Show #9287 - Tuesday, March 11, 2025


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James Corson, a nuclear engineer from Frederick, Maryland

Emily Johnson, a teacher from Savannah, Georgia

Harvey Silikovitz, an attorney and worldwide karaoke singer originally from West Orange, New Jersey (whose 1-day cash winnings total $23,600)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 25
Vance Joy wrote a chill song named this, what NOAA says a rip current is "sometimes incorrectly called"
    $200 30
Feel free to ring in if you know that this object was featured on the first Forever stamps, issued in 2007
    $200 29
This word can refer to a detective who's tough & unsentimental or an egg cooked until the yolk is solid
    $200 27
Her "An Old-Fashioned Girl" wasn't quite as popular as her "Little Women"
    $200 28
Men's Journal says, "if you want big arms", do these, bending the elbow with a weight (not a drink) in your hand
    $200 26
October 25, 1929, Buffalo Evening News:
"Curious Throng" this street "as Crash Wipes Out Fortunes"
    $400 22
This singer born in Hawaii sang about making banana pancakes on a rainy day
    $400 24
Batter up for this baseball legend featured on a 2024 stamp as a member of the Atlanta Braves
    $400 21
It describes a statue of Julius Randle that's 6'8" tall
    $400 20
Legend has it when a British captain asked him to surrender in 1779, he replied, "I have not yet begun to fight!"
    $400 23
Incorrect efforts to get ripped these muscles can lead to diastasis recti, often but not always a postpartum condition
    $400 17
May 1915, The Taunton Courier:
This ship "torpedoed without warning... what will America do?"
    $600 5
A chill song by the band Magic! about a dad not liking his daughter's suitor asked, "Why you gotta be so" this title word?
    DD: $1,400 6
A stamp celebrating the 50th anniversary of this observance went on sale in April 2020
    $600 9
In many pageants, the person finishing third is designated the second this
    $600 16
The canonization of Joan of Arc in 1920 renewed his interest in writing a play about her, which he did a few years later
    $600 8
This is said to be the most common question in the gym; if your answer is twice your body weight, you must have some major pecs
    $600 7
July 23, 1934, the Chicago Daily Tribune:
"Kill" this man "Here"--"2 women wounded as outlaw falls on Lincoln Ave."
    $800 13
"End Of Beginning" is a chill song by this musician & actor, you know, Steve with the hair on "Stranger Things"
    $800 4
This Pennsylvania-born man known for his graffiti art was honored in 2025 with Love stamps featuring his work
    $800 15
This adjective means as deeply dark as tar or asphalt
    $800 2
He's the man seen here with his proposed design for a 528-story office building
    $800 18
Hannibal Lanham, aka Hannibal For King, popularized these, using your body weight & from Greek for "beautiful" & "strength"
    $800 12
December 28, 1989, The Statesman Journal:
"Troops attack" this Central American leader "with rock music"
    $1000 14
Their self-titled 1996 album included chill tracks like "Doin' Time" & "What I Got"
    $1000 3
A Forever stamp from 2022 honoring this author featured an illustration from his "The Giving Tree"
    $1000 11
Hyphenated term meaning a frantic final effort made to avoid disaster, not a final long, narrow excavation
    $1000 1
In the first issue of his newspaper the Liberator, he called for the immediate emancipation of all slaves
    $1000 19
Fun for no one, these take you from squat to plank to squat ad nauseam; add weights & they're known as man makers
    $1000 10
1954, The Rutland Herald:
"U.S. airlifting paratroops from France to" this Colonial region

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Harvey Emily James
$2,400 $2,800 $5,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Harvey Emily James
$3,600 $5,600 $7,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: With an "O".)
(Ken: That's a very bad grade.)
(Ken: In this category, you need to give us two words; one is the reverse of the other.)
    $400 26
In 2003, a brass cap was inserted into the 13th step of this city's capitol building, marking 5,280 feet above sea level
    $400 25
Walter Scott printed more than the legend when he gave the novel treatment to this highland outlaw
    $400 28
In 2024 this service signed podcast king Joe Rogan to a reported $250 million deal
    $400 27
In service since 1764, the oldest of these navigational aids still operating in the U.S. is the one at Sandy Hook, New Jersey
    $400 29
In algebra, it's a letter or symbol that stands in for an unknown value
    $400 30
The bottom of a boat
an onion relative
    $800 17
Frankfort's capitol features 4 dome murals, one of which depicts distillery warehouses & a man rolling a barrel of this
    $800 16
The car in the title is involved in a mass runover at the start of this Stephen King novel
    $800 23
Founded in 1915, King Features controls beloved characters like this one, played by the late Shelley Duvall
    $800 15
After the Sun, the closest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri, at a mere 25 trillion miles away, or 4.2 of these units
    $800 18
For a sphere, this measure is (4/3) pi r3
    $800 22
French mineral water brand
    $1200 3
Massachusetts' state house sits atop this Boston Hill on land that once served as John Hancock's cow pasture
    $1200 1
This Thomas Mann novel tells the story of Swiss sanatorium patients
    $1200 12
In 2024 nepo billionaire David Ellison made a deal to acquire control of this studio that made 2 "Top Gun"s & "Double Indemnity"
    $1200 10
As Angela Bower, Judith Light was the sitcom mom on this TV show
    $1200 5
A number that can be made by multiplying digits within it, like 1,260=21 x 60, is this monstrous type; 21 & 60 are the "fangs"
    $1200 21
End-of-meal treats like cupcakes, brownies & pies
a word preceding "out" when feeling tense or anxious
    $1600 4
The two legislative chambers of this city's capitol building are cone-shaped to resemble volcanoes
    $1600 2
In this Kipling tale young Harvey is rescued from the sea & gets life lessons helping on a fishing boat
    $1600 11
Turns out refereeing videotaped binding arbitration on TV is profitable, as Forbes pegged her 2024 net worth at $560 million
    $1600 13
From the Italian for bright & dark, it's the artistic technique El Greco used here to represent light & shadow in paintings
    $1600 6
As they share a common vertex, angles A & B are said to be this type; note that A is directly on top of B
    DD: $4,000 20
Slightly open
an Indian noble
    $2000 8
The only circular capitol in the U.S., this city's Roundhouse resembles the Zia sun symbol
    DD: $10,000 9
"That illustrious man mounted into the Windsor chair... and addressed the club" is a line from this Dickens work
    $2000 24
Vanilla Ice recalls meeting this record mogul on a balcony but says he was never held by his feet & dangled off said balcony
    $2000 14
Physics describes light as 2 things at once: a subatomic one of these & one of these disturbances
    $2000 7
Velocity is this type of quantity that has both magnitude & direction
    $2000 19

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Harvey Emily James
$6,800 $20,800 $29,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Traveling in 1811 to an elevation of about 12,000 feet, Thomas Manning was the first Englishman to meet this figure

Final scores:

Harvey Emily James
$13,600 $24,800 $42,000
3rd place: $2,000 2nd place: $3,000 New champion: $42,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Harvey Emily James
$6,800 $18,400 $20,200
13 R,
2 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $45,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2025-01-27
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