Jeopardy! Round responses
the Emancipation Proclamation
(Ken: What is [*] negative?)
(Ken: I get to say it to Alex! What is [*]?) (Alex: Thank you!) [Laughter] (Alex: [Smiling] Thank you.)
"OK boomer"
(James: Ha ha ha!) (Alex: Ha ha ha, indeed.) (James: [Waving an imaginary wand] Presto chango, 5,000.) ... (James: What is... diamond?) ... (Alex: All right, you're tied with Ken and Brad.) [Ken laughs because they are all tied at zero.]
(Alex: "What is [*]?", not your own booze.) [James and Ken chuckle.]
bring your own device
[NOTE: Brad selected the first clue.]
(Ken: [Selecting the next clue] I just want to hear the voice!)
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
James |
Ken |
Brad |
4,200 |
6,000 |
600 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
(Ken: I also reek of Grieg--uh, cow-turds and super-Norwegianism.) [Laughter]
the Mountain King
(Ken: What is [*]?) (Alex: Yes.) (Ken: [**]?)
La Belle et la Bête (Beauty and the Beast)
(James: Uhh, uh-oh... [Chuckles and shakes head])
(Ken: What is Emperor?) [Ken appears to realize his mistake.]
(Brad: [To Ken, after selecting the Daily Double and thus keeping James from it] You're welcome.) [Brad laughs; Ken pats Brad on the back.] ... (Alex: You're at 6,000 points; you're in second place!) (Brad: Hey!)
(Brad: Who is Irving Stone?)
Walter Isaacson
(James: What is the Columbia?)
the Snake
(James: What's a syzygy?)
the ecliptic
(Brad: [Whispering] Oh, right...) (James: [Looking at Brad] Don't you work here?) [Ken and Brad chuckle]
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
James |
Ken |
Brad |
7,400 |
17,600 |
10,000 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: [To James] And you wrote down there, "Who is the GHOST? (Greatest Host of Syndicated TV)", and you started to write Pat Sajak, is that right?) (James: [Looking around and shrugging] What?!) [Laughter] (Alex: I wish you had risked more points.) [James laughs.] ... (Alex: [After Brad explains his response] Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to welcome you to the Jeopardy! Comedy Hour.) ... (Ken: [Before his response is revealed] I'm gonna do a tight five minutes on airline food before we...) [Laughter]James | Who is the GHOST? (Greatest Host of Syndicated TV) Pat Saj Alex Trebek | 908 | Brad | Who Ken es el hombre ----------- Eagles Super Bowl LII champs | 4,133 | Ken | Who are Lee and Gonzalez-Inarritu? | 1,200 | Ang Lee & Alfonso Cuarón |
Final scores:
James |
Ken |
Brad |
6,492 |
16,400 |
5,867 |
Cumulative scores:
James |
Ken |
Brad |
33,692 |
67,600 |
23,467 |
Game dynamics:
James |
Ken |
Brad |
12,400 |
17,600 |
8,600 |
Game tape date: Unknown
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