We have less than a minute to go.)
the American Legion
(Ellen: What is F-E-L-L-I-N-I?) (Alex: And I need his first name spelled as well.)
(Bruce: What is lava?)
(Scott: What is the green shift?)
the red shift
(Scott: I don't know.)
the Tuileries
(Angie) D-I-C-K-I-N-S-O-N
(Alex: Beautiful lady.)
(Cyd) C-H-A-R-I-S-S-E
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):
Scott |
Ellen |
Bruce |
$600 |
$900 |
$1,300 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Scott |
Ellen |
Bruce |
$2,000 |
$2,700 |
$2,200 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas
(Alex: By Hector Berlioz.)
the Trojan Horse
(Scott: What is DeGroots?)
De Beers
(Ellen: Who is Mamie Eisenhower?)
Bess Truman
(Alex: Yes, by Virgil.)
the Aeneid
Mrs. Zachary (Margaret) Taylor
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Scott |
Ellen |
Bruce |
$7,400 |
$8,100 |
$6,200 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: You had to think of shaving, [*], is the safety razor.)Bruce | Who was Kleenex? | $6,200 | Scott | Who is Eastman? | $7,300 | Ellen | Who was Kimberly? | $6,800 | King Gillette |
Final scores:
Scott |
Ellen |
Bruce |
$100 |
$1,300 |
$0 |
Game dynamics:
Scott |
Ellen |
Bruce |
$6,700 |
$9,100 |
$6,200 |
Game tape date: 1991-08-06
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