Show #9286 - Monday, March 10, 2025

Laura Faddah game 9.


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Sabrina Blanks, a microcrochet artist from Rock Hill, South Carolina

Harvey Silikovitz, an attorney and worldwide karaoke singer originally from West Orange, New Jersey

Laura Faddah, a manager from Memphis, Tennessee (whose 8-day cash winnings total $92,599)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: That's all the letters you'll need in each response.)
    $200 29
The outside edge of a book's binding with this anatomical name can also be called its backbone or shelfback
    $200 27
There's a buoy but no island at Null Island at zero degrees latitude & zero degrees longitude in the eastern part of this ocean
    $200 15
It's the part of a tooth above the gumline, or the gold cap that might go over it
    $200 25
"Holder of more than a score of Major and American League records, including that of playing 2,130 consecutive games"
    $200 12
This Wisconsin city sits on the spot where the Fox River empties into a certain body of water
    $200 23
To look upon someone with approval, whether secretly or not
    $400 28
Jade 403 is sold as "bookbinding" this adhesive; it's acid free & fast drying
    $400 26
You can indeed see orcas around Orcas Island in this Pacific Northwest sound
    $400 16
Wisdom teeth are the most likely to become this, meaning unable to break through the gumline
    $400 24
"Big Papi... took the Red Sox... to three World Series titles... eight times named top designated hitter"
    $400 22
The Vegas of yore, Gretna Green in this country was a haven for young lovers who eloped
    $400 30
What's on this list of things to be discussed or done?
    $600 14
The inner & empty margin of a book is named this, like a water channel on a roof
    DD: $1,000 2
The name of this South American capital refers to a feast day honoring the Virgin Mary
    $600 17
Which is more pleasant? Being grilled by me or undergoing this procedure also known as endodontic therapy?
    $600 5
"Lifetime benchmarks include 5,714 strikeouts, seven no-hitters and 12 one-hitters in 27 seasons pitched"
    $600 21
Sacré bleu! It's the 2-word French term for green beans or string beans
    $600 11
Oui, I will have this cream-filled pastry; in fact, make it deux
    $800 8
The oxidized reddish-brown spots on old books are named after the reddish-brown coat of this wild canine
    $800 1
I'll always treasure my climb up 11,000-foot Cerro Gordo in this great mountain system of Mexico
    $800 18
If you need a tooth pulled, your dentist will extract it with this tool with a plural-sounding name (& no, it's not "pliers")
    $800 4
A beacon of serenity & stature in the dugout... led Yankees to post-season in each of his 12 seasons at the helm
    $800 20
Ethan Allen & Benedict Arnold captured Fort Ticonderoga with this group
    $800 10
Something tough to understand, like an inscrutable person
    $1000 7
Dover Books' "Medieval and Renaissance Fashion" has "90 full-color" these illuminating illustrations on special paper
    $1000 6
Visit the Free State National Gardens on your next trip to this one of South Africa's capital cities aka "the city of roses"
    $1000 19
This jelly-like stuff at the center of a tooth contains blood vessels, connective tissues & (ouch!) nerves
    $1000 3
"Helped lead the Cardinals to three World Series... trademark back flip made 'The Wizard' a fan favorite"
    $1000 13
Marilyn Nelson's poem "Green-Thumb Boy" celebrates this agricultural genius she calls "the Black Mendel"
    $1000 9
This white radish is widely used in Asian cuisine

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Laura Harvey Sabrina
$1,000 $7,200 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Laura Harvey Sabrina
$1,800 $11,200 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 24
In "The Minister's Vigil" chapter of this book, a minister sees a meteor's streak forming a dark red "A" in the sky
    $400 25
Australia's military commitment to this conflict peaked at more than 7,000 men in 1969
    $400 30
Training your dog to do this begins with the "lie down" command; then comes the finger gun & "bang!"
    $400 11
While teaching acting at Howard University, Phylicia Rashad mentored this future "Black Panther"
    $400 23
The design of this this country's Hallgrímskirkja was inspired by the natural landscape & some say by Thor's hammer as well
    $400 1
The only U.S. House standing committee with the same number of members from each party is this one that polices member misconduct
    DD: $6,000 18
This 6th grader & title character says, "I've been looking for you God. I looked in temple. I looked in church"
    $800 17
The 1851 discovery of this transformed the city of Ballarat, a place that's pivotal in a Sherlock Holmes story
    $800 26
Don't listen to this command when you're on the edge of a swimming pool, but do when you're a soldier told to join a formation
    $800 10
Saoirse Ronan said of this mentor who directed her in 2 films, "She's everything I want to be as an actor & a filmmaker"
    $800 22
In 1775 2 lit lanterns seen in its steeple signaled that the British were coming, & not by land but by sea
    $800 29
In golf, it's the term for 2 strokes under par
    $1200 5
Milkman Dead travels to Shalimar & hears a song about his great-grandfather flying in this Toni Morrison work
    $1200 3
In 1877 this westernmost state capital was finally connected to the eastern states by telegraph
    $1200 7
At the Texas Motor Speedway in 2023, Jelly Roll did not hold back giving the command "Drivers," do this
    $1200 2
Colin Firth said this actor who played the snide Severus Snape took Colin under his wing & offered "personal wisdom"
    DD: $3,000 12
This domed cathedral on Ludgate Hill in London was one of the inspirations for the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.
    $1200 28
Harvested prior to maturing, they're a yummy low-calorie snack
    $1600 6
Remedios the beauty, the daughter of Arcadio, mysteriously floats up to the heavens in this 1967 novel
    $1600 4
Though a 2002 attack there killed 88 Aussies, Oz still contributes 1/4 of foreign visitors to this Indonesian isle
    $1600 8
Child experts emphasize positive commands, like "use" this for within 4 walls, not "quit yelling before daddy gets a migraine"
    $1600 9
Can we talk? She may have come off as harsh & mean, but to Margaret Cho, this funny lady was "gentle and loving and warm"
    $1600 13
This Spaniard laid the first stone for the Cathedral Basilica of Lima in 1535 & was buried there after his murder
    $1600 21
This 11-letter word refers to underfired porous pottery made from coarse-grain clay
    $2000 16
In a Henry James novella, this title American girl sends Winterbourne a "D.M." & asks if he remembers their time at Chillon Castle
    $2000 15
In 1797, this Spanish breed of sheep was introduced & within a few decades wool became Australia's major export
    $2000 19
It's the grammatical mood suited to commands, from "Take cover!" to "Kiss me!"
    $2000 27
(Sheryl Lee Ralph presents the clue.) I got my first break & my first film role when this legend hired me to play an outspoken teen named Barbara Hanley in 1977's "A Piece of the Action"; he became a mentor offering encouragement & advice at the start of my career, lessons that I still carry with me
    $2000 14
Legend says Ivan the Terrible had the builder of this cathedral blinded, so he'd never again build anything as beautiful
    $2000 20
Early Norse myth is the subject of the 13th century books called the Poetic & Prose these

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Laura Harvey Sabrina
$11,200 $36,800 $4,400
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

A dark blue square in the upper left corner of the flag of this country represents the continent of Africa

Final scores:

Laura Harvey Sabrina
$11,200 $23,600 $8,798
2nd place: $3,000 New champion: $23,600 3rd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Laura Harvey Sabrina
$9,400 $31,200 $4,400
10 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
35 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
7 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $45,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2025-01-27
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