[<< previous game]
Brad Rutter, the biggest money winner from Los Angeles, California (subtotal of 0)
Ken Jennings, the winner of 74 consecutive games from Seattle, Washington (subtotal of 65,600)
James Holzhauer, the setter of 20 Jeopardy! records from Las Vegas, Nevada (subtotal of 34,181)
Jeopardy! Round responses
[No applause for James's run of the category]
Grover Cleveland
(Ken: What is You Oughta Know?)
Jagged Little Pill
[Alex reads the phrase "classic pranks" in an exaggerated voice.]
(Alex: Yes--MM.)
Mark McGwire
(Alex: Yes--CC, 200.) (Brad: Uhh... let's stick with, uh, ROMAN NUMERALS and... whatnot for 400.)
Clive Cussler
[NOTE: Ken selected the first clue.]
[Snickers at Ken's look of befuddlement] (Alex: Hurry.) (Ken: Who is...) [The signal sounds.] (Ken: Charles Lindbergh? [Chortles]) [Laughter] (Alex: Who--you had the initials right.) (Ken: Yeah, who is it?) (Alex: [*]!) (Ken: Oh, of course! [*].) (Alex: [*]. All right!) (Ken: Seattle is gonna love me--they're not fans.) (Alex: Your score is still up on the board--0.) [Laughter]
Courtney Love
(James: What is a dactyl?)
(Alex: Yes--90, XC.)
Xavier Cugat
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
James |
Ken |
Brad |
8,200 |
5,600 |
1,000 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
[Brad responds in a mumbled voice, imitating the commercial referenced in the clue.]
Aaron Burr
[Brad imitates Sean Connery when selecting the clue.]
an asteroid
(Alex: Yeah, great place to visit, obviously!)
(James: What is [singing] [*]?) (Alex: [*], yes.) [Ken silently laughs.]
an iron hand in a velvet glove
(Alex: [Imitating [*]] A-one, and a-two, a-Lawrence a-Welk-a.) [Laughter] (Ken: Right.)
Lawrence Welk
(Ken: There is a case to be made for a small wager here.) (James: No, there isn't!) [Laughter]
Adlai Stevenson
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
James |
Ken |
Brad |
44,000 |
23,000 |
1,400 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: [Revealing Brad's response] Thank you so much!) (Brad: It's true, and I should get credit for it!) (Alex: Okay.) [Laughter and applause] ... (Alex: we come to James Holzhauer, who could win the match. He had 44,000. Did he come up with [*]?) [James's response is revealed.] (Alex: He did not, and it doesn't matter; your wager--44,000. Ken Jennings, you are the champion!) [Applause and cheering] ... (Alex: It has taken fifteen years for Ken Jennings to finally answer the question: "Is he as good as he appeared to be in that great run on Jeopardy!?" Brad, James, come on over here, please.) [Applause] (Alex: [Raising Ken's hand] The greatest-of-all-time Jeopardy! champion! Thank you so much, so long, everybody.)Brad | Who is you're the best, Alex! | 0 | Ken | Who is Iago? | 0 | James | Who is Horatio? | 44,000 | Iago |
Final scores:
James |
Ken |
Brad |
0 |
23,000 |
1,400 |
Cumulative scores:
James |
Ken |
Brad |
34,181 |
88,600 |
1,400 |
Game dynamics:
James |
Ken |
Brad |
25,400 |
21,000 |
1,400 |
Game tape date: Unknown
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