Jeopardy! Round responses
(Aimee: What is [*]?) (Alex: That's it; in what year?) (Aimee: 1990.) (Alex: Right.)
April 1
(Aimee: What is Hanes?)
Fruit of the Loom
(Alex: And we have less than a minute to go.)
Lyndon Johnson
[Alex reads "EDT" as "Eastern Daylight Time".]
a second
the Department of Agriculture
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):
Claudia |
Damon |
Aimee |
$3,500 |
$200 |
$600 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Claudia |
Damon |
Aimee |
$5,200 |
$1,100 |
$2,000 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
(Claudia: SCULPTURE, $400.) [The end-of-round signal sounds.] ... (Alex: This is going right down to the wire in Final Jeopardy!--I love it!)
(Alex: It's fun when you get to ask the question.)
(Claudia: What is Czechoslovakia?) (Aimee: What is Germany?)
(Alex: [*] is right, and we have a minute to go.)
(Aimee: What is... Deerslayer?) (Alex: No, Deerslayer was not by Hawthorne; it was James Fenimore Cooper.) (Aimee: [Holds her hand on her forehead] Oh.) (Alex: You had to go to The House--) (Aimee: [Chuckles] It--It was Moby-Dick.) (Alex: Not Moby-Dick either; that's--) (Aimee: Oh, was it?) (Alex: --Herman Melville.) [Laughter] (Alex: It's, uh, [*].) (Aimee: Oh, why would I have wrong anyway?) [Aimee murmurs something unintelligible; the audience laughs.] (Alex: All right, good attitude! Let's start building again. Positive, Aimee; be positive.)
The House of the Seven Gables
(Claudia: Who is Rodin?) ... (Alex: You're a little too early with Rodin; [*] is the sculptor.)
(Claudia: What is Ninotchka?)
Grand Hotel
(Claudia: What is "The Wind and the Lion"?) ... (Alex: Same star, Sean Connery, but this was [*]--king of Kafiristan.)
"The Man Who Would Be King"
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Claudia |
Damon |
Aimee |
$7,000 |
$6,900 |
$4,800 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: [To Claudia] She wrote down her response quickly. She does that often on these Final Jeopardy!s. Usually, she's right. She picked, "What is [*]?" "Rising from the ruins"--[*] rose from the ashes--you are correct.) [Claudia shakes her head and laughs.] ... (Alex: Way to go! Congratulations to you and your mom, who encouraged you and trained you.)Aimee | What is Santa Fe? | $4,500 | Damon | What is Cheyenne? | $3,100 | Claudia | What is Phoenix? | $3,001 | Phoenix |
Final scores:
Claudia |
Damon |
Aimee |
$10,001 |
$3,800 |
$300 |
Game dynamics:
Claudia |
Damon |
Aimee |
$6,500 |
$4,500 |
$6,800 |
Game tape date: 1996-10-24
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